Chapter 4

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BAU Privet Jet - Destination: Quantico Virginia

Nikki sat at an empty table on the jet drinking a cup of coffee regardless of the fact it was almost 2 am already. "You're gonna be wired with that much caffeine," Spencer said as he took a seat across from her. "I wasn't gonna get much sleep anyways," she replied sending him a forced smile. 

The jet landed shortly afterward and the team departed the jet. "Good work everyone, Mandatory 2 days off, I'll see you all on Monday morning," Hotch told the unit as they walked across the tarmac with their go bags in hand. "Sounds good to me," Morgan replies, "Don't gotta tell me twice," JJ added.  "Have a good weekend guys," Nikki told the team as she sent them a wave "Reid, you driving Nikki home?" Hotch asked the doctor who nodded in response. "Thanks again Spence," Nikki said to him as he opened the passenger door for her again letting her climb in before he walked around the car and hopped in. 

Spencer started the car and backed out of his spot before he started their drive home. It was still crazy to her that they'd been working together for a month and had no idea they lived two doors down from each other. "So you thinking of visiting your family?" Spencer asked after a while of silence. "Probably I'll look into flights leaving tomorrow with return flights late Sunday night," Nikki replied. Spencer glanced at her sending her a smile, "What?" she asked him. "Just the more I learn about you the more I'm surprised I guess," he replied. 

Agent Nikki Herrmann's Residence, Quantico Virginia

"I'm a pretty complex woman, I'm still trying to figure myself out," Nikki said with a smirk as Spencer pulled his car into her driveway. "Well I look forward to trying to figure you out," Spencer said causing her to smile and let out a light laugh. "Well let me know when you do, so I can have some insight. Good night Doctor and thanks again for the drive home," She said. "Anytime, look if your can sleep and wanna talk you know where to find me. Oh and before you go, let me know if you need a drive to the airport tomorrow," he added as she stepped out of the car. "I will, thanks Spence," Nikki said sending him a smile and a wave as she walked up to the front door and unlocked it with her key. 

Nikki sent another wave to Spencer who was sitting in her driveway waiting for her to get inside her house before he left. He's such a gentleman honestly and so kind and not pushy. The brunette shut and locked the door before walking into the small open studio apartment she was renting. The house was divided into 3 units, The top floor, the basement, and her unit on the main floor. 

Nikki didn't know her neighbors but the upstairs neighbor but from what she could tell her downstairs neighbor was a grouchy man who hated noise and upstairs was a rowdy college boy renting the space while he was in college needless to say he wasn't the stay in and study type. He'd thrown parties often and blared music which thankfully she could sleep through thanks to her siblings and being in multiple war zones. 

The brunette set her duffle bag down near the door walking into the open space noticing the bed sheets over the window held by push pins, her mattress and boxspring set on the floor near her small flat screen TV and Xbox One she had sitting on the floor nearby. Nikki didn't take much when she went to Nevada and she didn't bring much when she moved to Virginia. 

The brunette kept things simple and basic but also knew her mom would flip out if she saw how Nikki was living. She tell her that all she had to do was ask and she and her father would bring a bed frame, dresser, curtains things to make a house feel like a home. Nikki didn't mind the basics, she didn't have much while she was overseas the last 3 years, most nights she didn't have a bed, sleeping in a dirt hole in the ground, and used the bathroom in a separate hole in the ground next to whoever her platoon she was serving with at the time. 

Nikki sighed walking over to her bed and laying down before she pulled out her phone and messaged her mom letting her know she was home safe. The brunette lay on her single mattress trying to relax even if she didn't fall asleep only to have the images of the woman from the case flash through her mind along with the woman they never found the killers of. 

An image of one of the women flashed through her mind again only this time it was her. Nikki let out a shaky breath trying to push the image from her mind. You just need to shower and clear your mind," she told herself as she made her way across the room and into the bathroom taking a long shower before changing into a pair of Home Alone pajama pants and a wet bandits tee shirt with the mug shots of the iconic Christmas robbers. 

Nikki walked out of the bathroom her mind still cycling through the images of the woman and the events that unfolded that night in college. In her mind it was stupid, she could serve 2 tours in multiple war zones, and she'd come across mutilated women in ways she never even imagined, but what was getting to her was an incident in college that was nothing nearly as traumatic as a quarter of the things she'd seen, done or been through over there. 

Nikki let out a shaky breath looking at the time noticing it was almost 3:30 in the morning. The brunette took deep breaths slipping her shoes on, and stepped onto the front steps to have a smoke. She sat there taking drag after drag after drag. It wasn't until she burnt herself with the cigarette that she realized it was burnt out and she was crying. 

Nikki looked down the street at Spencer's car parked in his driveway and noticed there was still a light on inside. The brunette stood up and started walking down the street and up the driveway past the classic car and over to the door going to knock but paused. What are you doing Nikki? it's 3 am Even if he said you could talk he didn't mean in the middle of the night. She mentally yelled at herself. But did she really wanna go back home and keep replaying that night over and over? she asked herself. 

Doctor Spencer Reid's Residence, Quantico Virginia 

Nikki swallowed hard before she rang the doorbell quickly wiping away her tears even though more were already falling again. The doorbell echoed through the house and Nikki felt instant regret. What if Spencer just fell asleep or was busy? Nikki waited a moment before she turned and went to walk back home feeling like an idiot. "Hey, everything okay?" Spencer asked after the door opened causing Nikki to look up already halfway down his driveway. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep and it's really stupid I'm sorry if I woke you up," Nikki replied brushing it off. 

"No need to be sorry I wasn't sleeping I was actually reading. Wanna come in for some tea?" Spencer asked her holding the door open for her. Nikki was quiet but walked back over to the door taking him up on the offer. "For the record whatever has you up at this hour probably isn't stupid," Spencer said as he walked over to the small kitchen and started boiling some water. "Camamile okay?" he asked her. "Yea," she replied softly wiping her stray tears. 

Nikki sat down on Spencer's couch that was surrounded by tons of books, "You know nobody else on the team has ever been here," he said as he walked over with two mugs of tea setting one down on the table in front of her. "Then I'm honored to be graced with such a privilege," Nikki replied sending him a smile. "You have a really nice place. It feels really homey," the brunette added. "Thank you," he replied softly keeping his focus on her. 

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