Chapter 2

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Stiles has just finished brushing his teeth and walks out of the bathroom, only to run into his aunt and Elena.

"Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?" Jenna asks when she sees them.

"Depends on where you're going." Elena answers.

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?" Jenna asks as she shows them her hair up.

"Sex stewardess." Elena tells her before Jenna put her hair down. "Boozy housewife."

"Why are you even having a parent-teacher conference this early in the year? Which teacher is it?" Stiles asks confused.

"Mr Tanner. He said he needs to speak with me." Jenna answers. "Up it is."

Stiles and Elena share a look before turning back to Jenna.

"Tanner is the worst and half the things he says about students are lies. So don't put too much stock in what he has to say." Stiles states.

"Okay... Elena you're feisty today. What's up?" Jenna inquires.

"I feel good, which is rare. So, I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on the sunshine and all that stuff. Where is Jeremy?" Elena queries as she looks into her brother's empty room.

"He left early. Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse." Jenna turns to look at the looks on Stiles and Elena's faces. "There is no wood shop, is there?"

"No." Elena says.

"Yeah." Jenna sighs.

"He's probably at the hospital, checking on Vicki." Stiles tells them.

"Why would he check on Vicki?" Elena asks confused.

"You're as blind as a bat." Stiles doesn't answer her question and instead heads downstairs to grab his keys and go to school.


Stiles has a free period, so he is waiting outside of Tanner's classroom listening into what the man is telling his aunt. And Stiles can tell you now that it is a load of shit. How Tanner ever became a teacher Stiles isn't sure because the man does not deserve his teaching licence.

The door to the room opens and Jenna steps out, jumping slightly in surprise to see Stiles there.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in class?" Jenna questions.

"I have a free period. Now let's talk mister lies a lot." Stiles says as he joins his arm with Jenna's and walks her down the hallway.

"Mister what?" Jenna inquires.

"Mister lies a lot. I overheard you talk with Tanner and let me start by saying that Jeremy hasn't skipped 6 classes he has skipped, two. Both of them Tanner's class and I know this because Tanner's class usually lines up with Josie's free and she keeps telling me how she has seen Jeremy. and I have all the same teachers as Jeremy and not one of them have asked me about him skipping classes which they did if he skipped a class last year." Stiles informs.

"Then why did he say...?" Jenna asks.

"Because he takes offense to people skipping his classes and wants you to punish Jeremy more severally. Next up seeing as Tanner hasn't seen Jeremy once he has no idea if Jeremy is moody, withdrawn, argumentative and hungover. Which just to be clear excluding the last one, describes a normal teenager. And Jeremy hasn't been hungover at school." Stiles continues.

"Has Jeremy been doing drugs?" Jenna questions.

"Honestly, yes. And yes, me and Elena know. And no, you not knowing doesn't make you a bad guardian. The only reason that Elena knows is because she once overheard someone talking about Jeremy becoming a stoner. And I know because Jeremy only takes or does drugs when I, his personal sober person is around. He needs the drugs to take a break from the pain, Jenna. He but he wants to be safe doing them. He has been cutting back on the amount that he is doing. He is getting better it's just taking time." Stiles explains.

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