Chapter 42

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Mason's POV

Carter had finally decided to talk to the guards, and he found out that Denver was telling the truth.

They were threatened by Tyler to say what they have said.

Carter wasn't happy about it, especially because that means that he was wrong in assuming that Denver was lying.

I managed to make Carter lock Tyler in the cellars for the next few weeks, so now we have Denver back but Tyler isn't here.

It's weird when one of them is missing, but I can't say that I don't enjoy the silence that comes with it.

Sure, Denver and Oliver argue with each other a lot, so the house isn't quiet all the time, but most of the arguments were between Tyler and Denver, mostly because of the fact that Denver wants the Alpha position, that now is supposed to be Tyler's, if he passes the Alpha ceremony in the future.

I wonder if they would have been arguing so much if the Alpha position was Denver's, as it was supposed to be, since he's Carter's first born son.

But I'm sure that they would have found something else to argue about, if this wasn't the case.

That's just how they are, and I doubt the it will ever change, although that would be nice.

I also wonder if what Joseph said is truth.

After I caught Reggie talking to him, he explained that he is Denver's mate, and that he was locked in that house after he told Carter about it.

He is meant to wait until Denver can confirm his claim, which will be soon since he will be turning sixteen in less than two years.

I don't know what to think about it all, so I decide not to think about it at all, instead I go outside for a walk.

I walk around the pack house, since I decided that if I go for a walk, then I can as well do a little patrol around the pack lands.

And I'm glad that I decided to do it today, because my ears catch a sound that comes from somewhere near the trees, that are on the side of the pack house.

I go there immediately, and I quickly rush towards the group of guys when I see what's going on.

There are seven guys, all surrounding a crying person, and from their scent I can already tell that it's Oliver.

I quickly push them away, so they try to punch me, and I'm grateful that I was forced to train with the pack, since now I know how to defend myself.

The guys are about fourteen, so they didn't have any training yet, and even through there is a lot of them here, I'm still able to overpower them all with the skills that I have already gained.

When they are on the ground, in pain, I look at Oliver who is sitting on his knees, on the ground.

"Are you alright?" I ask him, and he nods his head once, before he  standz up.

I can see that he's in pain, so I lead him straight to the pack hospital.

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