Chapter 1

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Mason's POV

I get out of my car right after parking it into the parking lot of my parents house.

In the middle of my way towards the front door, I stop to consider if I should just go to my friend's house, and wait until my parents are asleep.

The main reason of considering that option, is the fact that I heve skipped the school again, and my parents aren't very forgiving when me or my siblings do this, especially when I do this.

It might be because I do this every other day, if the school turns out to be too boring.

Before I can make my decision, the front door opens, revealing Oliver, who looks like he wishes to kill someone.

"Go to hell, I have enough of you all." He shouts, turning to face the front door again.

"You know that we can't let you attend the school outside of the pack lands, it's not safe enough for you to be out there." Papa says calmly.

"It is safe enough. Do you expect me to just stay in the pack lands for all of my life? I'm tired of staying here all the time, everyone can leave almost whenever they want, and I have never even been outside of this pack." Oliver argues, and do agree with him.

Oliver is my second brother, unfortunately for him, he turned out to be an Omega, and he definitely isn't happy about it.

The title forces a lot of restrictions to fall on his shoulders, especially since the Omegas aren't allowed out of the pack, which isn't very huge, and Oliver struggles to find friends within it.

He is bullied for the title that he never agreed to hold, and although my parents, anong with me, and my two other brothers, that are close to his age, try to prevent the mistreatment of Omegas, it's hard to make sure it doesn't happen.

And to our displeasure, Oliver is regulary complaining about being forced to do something, or being hit by one of the pack members.

He tries hard to get some mussels, to defend himself, but his body doesn't let him improve like that, because of his Omega genes.

"What happened." I ask them, gaining their attention.

"I want to get out of this pack, at least for a while." Oliver says.

"You know the it's not possible, it's not safe for you out there Ollie." I say sadly.

"I don't care, I prefer to be killed, or even tortured out there, rather than to stay here with that stupid people, that I'm forced to call my pack members." He says, and he swears under his breath as the tears leave his eyes.

He removes them with his sleeve, and he looks at our father again.

"I don't want to stay here." He says, pleading for him to do something about it.

I hate that I can go where I want almost whenever I wish to, and he's sometimes not even allowed to leave our house.

I can't imagine how hard being an Omega must be.

"Let's go inside, so you can calm down." My father says, and I make my way towards the door, and I put my hand on Oliver's back, encouraging him to come with me.

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