Chapter 11

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Mason's POV

"Nothing is going on." Papa says.

"Well, I saw that you were kissing, so please explain to me how is that nothing." Dad demands.

"We were caught up in a moment." Papa responds, and I nod.

"Please tell me that you weren't about to mate." Dad pleads.

"We weren't, papa was just giving me a back massage before we kissed." I say.

"Alright you know what, I'm tired, we will talk about it tomorrow, for now you are coming with me, and I dare you to try to sneak out of bed again." He says pointing at papa, who nods, and he obediently goes towards dad, leading him out of the room.

I lay on my bed for a while, before I decide that I won't be able to fall asleep right now, so I to go downstairs, but I stop at the door of my parents.

I know that it's a bad idea, but I decide to open the door a little bit, and to my surprise I actually see what I was hoping for, but this time I open the door wider, to let papa know that I'm here, wanting to see his reaction.

He turns towards me when he sniffs me out, and smirks at me before going back to his task.

I smile to myself, watching them as they mate for a while longer, but soon I decide to close the door, and I leave them alone for now.

I go downstairs, and I do a few sandwiches for myself, before I take them to the living room, and I eat them in silence.

"Why were you watching them while they mated? And why didn't papa say anything?" Denver asks, scaring me a ough to make me jump high in the air, almost costing me my sandwiches.

"It's not your business." I say, and he raises his eyebrow questioningly.

"I just don't get why you would want to do something like that." Denver says, and he sits next to me, stilling one of my sandwiches.

"I want a pizza. Why do you eat sandwiches so often?" He asks disapprovingly.

"Make yourself a pizza then, I made what I wanted." I say.

"I'm too lazy." He says. "Also, I heard that you actually stayed a whole day at school yesterday." He continues.

"Yeah, that was something." I say, and he chuckles at me.

"You are stupid." He says.

"You're just too young to understand what it is like to be in high school, but don't worry you are next." I say, and he groans.

"I hate school." He complains.

"Tell that to Oliver." I respond.

"I prefer not to get in this type of discussion with Oliver, it never ends well." He says, and I have to agree.

"I can't wait to get out of the pack lands through." He says.

"It's nothing great, we're only allowed to go to few cities that are nearby, it gets boring quickly." I say, before shrugging.

"Have you already seen everything?" He asks.

"Well not everything, but I did see a lot." I say, and he nods in acknowledgement.

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