Chapter 26

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Mason's POV

"Yeah, it seems so." I say, and I go to sit on the other couch.

"I refuse to call you a father, just so you know." Tyler says, looking at me with a warning glare, daring me to argue.

"I think I should be your friend from now on. I don't feel comfortable being your brother." I say, and they nod.

"It will be hell to get used to it." Denver says, and Tyler agrees.

"Did you know that they're mates?" Oliver asks accusingly.

"We overheard yesterday." Tyler informs him.

"Alright then, I would have been angry if you knew for more than a week, just so you know." Oliver says.

"We were planning to tell everyone soon." Timmy says, assuring Oliver that it wasn't kept just from him.

Right then, the rest of the kids come downstairs, probably ready for breakfast.

"Tell everyone what?" Scott ask curiously.

Carter starts to explain it all to the kids, letting me, and Timmy relax on the couch.

After millions of questions, the kids finally know everything that they want to know, and Timmy tells us all to go to the dining room for breakfast, which was prepared the night before.

We all eat with casual conversations, as usual, and when we are done, Carter tells the older kids to watch the younger ones, while the three of us go upstairs for a nap.

We lay down on our bed, this time with Timmy in the middle, and we close our eyes cuddling up together.

We don't even have a chance to fall asleep, and the alarm goes off, signalling that we are under an attack.

We rush out of the bed, and Carter makes sure that we are safe in the safe room, that is under our house, since it's not very safe to go to the pack house to hide there.

When he's sure that we will be alright, he tells us to lock the door, and he goes to help the warriors that are most likely already fighting.

We didn't have any attack for a few years, actually there was only one that I can remember, it was few years ago, a big group of rouges attacked us.

Other than that, there wasn't anything like that going on, so I would be lying if I said that I'm not slightly scared.

Timmy tries to comfort the younger kids, all of them are crying, except for Reggie, who seems to be the calmest of us all.

We sit here for about two hours, before Carter comes back, and he tells us to open the door.

We do so quickly, and we walk out, happy to be outside of the small room.

"What happened?" Timmy asks curiously.

"A pack of rouges again, we killed most of them, but we took a few rouges to the cellars, so we can question them." He says, and he hugs Timmy tightly.

We decide to eat something again, since the stress made all of us hungry again.

"See that's why you have to have the basic training, so you can protect the pack in situations like this." Carter starts the explain, making me look at him.

"If I let everyone choose if they want to train or not, than more than a half of them would have not bothered to train, and we would have almost no defence, we all would have died today, and there would be no laws, since there would be no people to follow them." He tells me.

"Okay." I tell him, not knowing how to answer.

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