Chapter 36

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When Stiles wakes up, he's in the Salvatore boarding house, which is greatly confusing to him as he's sure that he fell asleep in the old witch house.

He gets up from the bed and walks out of the room, down the stairs and towards where he can hear noise.

Stiles comes face to face with Andie and Damon in the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head." Damon greets when he spots him.

" did I get here?" Stiles asks.

"Jeremy called me after you passed out yesterday, saying that I needed to come and get you. And when I arrived you were passed out, so I carried you home." Damon explains.

" you guys have...?" Stiles starts but Damon suddenly hands him coffee and a bottle of Adderall. "I love you."

"You talking to me or the meds?" Damon jokes.

"Yes." Stiles hums as he pours out two tablets and places then in his mouth before tacking a swig of coffee.

"Elena!" Stiles hears Stefan call out but ignore it as he continues to take sips of his far too hot coffee.

"Hey." Stefan greets when he enters the kitchen.

"Hey." Andie replies.

"Sup." Stiles says with his eyes closed. Got he's not ready for whatever exhausting problem is going to pop-up today.

"Have you guys seen Elena?" Stefan asks.

"Uh, no." Andie answers.

Damon walks over to Andie and gives her a sweet little kiss. "Hi sweetie."

Stiles thinks that's weird but doesn't voice it. Damon's being passive aggressive, and Stiles has no idea why which makes it hard for him to watch the show.

"Good morning." Andie says back.

"Mm, good morning." Damon smiles charmingly.

"Hey, where's Elena?" Stefan questions.

"I don't know, Stefan. It's your girlfriend. Mine's right here." Damon says before looking at Andie. "Oh, and how's the shoulder? Got time for a bite? I'm so hungry."

"Gross." Stiles mutters into his coffee.

"Oh, it's messy. Can you just use a blood bag today?" Andie asks. "I'm already late for work."

"no." Damon pouts.

Stefan has his phone out leaving a message to Elena.

"Hey, it's me. Where are you? Call me." Stefan leaves her a voicemail before turning to his brother. "What are you doing? She's not a wind-up toy."

"it's really none of your business, is it Stefan." Andie huffs.

"Yeah. what she said." Damon adds on smugly.

"I have to go to work." Andie says.

"Ugh! Bye." Damon gives her one last kiss before she leaves the house.

"Is that door supposed to be open?" Stiles asks as he points to the basement door.

Stefan's eyes go wide as he rushes down the stairs and Damon follows him.

Stiles carefully stands up before slowly following them. When he gets to the cell, he finds it empty of Elijah's body.

"No, she didn't." Damon growls.

"I'll write you a great eulogy." Stiles tells Damon before he heads back upstairs.


Klaus is at the front door of the apartment with Maddox as Katerina makes coffee in the background.

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