Chapter 35

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Mason's POV

Carter drove to the city, and he brought all the items that we will need to make a room for our baby boy.

We decided to make it blue, and grey, and as a tradition that Carter and Timmy made, we do a competition while painting the walls.

I finish first, so that makes me win, and they finish their walls not long later, then we put the crib together along with a small dresser.

We put it all on their planned places, but then we look at the room, and we decide to change few things, until we are satisfied with how it looks.

"It's great." I say, and they agree.

We leave the room, and we let the other kids see how it looks.

I can hear Tyler trying to explain how it looks to Scott, who can't see anything, as I go downstairs.

I go outside, to sit in our backyard, which I do a lot lately, since it starts to get warm outside.

I find that Denver is here again, this time with a sour expression, definitely not happy about something.

"What wrong?" I ask as I sit on the grass next to him, he shakes his head, refusing to answer my question.

"I don't want to tell you." He says with a groan.

"You can talk to me." I tell him, hoping that he will tell me what bothers him.

He looks at me, and when he sees my hopefully expression, he decides to tell me a little bit.

"I was near that house that is next to the pack border." He says.

"Carter said that we shouldn't go there." I remind him.

"I know, but I was curious." He informs me, with another loud groan.

"Did something happened when you were there?" I ask, wanting to know what made him this angry, and upset.

"He just said something that annoyed me." He explains.

"What did he say?" I ask, curiously.

"I won't tell you, but if it's true, then you will find out very soon." He responds.

"Did he threaten you or something?" I ask.

"Not really." He says, shaking his head slightly.

"Alright, if you don't want to tell me, then I won't bother you any more about it." I tell him, and he smiles gratefully.

"Do you want to go for a short run?" I ask him, hoping that it will help him clean his head.

"Sure." He says, and he stands up, so I follow right behind.

We take our clothes off, and we leave them near the door, before we shift into our wolves, and we run into the woods.

We chase each other for a while, until I get tired, and since we are nowhere near our house, we decide to lay down on the small hill that is nearby.

We stay there for about an hour, we just lay there, and we enjoy the quietness that isn't common in our house.

When we are ready, we head back to our house, since we didn't tell anyone that we were going out, and we don't want them to worry.

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