Chapter 12

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Mason's POV

"I don't think it's a good idea, Denver." I hear papa say, when I walk downstairs the next morning.

"But why not, maybe it will work." Denver argues.

"What are you two arguing about today?" I ask, joining then at the dining table, and I steal a slice of Denver's pizza.

"I want to try to pass the Alpha ceremony, but papa said that he won't let me do it, because he believes that it will just cause me pain, and that it won't work anyway." Denver says.

"I would have let him try if I were you." I tell papa. "It was supposed to be his position after all." I continue.

"If I knew that he will be a boy, then I would have come back quicker no matter what, but we were told that he will be a girl, so I didn't think that it would affect the position that much." He admits.

"Also, when Tyler was born, I have already said that he is the heir, since we already knew that Oliver will be an Omega, so we should just stick to that." He say.

"But it's not fair, I'm your first born son, I'm the real heir. " Denver says.

"You were supposed to be the heir, but because I wasn't with your dad when he was giving birth to you, you unfortunately lost that title, Denver." Papa says, trying to explain it to Denver for the millionth time.

"But I want to be an Alpha." Denver tells him.

"We don't get what we want every time, so you should just concentrate on what you have, and what you will will have, instead of what you could have." Papa tells him.

"I still want to do the Alpha ceremony, because of your absence I didn't have the title assured right after birth, so the least you can do, is to let me try to earn it." Denver says.

"Alright, I'll think about it, I don't plan to give anyone the position for a long time anyway, so we'll see if you still want it when the time comes." Papa says, and I give him a grateful look for even considering it.

I think that Denver would be a great Alpha, he's a little bit too aggressive sometimes, but he's a young boy, barely a teenager, so he can be excused for now.

"Whatever." Denver says, and he tries to take the last slice of pizza that rested on his plate, before I took it.

When he realises that there's nothing left, he looks at me with an accusing glare.

"I didn't take anything." I say.

"It sure as hell looks like you didn't." He says, and he points at my hand that holds a little bit of the pizza, since I haven't finished it yet, and I look at it too.

"Alright, I might have taken it." I confirm.

"I will kill you." He says, and I stand up from the chair that I was sitting on, before I start running around the house, hoping to lose him.

I run around the ground floor of our house for a bit, before I go upstairs, and I open the first door the I can reach, and that is the door of my parents' room.

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