Chapter 50

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Mason's POV

I wake up to the sound of vomiting, again, so I stand up, and I walk over to the bathroom.

I'm already used to seeing Timmy throw up, since I watched him do it almost every day for over four months, when he was pregnant with Hugh.

"Are you pregnant again." I asks him, slightly amused, then lean against the door frame.

"I hope I'm not." He says, before he throws up again.

I hear that Carter is getting out of bed, and soon he joins me in the doorway.

"Not again." He groans.

"Shut your mouth, you're not the one that will have to carry this child for the next few months." Timmy says angrily.

Carter and I look at each other, already knowing that he is pregnant again.

Timmy stands up after a while, and we decide to go to the Doctor before the kids wake up, so we won't have to force the older guys to watch the younger ones again.

We reach the pack house quickly, and we go straight to Doctor Zack's office.

"I'm not knocking on this door again." Carter says, clearly annoyed, and I roll my eyes, then go towards the door to knock on it.

Before I have a chance to do it, the door swings open, scaring me slightly, the Doctor looks at me for a few seconds before rolling his eyes, and he just goes towards one of the rooms.

We follow being him, and when we enter, he's already sitting in the chair, that is placed on the side of the bed.

Timmy goes to lay there, taking his shirt off on the way.

Doctor Zack pours the cold gel on Timmy's stomach again, and soon we are looking at a little dop on the screen.

"Congrats, you will have another kid." The Doctor says in excitement.

"Just great." Carter complains, with a groan.

It's amazing how much he hates the idea of having another kid, while he loves all of them anyway.

"Wait." Doctor Zack says.

"What?" Timmy asks, panicking a little bit.

"Nothing is wrong, just give me a second." He responds, while looking at the screen with a light frown, trying to make sure that he sees something correctly.

"There are two." He finally says.

"What do you mean?" Carter asks.

"You will be having twins." Doctor Zack informs us.

"Great." Carter says, with another groan.

"So, it's not just great, now it's great." I say laughing slightly, and Timmy joins me.

"Will my stomach be much bigger this time?" Timmy asks.

"Yes, it will be a bit bigger." The Doctor informs him and Timmy nods, before he cleans his stomach, while Doctor Zack goes outside to print the pictures.

He comes back quickly, and we take the pictures, before we go back to our house.

When we enter, the kids are already up, and they're waiting for breakfast in the living room.

"Where did you go?" Denver asks.

"To the pack hospital." I tell him, with a smirk.

"Are you having another baby?" Reggie asks.

"Yes." I say, and I show him the pictures.

"Why are there two drops this time?" He asks me.

"Because you will have two new siblings soon." I tell him, and he smiles brightly, before he runs to Carter and Timmy to hug them.

"Goddess. How many more kids will be welcomed to this family?" Tyler asks with a groan, making everyone laugh loudly.

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