Chapter 32

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Mason's POV

As expected, Carter almost never comes to the house, too busy planning the attack, to make sure that not many of our people will be killed.

The younger kids aren't very happy with his absence, except for Reggie who cares about little to nothing.

He's a perfect child, very quiet, and well behaved, he usually watches everyone, and he listens to our conversations without saying his opinion.

The only problem is that he likes to eve drop on people's conversations, although he never tells anyone what was being said, he just keeps it for himself.

He's also very good at calling lies, that's most likely the effect of watching people's every move.

I can already say that he will be the smartest of us all, and we will probably not even know it.

"Hi there." Carter says, waiving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking up at him from my seat, at the desk in my old room, where I try to do some boring homework.

This room will soon become a room for our new kid, since all of the rooms are already occupied, that also means that if we have any more kids, then some of the kids will have to share a bedroom, since both my mates refuse to build a new, bigger house.

"I was asking if you were going to bed, it's already late, and I have to be up very early." He repeats his question.

"Sure, let's go." I say, so he waits for me to close my book, and I follow him to our bedroom, where Timmy is already sleeping.

"How long are you going to be gone?" I ask quietly, hoping to not wake Timmy.

"It should take less than two weeks, if everything that Erick said is truth." He whispers back, and I nod before I force him to lay in the middle of the bed, which he hates.

"I will have to get out, and if I lay here, then I will most likely wake one of you up when I will be getting out of bed." He argues.

"I don't care, you can wake me up." I tell him, and a moment later, Timmy turns towards him in his sleep, and he hugs his side, preventing him from trying to make me lay in the middle instead.

I laugh a little, before I turn the lights off, then I lay down next to him, and I hug him too.

He shakes his head at us, and he sighs in frustration, making me chuckle, which accidently wakes Timmy.

He looks at me for explanation, and I point with my head toward Carter, who is laying on his back, with a very little space to move, because we're hugging him.

"How did you make him lay in the middle?" Timmy asks, chuckling slightly.

"I just pushed him on the bed, and I took the other spot." I explain with a little shrug.

He laughs quietly, making me chuckle too, and a second later we hear a groan from Carter.

"Go to sleep." He tells us, annoyed, Timmy and I look at each other, and we burst out laughing again, this time loudly, making Carter groan again.

He takes a pillow from under his head, and he slams it into our heads, before he gets out of bed, and he pushes me to the middle, then he lays on my spot with a smirk.

I just roll my eyes, then I close then, and I try to fall asleep.

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