Chapter 40

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Mason's POV

I sit with Timmy on the couch, eating some snacks, while we cuddle in silence.

Timmy wanted to spend some time with me, somewhere quiet, so I suggested to go on a walk into the woods, since that is the quietest place in the pack.

But he said that he won't be able to walk for more than few minutes, with this huge stomach that he has to carry.

So, we decided to send all of the kids to the pack house, to spend their time there, while we sit in our house without any noise other than the one that we make.

Carter will be joining us soon, he has to do few things first, so we just cuddle alone while waiting for him.

"I wonder for how many more days you will be pregnant." I tell him.

"No more than a day." He says with a sigh, and I turn to face him properly.

"What do you mean? How do you know?" I ask him, with a frown on my face.

"Well, this baby is already wanting to get out." He informs me, looking at the floor.

"Are you giving birth?" I ask, wondering why he didn't tell me sooner.

"Maybe." He says.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask him.

"Because I was hoping that I could keep it to myself until it's time to push out, so Carter won't make me go to the mating room, and I will give birth somewhere in the house." He explains.

"Then why are you telling me?" I ask, not knowing how to react to that.

"Because this baby wants to get out, right now." He says, and I can see the pain on his face.

"Right now? Are you about to push it out?" I ask, starting to panic.

"Yes. Can you carry me to out bedroom?" He asks, and I quickly pick him up, before I carry him there.

"You have to help me get out of those clothes, and then you will have to get some towels." He says calmly, which helps me calm myself.

I make sure that he's comfortable on the bed, and then I do as I was told.

When I have the towels, and Timmy's clothes are off, I sit in front of his legs, and I can already see that the head of the baby is ready to get out.

I think that he learned  to accept the pain that comes with giving birth, after doing it seven times already.

I hear the front door open, and I know that it's Carter.

He comes upstairs, probably looking for us, and soon he opens the bedroom door, taking in what is happening.

"Goddess, why didn't you tell us that you're giving birth?!" Carter asks, a little anger in his voice.

"Come over here." Timmy tells him, and Carter comes to sit next to me, swearing under his breath when he sees how close to giving birth Timmy is.

Before anything else can be said, Timmy pushes hardly, and we hold his hands tightly, when he starts to scream in pain.

Few pushes later the baby slides out of him, and he takes a few deep breaths.

Carter takes the baby in his hands, and he cleans him gently with one of the towels, before he gives the baby to Timmy.

"How are we going to name him?" I ask, we didn't even think about it.

"How about Hugh?" Carter asks.

"Yeah, it sounds great." Timmy and I say at the same time.

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