Chapter 3

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Pittsburgh Police Department, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Nikki and Spencer sat sifting through all the strangulation files over the last 20 years some happened before she was even born. The brunette tried to keep focused as she went through the different case files of dozens upon dozens of rapped and mutilated women all strangled in different ways. 

Nikki's mind shifted back to that night in that frat house, the night she decided to take a chance and almost put herself in a position to be one of these women. The brunette let out a shaky breath pulling the collar of her shirt away from her neck. "You okay?" Spencer asked causing her to look up to meet his brown eyes that made her heart skip a beat. "yea," she replied forcing a smile before dropping her gaze and the smile as she went back through the files only to close the next file as fast as she opened it before meeting Spencer's eyes with a sigh. 

Spencer send her a look she could clearly tell he wasn't buying it, "I um. I took a chance when I was in University years ago, and erm tried a dating app but not to date and it didn't... go well. and I guess I'm realizing I could've easily ended up like any of the women in these files that night," Nikki replied as Spencer pause trying to cover his reaction, as he went to say something Nikki's phone rang from her pocket. 

The brunette fished the device out noticing her mom was calling, "Hey mom, is everything okay?" Nikki asked through the line instantly worried about why her mom would be calling her so early especially since she had to get the kids to school in an hour. "Everything's okay here, How are you doing sweetheart? How's adjusting to the FBI going?" her mom asked. "I'm doing good, we're currently on a case so could I call you later?" Nikki asked. "Sure, but before you go. I wanted to ask if you'd be able to come home for Sunday dinner? I know you're really busy but your dad and I miss you and so do your brothers and sister," Cindy said trying to hide the tears in her voice. 

"Look no pressure, Your dad and I love you so much and we are so proud of you Nicole," her mom said. Nikki cleared her throat so she didn't start crying, "Mom please don't cry, I'll be home soon I promise," Nikki said. "I know just promise me you're being safe?" her mom asked, "I'm being safe mom, I have an amazing team that's got my back and I got theirs, tell dad and the kiddos I love them and I'll be home soon. I love you, mom, try not to worry I'm sitting in a conference room in a police station I'm completely safe," the brunette said trying to get her mom to relax. 

"Okay I'll let them know, I love you Nikki call me when you wrap up the case?" her mom asked. "Of course, bye," Nikki said softly hanging the phone up and setting it back down on the table. "Everything okay?" Spencer asked her, "Yea my mom was checking in on me. She's been a bit smothering since I got home but I honestly don't blame her," the brunette replied. "I've seen what's over there and if one of my daughters left on a tour I'd spend every moment worried about them," Rossi said walking into the room. "To be fair there's more than a handful of times I should have been shipped home in a box," Nikki said thinking of all the friends she'd lost over there. People she knew since training. 

"I think I got something, there was a strangulation victim that matched the exact MO in Deleware," Nikki said looking at the file in front of her. "Do we have an address for the family?" Spencer asked, "She survived the attack," right as she said that Morgan took the file and called Garcia to pull up the woman's current address. "Thank you, baby girl, Garcia just sent her address, JJ wanna come with me to talk to her?" Morgan asked the blonde agent who nodded before leaving the conference room. 

It didn't take long for JJ and Morgan to walk the victim back through what happened giving them the name of the man who attacked her along with details of a tow truck Garcia was able to find their unsubs. The team went to Alan's house and found his wife who they arrested and the team discovered the married couple were having more problems in their marriage than they were letting on to the point they were seeing a therapist 3 times a week. 

Garcia managed to figure out who the therapist was and Nikki and Spencer took off from the station and headed toward the office. "Do you really think he'd go after his own therapist?" Nikki asked as she gripped the steering wheel of the federal SUV as she sped through traffic keeping her eyes fixed on the road. Spencer was holding the holy shit handle while he tried to call their unsubs therapist. "It wouldn't be a first," Spencer said as Nikki pressed on the gas speeding more only a block away from the building. 

The moment the SUV pulled up Nikki cut the engine taking the key out before hopping out of the vehicle with Spencer and heading into the building and up the stairs taking two at a time with her gun at her side. The brunette was focused scanning the stairwell for any sign of movement before she stopped at the door to the second floor looking at Spencer who nodded telling her to open the door. Nikki pulled the door open and Spencer and she walked through the doorway, the moment they walked in they saw Alan on top of the female doctor as he choked her out. 

Nikki holstered her weapon and ran at Alan colliding her foot with his face causing him to fly backward letting go of the belt around the doctor's throat. Nikki grabbed the man's arm yanking him onto his stomach before cuffing him and dragging him to his feet. "The things I'd do to you darling," the older man said checking her out as the agent shoved the man's face against the brick wall, "Ooops," Nikki replied as Morgan ran into the hall with JJ. "Here, I got him," Morgan said taking Alan and walking him downstairs. 

Spencer walked the therapist downstairs and out to the street that was filled with cop cars, federal SUVs, and ambulances. Nikki looked around stepping away from the building and standing with her back against the Suv. The brunette pulled out a pack of cigarettes bringing one to her lips before lighting it and inhaling a long drag before letting out a shakey breath. "7 Minutes," Spencer said as he walked over to her. "Excuse me?"Nikki asked confused, "It's what I'd tell my mom to get her to quit smoking. For each smoke I had 7 minutes less to spend with her," Spencer said causing Nikki to smile at how sweet Spencer was it make her heart melt a little. 

Nikki didn't know what to say as she took another drag blowing the smoke out in the opposite direction of Spencer. "That's really sweet Spence," Nikki replied with a smile looking at him, "I should call my mom and let her know we wrapped up the case before we head to the Jet," Nikki said before she stepped away and pulled her phone out to call her mom. 

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