Chapter 7

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Mason's POV

We sit in silence for a while, all of us are uncomfortable with this conversation, and it seems like we have it every day.

"I really hope so." Oliver says.

"I promise we will." Papa says.

"Why can't you take me outside, I'm sure you can protect me enough, and you're above the law, so there won't be any problems with getting permission to do so." Oliver says.

"You know that I won't do something that my own law goes against, if I wanted to do it, then I will have to take that law out of our law list, and I won't do it because I think this law is necessary for the Omegas to be safe." Papa explains, and I can see that dad disagrees with this law, but he doesn't say anything about it.

"Just survive for the next few years, and when you have your mate then you will be free to leave, I'm sure he will be more than happy to take you out of here every once in a while." Papa assures.

"And what if my mate isn't in this pack, or if he isn't a warrior, or he's a human?" Oliver asks.

"We will figure it out then, there's no chance that you won't meet your mate since the Moon Goddess will make sure that you will meet each other, so let's wait for this to happen, and if he's not a warrior then I will see that I can do." Papa says, and Oliver nods his head in agreement.

We decide to watch TV for a while, and soon we are joined my Denver and Tyler, a few minutes later Eliott, Scott and Wyatt join us too.

Reggie is probably taking a nap since papa came downstairs not long ago.

So, we decide to watch few movies together.

In the middle of the second movie, I catch a scent, that I recognise as yhe scent of a heat, I smelled it enough form my dad to recognise it immediately.

I look in dad's way to see if he realises that he just got his heat, and when I'm sure that he doesn't know, I decide to tell him before he will get the couch dirty.

But then I realise that it's not coming from his direction, so I look at the only other Omega that is here, and sure as hell, the smell is coming from Oliver.

I look at papa, and I see that he just realised that too, we look at each other, deciding who will tell Oliver that he is having his first heat, before he finally stands up, and he tells Oliver to stand up, before he takes him to the toilet, and I follow them, along with dad.

The heat is similar to the period, but it's not exactly the same, the heat usually last for two days, and it happens two times a year, but they're very painful if you don't have a mate to mate with.

Also, it comes out of the penis and the ass, the colour is usually grey, and it's very sticky.

At least that's what I was told when I asked dad.

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