Chapter 43

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Mason's POV

"You again?" Doctor Zack asks when we enter the hospital.

"Unfortunately." I tell him with a sad smile.

We follow him into one of the rooms, and he tells me to leave, so he can examine Oliver.

I tell them that I will be going to inform Carter and Timmy of what happened, and that I will be right back.

I do so quickly, and few minutes later all three of us are waiting in the waiting area, sitting on the chairs.

Doctor Zack comes out of the room after a while, and he looks at us when he realises that were already here.

"He's arm is broken, and he has a lot of bruises, but he should be fine." He informs us.

"Does he have to stay here?" Timmy asks.

"No, there's no need for that, you can take him to your house, but let him rest for a while." He says, and Carter nods.

"I will help him out." Carter tells us, and he goes inside of the room, before he comes back with Oliver only seconds later.

We go to our house, and Carter makes sure that Oliver gets to his room safely, while Timmy makes some food for him to eat.

I sit on the couch with Hugh, watching him play with my finger.

He's hand looks so small compared to my finger, let alone my hand, and it makes me scared that I will break him one day when I will try to hold him.

I never liked to hold, or play with the kids that weren't old enough to talk.

I don't like that they aren't able to tell me what they are crying about.

When they cry, it makes me panic quickly, wondering if they're dying or something.

I still don't like to stay with Hugh alone, but I'm getting a little better at it.

This whole parenthood is a lot harder than it looked like, when I was watching Carter and Timmy take care of their babies.

And Hugh isn't the quietest child, as I remember all of the younger kids in our family were as babies, and still are.

I was told that the older kids were even louder than Hugh is, crying all the time, and I'm grateful that I was too little to remember all this crying.

I just hope that Hugh will grow out of it, as quickly as he will grow out of his clothes.

"He said that he's going to sleep, so leave the sandwiches in the fridge for later." Carter tells Timmy.

"Alright just remind me to give them to him when he will wake up." Timmy says.

I hear the fridge open, then close, and soon I hear that tyeyre coming here, so I look up, smiling at them.

"How it he?" I ask Carter.

"He's in pain but he will be fine." He tells me sitting on the couch next to me, and Timmy sits on my other side.

"Are you enjoying your first baby?" Carter says, while petting Hugh's head with a bright smile.

"Yeah." I say, smiling too.

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