Chapter 12

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BAU Office, FBI Academy Quantico Virginia

Nikki went to go make a coffee after the call with her dad, Oh Lee Henry, what have you done? The brunette chuckled more at her father's love for America speech than anything else. Nikki took a seat back at her desk as Morgan and Spencer kept looking at her. "So, your dad. Seems to have a strong love for America," Morgan said causing Nikki to nod. "Yea, um other than the fact that I served and my great grandfather served, and the fact my dad loves history documentaries and got me into my love for a lot of different historical events over centuries, my dad was also one of the volunteer firefighters Chicago sent to New York right after 9/11," Nikki said. 

"Your dad was one of the volunteer firefighters in 9/11?" Garcia asked appearing out of nowhere. Nikki nodded, "How old were you when 9/11 happened?" Morgan asked. "5, I remember the teacher came in and turned on the news in the classroom, shortly after that my mom picked me up from school and we sat on the couch at home. I didn't really fully understand what was going on but it was more everyone else panicking, the shock," Nikki replied. 

"At that age children are really susceptible to the emotions of those around them. Very much in an empathic way that studies have actually shown that children pick up on adult emotions without the adults even having to speak," Spencer stated. "Wait you're a 90s baby?" Spencer asked her after realizing she was 5 in 2001. Nikki nodded slowly as she took a sip of her coffee. "So your 26?" Spencer asked mentally calculating her age, "Soon yea," Nikki replied going back to the paperwork. 

"So why did your dad go full American pride speech?" Morgan asked her, Nikki chuckled and shook her head cringing a bit. "You heard that?" Nikki said more than asked, "I heard it all the way from my office," Rossi commented joining the conversation as he walked over with a mug of coffee standing next to Nikki. "My little brother Lee Henry got suspended for taking a knee during the national anthem at school, and my dad I thought he was going to have a hernia," Nikki replied with a light laugh. 

"Why'd he take a knee?" Garcia asked curiously, "He was mad that the school uped the charges on the vending machines, needless to say, I'm gonna give my dad an hour to calm down and try to convince him not to not ground Lee Henry until he's 30, and to let him keep the car," Nikki replied. "Why let him keep the car? As a teenager that was a privilege in my house growing up," Morgan said. 

"Well because since he's a secondary driver under my insurance and the car is still owned by me, He only pays for gas on the car and the condition to him borrowing the car was to keep his grades up, stay out of trouble at school and he had to help our parents out by driving our sister to and from school which isn't a big deal since they go to the same high school," Nikki explained. "So he has responsibilities on top of the privilege of being independent," Rossi said nodding. 

"So If my dad takes the car from Lee Henry he and my mom are gonna have to drive him and Annabelle to and from school before his shift at the station," Nikki replied. "Your dad still works as a firefighter?" Spencer asked as Nikki smiled and nodded, "Speaking of which i'm gonna go see if he's calmed down a bit, and might reconsider reducing Lee Henry's sentence," Nikki said as she make her way up to the briefing room to call her dad back. 

Herrmann Family Residence, Chicago Illinois

A few days went by and Nikki ended up heading back to Chicago 2 days before teh marathon so she could do some last minute training so she could kick Morgan's ass. Nikki spent her first night home with her family and convinced their dad to let Lee Henry off the hook telling him she'd talk with him. It helped that his suspension was over and he'd be back at school by Monday morning again. 

Nikki woke up to the sound of knocking coming from the door downstairs. The brunette groaned and rolled over not ready to get up just yet knowing she'd have to get changed stretch and go for a quarter mile run train for tomorrow. Another round of loud bangs came from the door before footsteps started making their way up. 

"Nikki, your friends are here," Lee Henry said opening the door. "What friends?"Nikki grumbled half asleep. "The one that's gonna kick your butt in tomorrow's marathon," a familiar voice said causing Nikki to pop her head out from under her pillow looking in the direction of the sound. She pushed her hair out of her face to find Morgan standing in the doorway next to Lee Henry and Spencer who was holding 2 cups of coffee. 

"I your dreams Morgan, is that coffee?" she asked Spencer as he smiled and handed the cup to her. "Dark roast, 3 sugar, 3 cream," he replied as she took a sip of the liquid gratefully. "You do love me," Nikki replied happily sipping the coffee still half asleep. "What do you say you get your little butt out of bed and get dressed and all of us can go get some breakfast and enjoy the city a bit," Morgan suggested. 

"Sounds like a plan, give me 5 minutes and I'll meet you outside," Nikki said as Spencer and Morgan walked back out the door shutting it behind them. The brunette quickly got changed into a pair of blue ripped skinny jeans and a Black Hawks tee shirt before she threw on a pair of cherry red leather boots. 

Nikki looked over her reflection once before she took her phone, keys, and coffee and retreated out of the apartment above the garage. Nikki locked the door as she got outside, "I just gotta let my mom know I'm disappearing for a bit- It's all good sweetheart," Nikki looked up to see her mom standing there talking to Rossi Hotch while Lee Henry, Luke, Max, and Kenny were showing Morgan and Reid some wrestling moves they learned from a friend at school and Annabelle was standing by the front door on her phone clearly not wanting to be there. 

"I didn't realize everyone was gonna be here," Nikki said slightly confused. "And miss the opportunity for Morgan to get his butt kicked athletically? I wouldn't miss that for the world," Rossi replied. "It's so nice to finally meet you all, Nikki has told us a lot about you," her mom said to Hotch and Rossi as Spencer and Morgan walked over noticing Nikki was changed. "We are lucky to have her on the team," Hotch replied sending her a smile. "Well we are gonna get some breakfast and do some sightseeing," Nikki told her mom as she pulled her into a hug. 

"Sounds good make sure this one has more than just coffee," her mom said to Rossi causing Nikki's face to go a bit red. "Mom..." she groaned feeling like she was 16 again and her mom was embarrassing her. "I just worry about you Nikki, well you all have fun I love you and you should bring your friends over to Molly's tonight. Tell your Father the first rounds on the house," her mom said. 

"You had me at first round free," Morgan said, "Who's Molly?" Garcia asked Nikki. "It's only the best bar in Chicago and the world in my opinion which might be a little bias since my dad owns the place," Nikki replied. "Sounds like drinks are covered tonight kids," Rossi said, "Maybe for you all but I gotta 26 miles run to do tomorrow so I will only be participating in the first round. Until tomorrow after I cross that finish line before you," Nikki replied with a smirk looking at Morgan. 

"In your dreams Nikki, In your dreams," Morgan replied, "I love you Mom," Nikki said with a smile as she hugged her mom before she and her colleagues climbed into their federal SUV. 

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