Chapter 16

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21st District Chicago Police Department, Chicago Illinois

Nikki walked up the steps of the old brick building holding a coffee in hand before the sun was even starting to rise. She couldn't sleep even if she tried her adrenaline was still going after the explosion and she knew it wouldn't slow down until this was over. As if the explosion triggered her fight or flight response from her days as a soldier. 

"Hey G.I Joe, they didn't let you sleep in after almost being crushed by a building?" Sergeant Platt asked a long time friend of Nikki's parents. "They tried, but I'm not really the relax and sip mai tai's kinda gal. Wanna buzz me upstairs I wanna get a head start before the rest of the team gets here," Nikki said with a smile as she stood in front of the older woman's desk. 

Trudy looked at the time and then at Nikki, "It's 3 in the morning Nikki," she said. "Actually it's 4 and I gotta catch up on the case I'm a bit behind after teh collapse," the brunette said as Trudy nodded pointing towards the stairs. "I'm pretty sure everyone cleared out over an hour ago but go ahead," the sergeant said buzzing the door and letting Nikki upstairs. "Thanks, sargant," she said sending her a smile before making her way up the stairs to the open office space and noticing all the empty desks. 

Nikki walked over to a wipe board looking at the evidence they had so far as she sipped her coffee. "Can I help you with something?" a voice asked causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. Nikki turned to find none other than Halstead standing there holding a mug of coffee, "Nikki? What are you doing here?" he asked slightly confused. "My team is working the bombing case I'm assuming with your unit, so what are you doing here so late?" Nikki asked him as she leaned against one of the desks still looking at the detective. 

"I couldn't sleep, I'm guessing you couldn't either," he replied as she nodded looking at the photo on the board of the collapsed building she was under. "I heard you were in the collapse, I'm really glad your okay," the detective said as she took a sip of her coffee. "Just another day at the office right?" Nikki said more than asked partially joking forcing a smile. 

"Look um if you wanted to get a drink sometime and talk or not about what happened yesterday. I could imagine it brought back some things," the detective offered. Nikki looked at Halstead, "I appreciate that Halstead, but there's really nothing to talk about, the building collapsed I got out unharmed why would that bring anything back? I just wanna find this coward," Nikki replied. 

"Well we have your team set up in here," Halstead said walking into a small break room and Nikki instantly saw the files and Map of the city where Spencer had started the geographic profile "Well if you need anything I'll be at my desk," Halstead said as Nikki started looking over the case file noticing the familiarity to the bomb fragments they retrieved so far. 

The brunette paused standing up walking over to a file box on the table and opening it to find the bomb fragments in evidence bags. Nikki started pulling the pieces out setting each one on the table so she could see each piece and where it previously would've been placed still drinking her coffee. It didn't help there was hundreds of pieces to the explosive which meant it was more of an advanced bomb and one she'd seen in her time as a Ranger. 

"Wow, you're here early guess I should tell Reid and Morgan they don't need to stop by your parent's place," Garcia said walking into the room with JJ. "What are you doing here so early?" JJ asked her. "I couldn't sleep so I figured I'd come in and catch up on what I missed," Nikki replied still focusing on all the pieces on the device trying to remember where she saw this kind of bomb before and more specifically who made it. 

"Hey chocolate thunder, so you and Reid don't have to pick up Nikki she's already here," Garcia said through her phone. "So what are you looking for?" JJ asked her, "You can tell a lot about a bomber by how they assemble their bombs it's kinda like a weapon of choice and each bomber especially sophisticated ones will leave or add a piece to the explosive kinda the way most of our other unsubs leave signatures. So I'm trying to figure out what his signature is, track it to other cases like we do with other M.Os," Nikki replied going to take a sip of her coffee only just noticing it was gone. 

The brunette was too focused on finding that one piece to the explosive she couldn't be bothered to get up and get another coffee that was less than 5 feet away. "Morning, you're here early," Spencer said as he walked into the room noticing Nikki didn't take her focus off the table once. "Morning," Nikki said softly as she moved a few of the bags around on the table pausing when it hit her. 

Nikki furrowed her eyebrows hoping her eyes were playing tricks on her. "You're kidding me," she scoffed more to herself staring at the fragmentation. "What is it? what do you see?" Spencer asked. "I think... I need a second opinion but I'm pretty sure I've crossed paths with this unsub overseas. I just need to check one thing," Nikki replied as she walked over to the door to the break room. "Halstead," the brunette said from the doorway pulling the detective's attention. 

Nikki nodded into the room as Halstead stood up and followed her into the room and over to the table. "What's up agent?" he asked, "I want your opinion on something," Nikki replied pointing to the evidence bags on the table. "I laid out all the bomb fragments that were found at the scene and placed them where they'd got to assemble the device together," she explained as Halstead nodded looking over the pieces, and paused. 

"Wait is that, the same- Identical from what I can tell," Nikki replied cutting him off and earning a look from the detective. "I can get Mouse to pull the file to compare but- wait whoa Mouse is working here?" Nikki asked him. "Depends on whose asking and what file and I pulling to compare to what?" The voice caused Nikki to turn to the doorway where Mouse was standing holding an empty mug of coffee. 

The blue eyed ranger met Nikki's gaze and instantly smiled letting out a chuckle. "No freaking way, this goofball said you were back stateside again. You look great Sarg," Mouse said pulling her into a hug. "It's just Nikki or agent now- sorry to interrupt but," Morgan said pointing at the table completely lost along with JJ, Garcia, and Reid in what was going on and what the Rangers discovered. 

"The signature on the device is an exact replica of a few devices we saw in Afghanistan on an OP, I'd have to compare the fragments to the ones from the files we compiled over there which might take a minute, I don't really know," Nikki replied as Mouse walked over to the computer Garcia was using. "May I?" he asked her earning a death stare, "Okay never mind," Mouse said walking over to one of the desktops in the main office and began typing and within 30 seconds the printer was running. "Done," Mouse replied handing Nikki a bunch of the photos of the bomb fragments found in Afghanistan and passing the photos to Morgan, JJ, and Reid to compare already confirming what she already knew. 

"It is the exact same," Reid confirmed, "How'd you get these, I cross referenced cases with similar MOs nationwide," Garcia replied. "Mouse ran tech analysis among other things for our unit overseas, and it's best to not ask," Nikki replied. "Did you print- Yeah it's right here and all the info is on the back," Mouse said handing Nikki a few printed photos from the Ranger case file. 

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