Chapter 29

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Mason's POV

"Can I meet your brother?" Denver asks me as he sits next to me at the dining room table the next morning.

"Maybe." I say, after I swallow the food that I had in my mouth.

"It's a yes then" He replays, with a huge smile on his face.

"Whatever." I say, rolling my eyes.

"What's his name?" He asks me, with a mouth full of eggs.

"Erick." I say, pretty sure that I have already told him that, but knowing Denver, I will have to repeat it few more times.

"Cool." He says, and he tries to put more food in his mouth then he can fit there, making half of it fall on the table.

I groan at the disgusting sight, while he just shrugs his shoulder, unbothered.

We eat quietly, and when I finish, I decide to sit in the living room, to wait on Denver, so we can go to the pack house  and see how Erick is doing.

Denver joins me not long later, but before I can stand up, he informs me that Tyler and Oliver are joining us too.

So, we wait on them, and when everyone is ready to go, we head towards pack house.

When we reach it, we go inside, and I ask one of the guards where Eric's room is, he tells me the number of his room, so I lead Denver, Oliver and Tyler up the stairs, so we can find it.

When we reach it, there are two guards standing outside of the door, so I'm sure we are in front of the right room.

They look our way when they hear us, they recognise us instantly, and they give us a nod in greeting.

I knock on the door, and Erick opens it a few seconds later, with a groan.

"What do you want again? Do I look like someone that wishes to escape or something?" He asks, slightly annoyed.

After a second, he looks at me properly, and his eyes widen when he realises that it's me.

"Sorry, I thought it was one of the guards again. They let me stay in this room alone, but they tend to knock on the door, wishing to see me, every half an hour, or so." He says, and he rolls his eyes at the guard that smirks at him.

"That's fine. I have a few people that want to meet you. Is that alright with you?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says, and he opens the door wider, to let us come inside.

"So, who are they?" Erick asks curiously, eyeing the boys.

"Well, this is Denver, Oliver and Tyler, they are my mates' kids." I say.

"Wait, they guys that were with you yesterday, are your mates?" He asks, stunned.

"Yeah, and I was adopted by them right after they found me, but we found out that we are mates recently." I explain.

"Okay." He says with a nod, before he turns to face the guys.

"I'm Erick. It's nice to meet you." He says, and he extends his hand to shake it with the boys.

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