Chapter 18

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Mason's POV

We spend the next few days planning where we will be going, and for how long.

We finally decide that we will run towards the lake that is a few hours from the pack border, making few stops on the way.

Then we will sleep there, and we will go hunting the next day, before going back towards the lake for the night, and the next morning we will come back here.

"We are leaving." Carter shouts from the doorway, and Timmy comes running to hugs us goodbye.

"You can come with us if you want." Carter reminds, hugging him tightly for a few seconds, before letting him go, so he can hug the rest of us.

"I know, but I don't want to, I prefer to stay here, and make sure that the kids are taken care of, I'm sure you will have fun, even if I don't go with you." He says, and when everyone is hugged, he forces us out of the door, before he closes it behind us.

We shift into out wolf forms, before we take our small bags in our mouths.

"I don't understand why I have to take a bag of clothes, and food, aren't we going into the woods? I'm sure we won't need clothed, and there should be more than enough deers to feed us for years." I complain.

"And what if there aren't?" Carter asks.

"Then we will be hungry until we get back, but I highly doubt that this will happen." I say.

"Just go with it." Tyler says.

"Whatever." I say.

"Alright, if any of you start a fight, then I will personally rip your throat out. Got it?" Carter asks, looking pointedly at Denver.

"Got it." Denver agrees reluctantly.

"Let's go then." Carter says, and he starts to run towards the pack border, so we follow closely behind.

We run for hours, taking short breaks as we have planned, we don't come across any rouges, or anyone at all, which is good, it means that it's safe for us to be here.

I'm sure that there are some guards following us, since Carter as an Alpha, has to have at least fifteen people to defend him at all times, and none of us have any sort of training yet.

"There's a deer." I say, looking to my right, making them all look at the deer that came close to us, not realising that there are four wolves laying on the ground close by.

"Don't kill it, we don't need it for now, and we won't be able to take it with us, so we would be wasting food." Carter says.

Denver stands up, and he runs after the deer, making it look at him for a second before taking off.

Denver comes back, and he lays down next to me, while I look at Carter, who gives him a disapproving look, making me chuckle slightly.

"What?" Denver asks me.

"Papa looks like he wishes for a rock to hit your head." I say, and he turns to look at Carter with an innocent smile.

"Come one, it was fun." Denver says.

"Sure." Carter says, shaking his head, not believing how childish his kid is.

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