Chapter 2

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Mason's POV

As I turn around to close the door, Oliver leaves my side to go sit on the couch in the living room.

I much preferred to live in the apartment in the pack house, but it only had five rooms, and our family outgrown it, much to my parents displeasure.

So, they had to build a house, and it's one of two houses in the pack.

The other one is at the border of the pack, and my parents never wanted to tell me who's inside of it, or why is it fenced.

I go towards the living room too when I hear Oliver start to cry quietly.

But when I pass my father in the hallway, he expertly makes me lose my footing, and he forces me onto my knees.

I swear at myself for letting myself get distracted, and I close my eyes when I hear him get his belt out of his pants.

"Don't think that I don't know that you skipped the school again." He says, and he starts to hit my clothed ass very hardly with the belt.

I can see my dad standing in the doorway of the living room, looking at me and papa.

I know that he doesn't like to see any of his children being hurt, but spanking me and my siblings for disobeying him, became my papa's favourite thing to do.

He cares deeply for all eight of us, even though he didn't want to have this many children.

But he hated any sort of disobedience that comes from us, and spanking seems to work best as a punishment, at least for most of us.

He keeps going until I can't take it anymore, and I start to plead for forgiveness while trying to get away from him, but his grip is a lot stronger than what I can fight against.

"I don't get why you keep disobeying me so much, I probably should give you a different punishment, but you really hate this one, and you still disobey so it will most likely not work anyway." He says, once I'm a sobbing mess, he steps aside to look at me as I try to get myself together, so I can stand up.

"You're way to stubborn for my liking, you will just get in trouble again tomorrow." He says, and he sighs in disappointment, thinking about how many times I did something that I shouldn't have done.

"Leave him, he got his punishment already." Dad says, and papa goes toward him, kissing him when he passes him as he goes inside rhe living room to continue his conversation with Oliver.

Dad looks at me for a while longer, making sure that I will be alright on my own, and then he follows papa.

I go up the stairs to my bedroom, wincing at the burning pain, at least it will disappear quickly enough thanks to the werewolf genes.

He wouldn't have hit Oliver this hard, and I'm very glad about that, since he's an Omega, and his healing would have taken lot longer.

I quickly undress to my boxers, and I slide into my bed to lay down until the pain will fade.

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