𝓐𝔁𝓬𝓮 : 𝓐𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 , 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼

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𝐀𝐗𝐂𝐄 : 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 , 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬



Start : June
End :


Romance, Action, Comedy


"Thank you. Always."


"Touch her and there is no tomorrow."


Aku Fley, atau mungkin korang kenal aku sebagai Axce. Cerita ini merupakan series ke-2 daripada cerita Ace. Cerita kali ni pasal kisah hidup aku dan pasal seorang gadis yang bernama Serena.

"I don't give a shit about your fucking organization. I'll kill those who dare to lay his fingers on you."
-Fley Axce Ayrnight

"Fate did not allow us to be together, Axce." -Serena Viola DeLuca

Fley Axce Ayrnight, seseorang yang tak patut aku jumpa dalam hidup aku. Kenapa? Sebab kami berdua ialah pembunuh.

"Do I care? Fate is fate, and if it does not cooperate, we will change it." -Fley Axce Ayrnight

"I have fallen in love with him." -Serena Viola DeLuca

"Kalau kau betul-betul sayangkan dia, kau pasti akan buat segalanya untuk dia, Axce."
-Flex Ace Ayrnight

"Make a wise choice, Serena."

"Aku akan buat apa yang kau nak. Aku akan buat segalanya, termasuk merayu kepada kau."
-Serena Viola DeLuca

Apakah akhir bagi kedua insan ini? Dapatkah pasangan ini bahagia?

P.s. Is this even a synopsis? Cuz I'm bad at it.

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❏ Main characters :-
Fley Axce Ayrnight
Serena Viola DeLuca

P.s. Other characters from ACE too.

-You can choose to imagine their faces yourself, because in the 'aesthetic' chapter, there are some faces that I displayed. (If you don't want your imagination to be spoiled, please skip that chapter and go straight to the first chapter.)

-Just for your information, there are some 'spoiler' in the 'aesthetic' chapter. (It's a good spoiler babe.)

P.s. They're chaotic AF !

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⚠ Watak dan cerita adalah rekaan semata-mata.
⚠ Akan ada penggunaan bahasa Inggeris.
⚠ Sila abaikan kesalahan tatabahasa dan kesalahan ejaan.
⚠ Digalakkan baca ACE agar lebih faham series ke-2 ini.
⚠ Maaf jika ada sebarang kekurangan.

P.s. Sila bertahan dengan gaya budak-budak dekat sini :) Sebab saya stress.

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This is your ONLY REMINDER ! Please be nice and respect each other.

For your information,

"ADORE" adalah perkataan bahasa Inggeris dan juga merupakan frasa yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kekaguman atau kasih sayang yang kuat terhadap seseorang. Ia biasanya digunakan sebagai cara untuk memberitahu seseorang bahawa anda amat menyayangi dan mengambil berat tentang mereka.

Frasa ini digunakan apabila anda ingin menyatakan perasaan sayang dan kekaguman anda terhadap seseorang, sama ada dalam hubungan romantis atau dalam persahabatan platonik. Ini adalah cara yang sangat kuat dan ikhlas untuk meluahkan perasaan anda, jadi anda biasanya akan menggunakannya apabila anda mempunyai perasaan cinta dan kagum yang kuat terhadap orang yang anda ajak bercakap.

Jadi "ADORE" dalam cerita ini bermaksud mencintai dan mengagumi seseorang, bukan sesuatu seperti 'memuja (worship)' atau apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan jenis topik sensitif. Cerita ini hanyalah rekaan semata-mata.

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FIRST, I know what the mafia is. Of course I know the mafia backstory. They are a traditional criminal organization originally from Sicily. The Mafia is an international body of criminals. They also operate there and some other places.

SECOND, the mafia is a dangerous group of people who have been known as terrorists for decades. Being targeted by them is extremely dangerous and you need a lot of protection if you want to be safe from them. (The probability is very small)

THIRD, I know very well that some mafia will not save others just because they are beautiful/handsome. Furthermore, the mafia may not be as 'handsome' or 'young'. I know that for a fact.

HOWEVER, there is a difference between the fictional mafia and the mafia in real life. Yes, of course the difference is like heaven and earth. But there are still people who like this kind of story line and read it.

SO, the author writes a story like this doesn't mean we like what the mafia does in real life. This is just an ordinary story and has nothing to do with the real world.

Fiction should stay fictional.

THAT'S WHY, if you are not a fan of this genre there is no compulsion to read it.

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Copyright ©

P. S. Luvv all my beloved readers !!!

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𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now