Chapter 13

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Mason's POV

I run inside, and I quickly lock the door behind me.

I sigh in relieve, and I slide down to the floor, before I rest my back against the door.

It's not that I'm scared of Denver, but he has proven on many occasions, that he is strong enough to beat the hell out of me.

"What are you doing here." Papa asks.

"I'm trying to not get killed." I say, with a serious tone making them chuckle.

"Did he hit you again?" Dad asks, half concerned.

"He couldn't reach me, I'm still a little bit faster than him." I say, and I stand up to go towards their bed, so I can lay on the bed with them.

"I'm tired." I complain.

"You're tired because of some running? What will you do when you will be forced to train for hours with the pack?" Papa asks.

"I don't want to be a warrior, why do I have to have years of training if I will never fight after I finish the basic training?" I ask, before groaning.

"Because if there will be a serious attack, you will have to help defend the pack, and also it helps to minimalise the complaining of the people that can't train." He says.

"If they complain about it, then I just let them see what our training looks like, and they quickly decide that it's not for them, for some reason that doesn't work with Oliver through." He continues with a shrug.

"Does anything ever work with Oliver?" I ask, before chuckling.

"Not much." Dad says, and he laughs slightly.

"Yeah, that kid is way too stubborn, I wonder who did he get that from." Papa says, before he glares at dad.

"Dad is stubborn?" I ask.

"You don't even know half of it." Papa says.

I look at dad to see his reaction to what papa just said.

"I have no idea what he's talking about." Dad tells me, with a shrug.

"And he's a good liar." Papa says.

"Sure." I say, not believing him in the slightest.

Papa rolls his eyes at me, and he sits up.

"I'm bored." I say.

"Go find one of your siblings, in sure at least one of them will be willing to entertain you." Papa says dismissively.

"I might as well do that, you're boring." I say, and I try to get out of the bed, but I'm pulled in for a kiss by dad.

I look at him, and he just smiles, so I look at papa, and he has an expectant expression on his face, most likely waiting for me to kiss him.

So, I lean in to give him a kiss, and as I'm about to pull back he deepens the kiss, pulling me on top of him.

I kiss him for a while, before I turn back to dad to make out with him too, then I give papa one last kiss, and go out of the door, with a satisfied smile on my face.

I open the door and I'm greeted by Denver, who gives me a disgusted look.

"I don't want to know what was going on there, but I think your hair it saying it all." Denver says, before he turns around and he goes down the stairs.

I look back at my parents, dad looks at me with wide eyes, and papa just shrugs, unimpressed.

I shake my head, and I close the door, going down the stairs.

At least Denver forgot that he wanted to kill me.

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