Chapter 24

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Nikki spent the night at Med with her mom, her dad went home to feed the kids and put them to bed before he'd come to visit again in the morning and Nikki would go home and get her sibling ready for school and her dad to see her mom before work. 

It had been a few days since Nikki broke down on the phone with Spencer about what was going on with her mom. She still hadn't told Hotch or anyone else what going on, mostly because there was literally nothing anyone could do. Nikki spent the morning running around by 6 am starting to make lunches for her youngest brothers and simply just giving Lee Henry and Annabelle cash for lunch and telling them if they need more to just let her know. 

Lee Henry drove Annabelle and himself to school as Nikki took the family minivan and dropped her youngest brother's off at school before she went back to the family house to clean up from the crazy school morning. Nikki found herself constantly doing something whether it was constantly cleaning up the house like her mom normally would, constant dishes, laundry. 

Nikki couldn't remember when she took a moment to shower let alone even talk to anyone on her team. At night Nikki would go over to Molly's to help her dad by covering shifts so he could spend time with her mom. Nikki was trying to stay distracted so her mind wouldn't think the worst.

Herrmann Family Residence, Chicago Illinois 

The moment Nikki walked in the front door she started cleaning the kitchen from the lunches she made, then continued by picking up the million articles of clothes scattered across the living room and taking them down the hall to the laundry room when there was a knock on the front door. Nikki walked over to the front door with the overflowing laundry basket in hand. The brunette used the wall and one of her hands to balance the basket as she pulled the door open, being greeted by Hotch, Rossi, and the rest of her team. 

Nikki nodded for them to come in as she carried the basket over to the laundry room and set it on the washing machine. The brunette walked out of the room, "Want a coffee or tea?" Nikki asked as she made her way to the kitchen followed by the rest of her team. The brunette started piling dishes in the sink not really taking a moment to stop. "Sure," Rossi said as Nikki went to brew a new pot of coffee. 

The only time Nikki took a moment to stop was after she brewed the pot of coffee and set a mug of coffee out to her colleagues. "Why don't you sit for a minute, you haven't stopped since we got here," Morgan suggested as Nikki started on the dishes in the sink. "Yea, that's not happening. I have to finish laundry, sweep and mop, then pick up the boys from school. Max has Hockey practice, Annabelle has Piano and Kenny has soccer practice," Nikki listed. 

"My point is I don't have a minute sorry. What brings you by?" Nikki asked turning her attention to the dishes she was washing. "We wanted to check on you, we finished the case and figured we'd stop by," Hotch said. "Plus we were a little worried after you pulled an Irish goodbye," JJ added. Nikki didn't really know what to say, "I'm alright, no need to worry," she replied as she finished off the dishes and went to dry her hands. 

The room the silent and when she looked up she could feel everyone's eyes on her. "You left this at the hotel before you left. I figured we'd drop them off," Spencer said softly handing her her bag and stuff she left in Wisconsin. "Thanks, how did the case turn out?" Nikki asked accepting the bag as she set it against the wall in the hallways to take back out to her apartment above the garage. 

"We caught him as usual," Morgan replied as Nikki nodded. She could tell her team was suspicious of what she was hiding. The brunette pulled a clean mug out and poured coffee into it for herself. "My mom has surgery a few days ago at the hospital. I know I said it was nothing serious and no big deal and truthfully we didn't know the severity at the time. The surgery was to remove a tumor in her lung," Nikki said as she stirred the mug of coffee turning to look at her colleagues. 

They were silent and their faces were blank except for Spencer who held a more sad expression than shocked. "A tumor as in Cancer?" Morgan said more than asked as Nikki nodded slowly, "They tried to remove the tumor but um, they couldn't get it all and they found more in her Lymth nodes," Nikki said trying to keep her voice from shaking as she followed the tears forming in her eyes. 

"Nikki I'm so sorry- don't," she said as she wiped away a stray tear. "What are her next steps in treatment?" Rossi asked. "Chemo and Radiation," her voice was barely above a whisper. "So I've been trying and failing for the last almost week trying to do everything my mom does to make this place function and..." Nikki shook her breath. "How can we Help? Is there something we can do for you and your family?" JJ asked. Nikki shook her head, as tears started just falling from her eyes.  

Nikki wiped her eyes only to have more tears replace the ones she just wiped away making her frustrated at her own emotions. Spencer walked overtaking her mug of coffee and setting it on the counter before he pulled her into an embrace. Nikki snapped and just started crying into his chest as Spence held her in his arms. 

Morgan walked over and hugged Nikki and Spencer followed by JJ, Rossi, and Hotch. "How about, we all split up the list of things you have to do and get it out of the way? Then all of us will grab some lunch before we get your brothers from school," JJ offered. "I couldn't ask you guys to do that, plus you guys have other cases, and better things to do like track serial killers," Nikki pointed out after everyone let go of the group hug and she took a sip of coffee from her mug off the counter. 

"We are exactly where we need to be right now kid, the serial killers are still gonna be there when we get back in a couple of days, kid. Right now it seems like you could use some help," Rossi said. "And before you go all infintard on me, just let us help you," Rossi said before she could argue. Nikki chuckled at the comment, "Did you call me an Infintard?" she asked chuckling. "I did, so what do you say?" the older agent replied. 

"That sounds like a better plan than I have," Nikki said, "And what was your plan again? Just out of curiosity?" Spencer asked her. "Oh to push myself past my burnout point trying to do everything on my own because I'm too stubborn to admit I need help until shit had completely hit the fan, Internalizing... My specialty or just denial," Nikki replied looking at Spencer. 

"Well Super Woman, You don't have to do it on your own this time. We got you, so where do you want us to start?" Morgan asked her. Nikki paused looking around the house, before listing a few things she still had to finish up. Morgan started Sweeping while JJ was mopping behind him, Spencer was helping Nikki dry the dishes while she put them away. Nikki chuckled a little at the sight of Hotch vacuuming the living room carpet while Rossi was wiping down windows, photos, and the TV screen. 

Nikki was honestly thankful she had such amazing people in her life. It took them less than an hour to finish everything that would've taken Nikki the entire day to finish. Nikki went to shower and change before the team made their way to grab something to eat for lunch. 

"I like your shirt," Spencer said with a grin complimenting Nikki's light blue knitted long sleeve crop top that had a sweater vest design on the front. "Thanks, it's kinda nerdy but it's so comfy and shows off my abs so," Nikki replied with a smile as Spencer held the door open to the restaurant for Nikki and the team. 

"Thank you," Nikki said with a smile meeting his intoxicating hazel eyes. All she wanted to do was crash her lips on his, and run her fingers through his hair. She wanted Spencer to trail his hand and fingers across her body, but she didn't know how to even start that or if he would want to. Why are you thinking of doing dirty things with Spencer when your mom is literally suffering from cancer and going to be starting the awful chemo and radiation treatments? 

S.S.A Herrmann (Criminal Minds / One Chicago Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now