Chapter 5

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Mason's POV

When I enter the dining room, I see that everyone is already waiting for me, with a plate of pasta in front of everyone.

I sit in my usual sit, which is next to papa, and look around at all of my siblings, trying to see if my parents mentioned anything to them.

There are many of us, and our names are quite matching.

I'm the eldest, but I'm not their biological child, they found me in the woods when I was about two.

The same day as they found me, they found out that dad was pregnant with Denver, who was born few months later, and almost right after him came Oliver.

Then again only few months later came Tyler, after which they got a break for few years, and then came another three, year after year, Eliott, Scott, and Wyatt.

Then they got another few years long break, and finally Reggie joined our already big family.

I really hope that I will have a much smaller family with my mate, when I meet them, hopefully on my sixteenth birthday, that should be this year.

"Hey, eat something." Papa says, and he motions with his head to the untouched plate that lays in front of me.

I take the fork, and I start to eat, but soon I feel papa's hand rest on my knee.

I look at him, but he doesn't look at me, instead he just keeps eating from his own plate.

I decide to let it stay there, so I continue to eat, but when half of my siblings finishes their food, and dismisses themselves from the table, I decide to put my hand on his.

Soon when we are the only two left, but his plate is already empty, so he just looks at me, while I continue to eat.

I never ate quickly, I'm usually the last one to finish my portion of dinner, and papa is mostly the first, so I know that he's waiting on me.

"Do you want to talk again?" I ask, before putting more of the sauce into my mouth.

"Not really. I just wanted to wait on you." He says, before shrugging, and I nod.

Soon we both go out of the dining room, and he leads me to his office.

"So, you do want to talk after all?" I ask, not knowing why else he would lead in into one of two rooms that are soundproof.

"I wouldn't call it talking." He says, and before I can question him, he presses his back against me, and he puts his arm around my waist, preventing me from escaping.

"What are you doing?" I ask, not knowing how to react to what's happening.

"Believe it or not." He says before he takes a deep breath.

"I find you attractive too." He says, and he starts to kiss my neck, making me moan.

I cover my mouth with my hand, but he grabs both of my wrists with the hand that's around my waist, and let's his other hand slip under my shirt.

I turn my head to look at him and he attacks my lips with his own.

We make out for few minutes, before he returns to kissing my neck, and soon he lets me go all together.

"Just don't tell your father about it." He says, before he smirks at me.

He straightens his clothes, and then he walk out of his office, while I say in my place, not believing what just happened.

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