Chapter 25

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The Purple Pig, Chicago Illinois 

Nikki sat at the table next to Spencer and Morgan, Rossi insisted on ordering the group expensive aged wine. The brunette only planned to have a glass but by the time their food arrived, she already had 4 maybe 5 glasses. 

The more she drank the less she felt which was what she needed for a moment. "So Annabelle has Piano lessons after school?" JJ asked, "Yea, and Max has hockey practice," Nikki said before she hiccuped but finished off the glass she was drinking. "Isn't your dad coaching Max's hockey league this year?" Morgan asked her as a waitress walked over to refill Nikki's glass. 

Spencer put his hand over the glass and shook his head mouthing 'No thank you, she's good.' to the server who nodded and refilled the rest of the glasses at the table instead. "How are your sibling holding up with everything? I can't imagine what you guys are going through," JJ said as she paused. "Sorry," the blonde said apologetically as Nikki shook her head. 

"Don't be, um they're trying to keep a strong front. Keep it together for our mom, but at the same time nobody knows what to say or feel about it, none of us really talk about it." Nikki said with a sigh noticing her wine glass was empty. "How are you handling it all?" Rossi asked her, "What do you mean?" Nikki asked. "Well in under a week you stepped up and started taking on a lot of responsibilities you typically wouldn't. You stepped into the role your mom would play in your home, that's gotta be a lot of stress," Rossi replied. 

"I haven't really had a moment to stop and process, which is good. I don't really do the whole emotional boo whoo me pity party thing, that's why tequila was invented," Nikki replied with a light laugh. "Tequila first came into existence in 250-300 A.D. when the Aztec Indians produced a fermented juice of the agave for their ceremonial wine, plaque," Spencer said causing Nikki to smirk at him rambling. His lips looked so kissable and his smile made her heart beat a little faster. 

"What do you do in the evening when your dad and siblings are home?" JJ asked, "if my dad's not working I cover shifts at Molly's and I guess when My dad is working too, Lee Henry usually makes sure the younger ones go to bed on time," Nikki replied. "Sounds like you staying busy," Spencer said as Nikki nodded. "Yea, You guys should stop by Molly's later. I'm working till close so if you want a round or two on the house I got you," Nikki said. 

"Sounds like a plan to me," Morgan replied with a smile, "Your going to work after 5 glasses of wine?" Spencer asks her softly sending her a surprised and concerned look. "Yup and do occasional shots all night," Nikki replied. "And your dad's fine with you drinking his menu and serving while your drinking?" Rossi asked. "My dad pays me in alcohol, that's the deal and as long as I quote on quote don't do anything he wouldn't do he doesn't care," Nikki replied as she looked at the time sighing when she noticed she had an hour before she had to get her brothers. 

Molly's Bar, Bucktown Chicago Illinois 

A few hours later Nikki was behind the bar at Molly's after all her siblings were home from school and settling in for the night before bed. Their dad was working, Mom was resting and Lee Henry was getting the kids settled for the night while Nikki went to help out with the family business. 

Within the first couple hours at work, she'd downed 3 tequila shots mostly because it was dead quiet for a Wednesday. "Well this sucks," Nikki said to the empty bar after a few more hours after she polished the clean glasses and silverware. The door to the bar chimed causing Nikki to look up being greeted by a few of the detectives from the intelligence unit. Antonio, Ruzek, Halstead and Mouse. "Wow it's dead in here tonight," Antonio commented as he walked over to the bar. "Yea, any idea what that's about?" Nikki asked them. 

"There's an art festival next street over and the entire roads blocked off," Mouse replied as he took a seat at the bar. "That sounds like it's gonna be like this most of the night. What can I start you guys off with?" Nikki asked. "Just a beer please," Mouse said as Nikki poured Mouse his usual beer and slid it across the bar. "Thanks," he replied sliding her some cash. The rest of the guys settled on beer as well. 

After Nikki finished pouring the drinks she set them across the bar as the door to the bar chimed again. The brunette looked up noticing her colleagues walk in along with Garcia, the sight made her smile. "Hey stranger's, how's it going?" Nikki asked from behind the bar sending Spencer a smile as she met his gaze. "It's going better now that I'm seeing you in person. How are you doing?" Garcia asked walking over to the bar as Nikki ducked under the bar and popped up on the other side of the counter before Garcia embraced her in a hug. 

"One day at a time, Can I get you a drink?" Nikki asked them before returning behind the bar. The agents all gave Nikki their beverage orders and Nikki made each drink setting it in front of her colleagues. "How are you detective's doing over here? can I get you guys another round of beers?" Nikki asked. "That'd be great can you also make another drink for blondie at the end of the bar for me?" Mouse asked causing Nikki to look up at who he was referring to noticing Garcia standing next to Morgan. "I can absolutely do that," Nikki replied with a smile gett the detectives another round of drinks before she walked over with a second drink for Garcia setting it in front of her. 

"I didn't order that," she said confused, "Your admirer got it for you," Nikki replied. "Admirer who?" Morgan asked. "Tell me, tell me, tell me," Garcia said as Nikki nodded towards Mouse with a smirk as he raised his beer to Garcia from his spot. The night went by faster with people in the bar especially when she knew everyone there. Close to 1 Am the bar was almost empty again except for Jay and Mouse and Spencer, Morgan, and Garcia. 

"Alright well, I should get this one back to the hotel, you coming with us pretty boy?" Morgan asked Spencer who was sitting at the bar still sipping on a long island iced tea. "I think I head back in a bit," Spencer replied as Morgan nodded. "Okay, have fun," Morgan said as he led Garcia's stumbling figure out of the bar. 

"I should probably get going we have to work early," Jay said as he finished his beer and stood up setting cash on the bar. "Yea, it's getting late," Mouse added as the two rangers stood up and set cash on the bar before they make their way out of the bar leaving Spencer and Nikki alone. The brunette pulled out 2 shot glasses and a bottle of tequila walking over to where Spencer was sitting. 

Nikki poured 2 shots setting 1 in front of Spencer who was confused, "So, wanna talk about that list," she asked softly causing his eyes to widen and a smirk to creep across his lips. "Of course, I've only been wondering what's on it for the last 2 weeks," Spencer replied as Nikki picked up her shot. "No judgment?" she asked looking Spencer up and down, "Never Princess," he replied softly making her heart skip a beat as he leaned across the to kiss her. 

His lips connected with hers for a moment before she broke the kiss and shook her head. "I don't want you to kiss me- well I seriously misjudged this, I'm sorry," Spencer said cutting her off. "No Spence, It's not that I don't want you to kiss me okay..." she said as she downed the shot trying to find the words. "Then what is it?" he asked confused as he tried to read her body language. "I- I want you to do more than kiss me, Spence," she paused swallowing hard at her words. She could feel his narrow gaze watching her, "I-I want you to push me against a wall, I want you to put your hands all over my body in places I can't see. I- I want you to treat me like your queen on the streets and dominate me in the sheets," Nikki said the last part blushing unable to look at him. 

Spencer stayed quiet as Nikki let out a shaky breath before she went to pour another shot only to have Spencer put the bottle down before he took his hand and lifted her chin softly to meet his gaze. "All you had to do was ask Princess, what do you say we close up here and we go back to my hotel room, and you can tell me every little detail on that naughty list of yours and I can help you out with them, how does that sound darling?" Spencer asked in a tone that was extremely hot and the look he gave her. 

Nikki bit her lip and nodded with a smile as she hopped over the bar and locked the front door to the bar and switched the open sign off. 

S.S.A Herrmann (Criminal Minds / One Chicago Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now