Chapter 19

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Mason's POV

We reach the lake a few hours later, and we put our bags down, and all of us, except Carter, lay down on the ground, already exhausted.

"I don't know how the hell you're not tired." Tyler tells Carter.

"Well, some of us actually train, so that is most likely the reason." He says.

"I don't want to train anyway." I inform.

"Yeah, I've heard about it already." Carter reminds me.

"Yeah?" I ask, faking surprise.

"Yeah." He responds, shaking his head in amusement, before he lays right next to me.

"Rest for now, tomorrow we will go hunting, that means a lot of running again, but this time we will be chasing some deers." Carter says, and not very long later, both Denver and Tyler fall asleep, trying to get some rest before tomorrow.

"Do I really have to train. ?" I ask, hoping that he will change his mind, now that we are mates.

"It will be good for you." He says.

"But I don't want to." I tell him, resting my head on my paws.

"Why not?" He asks curiously, looking my way.

"I like the way I look, I don't want to have a lot of mussels, as everyone have after the basic training." I say truthly.

"You will look good with some mussels, a bit more my age, hopefully." He says, ignoring my pleading for mercy.

"Will you really force me to go through the tortures of the basic training?" I ask angrily.

"I will, it's a pack law that was written for a..." He tries to say, but I cut him off.

"For a reason, yeah, I know, you say something like that every day, it's getting boring." I tell him, annoyed.

"Look, I know that I repeat it a lot, but it's the truth, the laws were written to protect the pack, and it's members.

So the laws should be followed without exceptions, if I give any of you a special treatment, then it will be unfair to the pack." He tries to explain for millionth time, but I'm too annoyed to listen to him.

"No, I'm tired of being forced to do things that I don't want to do, because some stupid laws say that I should do it.

And I hate the fact that Denver won't get his position, because of it, and that Oliver isn't, and won't be for a long time, allowed to go anywhere beyond the borders of our pack." I shout at him, glad that we're using the mind link, so the rest can't hear us.

"Alright, calm down, Denver's situation isn't affected by my laws, and Oliver eventually will be allowed to go outside." He tries to reason with me.

"And what if his mate is a human? You won't let him out. Would you?" I ask, and he groans.

"Let's hope that his mate is already a trained member of our pack, if he's not then I have already said that I will see what I can do about that." He explains.

"That's a very long way of saying no." I inform him, before I stand up, and then I go to lay down somewhere else, so I can be away from him.

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