Chapter 33

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Mason's POV

Carter was gone for almost two weeks now, and I miss him more than I want to admit.

I remember how upset I was when I was younger, and he had to leave for a few days, because he had some meetings with other Alphas.

I was missing him very much then, but that isn't even close to how much I miss him now that we have a mate bond.

At least I have my other mate here with me, so it helps a little.

What helps even more is the sight of Timmy's stomach, which have grown a lot over the past weeks.

Now I can really see that he is pregnant, and he hates it, especially because the kid already started to kick, which is very uncomfortable for him.

He said that the kicks aren't very strong yet, but they are already strong enough for him to feel it.

I'm a little sad, because he has to go through this again, and he probably will have to do it a few more times, but I'm also very happy that I will be able to have my own child.

I just wish that it could have waited a few more years.

"Guess who's back." I hear Carter's voice, which makes me stand up, and I run towards him as quick as I can.

I reach him first, and I jump into his open arms, before I kiss him.

Timmy comes soon later, so Carter sets me down, and he leans down to kiss Timmy too.

He looks down at Timmy's stomach, and he smirks as he reaches his hand to touch the bump, that have grown a lot since he last saw it.

The kids come running towards him next, they all were upstairs, so that's why they were the last ones to reach him.

Carter hugs them all separately, and we decide to move to the living room, where we usually spend most of our time together.

Timmy brings some food for Carter, and he eats it all happily.

"So, is everyone's alright?" He asks, and we nod in confirmation.

"Can we go to check the gender of the kid tomorrow?" He asks, looking at Timmy.

"Sure." Timmy says, with a gentle shrug.

"Do you want to know?" Carter asks, turning his head to look at me.

"Yeah, why not?" I say, he smiles brightly, and he leans in to peck my lips again.

"Alright then, how about we go outside, into our backyard, so we can play for a while?" He asks the younger kids.

They all agree, and he leads them outside, the rest of us follow them, and we sit on the grass talking with each other while we watch Carter play with the kids.

Of course, Reggie decides that he doesn't want to play, so he sits with us for a while, until Carter running towards us, and he takes him in his arms, before he puts him on his shoulders.

Reggie looks unamused  and ready to just drop and die, but Carter can't see him, so he just runs back to the rest of the kids, while we laugh at Reggie, who looks like he's begging us to help him.

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