Chapter 39

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Mason's POV

I wonder why would the guards lie to Carter about it.

"Well, I will tell Carter about that, so I hope that what you're saying is the truth." I tell him.

"I can bet that the guards are friends with Tyler, or he threatened them to say that, I wouldn't be surprised." He says.

"Can you get me out of here by the way?" He asks hopefully, making me shake my head.

"I promised that I won't, but I will talk to Carter, and if we will find out that what you said is true, then I will make sure that Tyler will be put in here for much longer then you will." I promise him.

"Alright." He says, disappointed.

I talk to him for a while longer, promising to visit him later today, and then I go back to the house.

I look for Carter, right after I reach our house, and I find him in his office, doing some paperwork, I tell him everything that Denver told me, and he looks like he doesn't want to believe it at all.

"I think he just wants to get out of there, he was in there for few hours now, so he is most likely already bored out of his mind." He tells me.

"Maybe, but we have to check it anyway. What if Tyler is threatening the guards?" I ask, and he groans.

"I really don't believe that Tyler would have done it." He says.

"If it was Denver, you would have believed it instantly." I accuse.

"Yes, but you know how Denver is." He says, so I shake my head, and I go out of his office, annoyed at him.

I go out into the back yard to get some fresh air, and just out of my eye I can see Reggie, who is walking into the woods, already past the tree line.

I wonder who was supposed to watch him, I will have to have a word with that person.

I decide to follow him without letting him know, wanting to know where he is going.

I can see that he's carrying something in his hand, but I don't know what that is.

He moves very fast, clearly skilled in walking through the woods, and he isn't scared at all, which make me wonder how many times he manage to sneak out of the house alone.

We soon nearer the border of the pack lands, and Reggie approaches the house of that man that annoyed Denver.

"Joseph!" Reggie shouts loudly, and a moment later the door open, and that man walks out.

He comes near the gate that is separating him from Reggie.

Then Reggie reaches his hand out with a smile, offering Joseph the bar of chocolate that he was carrying all the way here.

Joseph thanks him, and they talk for a while, before Joseph catches my scent, and he looks in my direction.

I go towards them, knowing that he already knows that I'm here, and Reggie's eyes widen when he sees me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Just talking to Denver's mate." He says, with a little shrug.

So, that's what Denver was annoyed about, after talking with Joseph.

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