Chapter 6

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Stiles walks into the kitchen to see Elena standing as she eats her cereal.

"You know we have a table for eating at, correct?" Stiles points out.

"I know, I'm just...Jeremy is planning on going to help the search party look for Vicki." Elena informs worriedly.

"And you are stress stand eating cereal in response?" Stiles asks, confused.

"He can't go out looking for Vicki, Stiles!" Elena exclaims.

"Why? It's not like he will find her. She's still at the Salvatore's, isn't she?" Stiles inquires, having been kept in the loop by Elena.

"He can't be involved with her anymore. She's a vampire. What if she hurts him?" Elena worries.

"Okay, I can understand the worry and fear, there is now a very high chance of Vicki possibly killing Jeremy. But I hope you haven't actually said any of this to him." Stiles knows by the wince that Elena gives that she has. "Elena!"

"I don't want him getting hurt and if he's with Vicki he will get hurt." Elena points out.

"But you if try and get in the middle of their relationship all your going to do is push them further together." Stiles explains.

"I know. Your right, it's just...what else am I supposed to do? You're always so good with Jeremy. maybe you should try and talk with him." Elena suggests.

"Elena, there is nothing that we can do right now to help. At least nothing that I can think of and we both now I'm constantly thinking. What we need to do right now is just act normally and be there for him." Stiles states as he moves to get his own breakfast.

Stiles takes his first bite of his breakfast bar before going to get himself a mug of coffee.

"I'm planning on going to see Stefan." Elena suddenly informs causing Stiles to choke on his food in surprise.

Elena pats his back at Stiles coughs. Once he has his airways free of food he swallows quickly and turns to look at Elena.

"You mean you're planning on going to the house with the newbie vampire and the man that almost killed me? Are you mad?" Stiles questions.

"I just want to see how Vicki is doing." Elena defends.

"Then call Stefan. Don't go to the vampire house!" Stiles exclaims.

"I guess that answers my question about whether you will be coming with me or not." Elena mutters.

"Like hell it does! I'm not letting you go to that house alone. Just give me a chance to get changed into something that isn't pyjamas and I will be right with you." Stiles huffs before walking off, leaving his coffee undrunk on the side.


"I can't believe I'm stupid enough to come back here." Stiles murmurs to himself as he walks with Elena to the front door of the Salvatore house.

Elena rings the doorbell. They only have to wait for a couple of seconds because soon after the door is being opened as Stiles is face to face with his most recent nightmare fuel.

"Is Stefan here?" Elena asks straight away, not giving Damon a chance to say some sort of glib greeting.

"Yep!" Damon exclaims.

"Where is he?" Elena inquires.

"And good morning to you, little miss 'I'm on a mission' and her side kick 'humming bird heartbeat'." Damon mocks.

"How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?" Elena queries and Stiles pulls her back, away from the vampire.

"And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib? Especially after I tore into your sidekick's neck." Damon questions.

Stiles Stilinski-GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now