Chapter 20

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Doctor Spencer Reid's Residence, Quantico Virginia 

Nikki woke up to the sound of her phone ringing nearby causing her to groan still half asleep turning away to bury her face into her pillow as a different ringtone sounded along with hers. "Morning princess," the sound caused Nikki to look up at the sound only just realizing she was laying on Spencer's chest. "Morning handsome, I could get used to this," Nikki said softly hiding her face in his neck and shoulder. Spencer smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Me too," he replied softly as he softly played with her hair as their phones both rang again interrupting the moment. 

Nikki sighed reaching over to grab both devices and handing his to Spencer as it rang. "Hello?" Spencer said answering his phone as she stood up and walked over to his kitchen before she answered the call not even checking to see who it was. "Hey," Nikki said answering her device, "Hey sleepy head, I tried calling you twice and Garcia message you. We have a case," Morgan's voice said through the line. "Shit, sorry I crashed after the last few days. I'll be at the office soon," Nikki replied. 

"Alright, wait have you heard from Reid this morning?" Morgan asked, "Um no... I, haven't heard from him since he dropped me off last night. Why?" the brunette asked looking up to notice Spencer was off the phone and he was watching her with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Garcia didn't hear from him either, why don't you go wake up Boy Wonder and let him know we have a case," Morgan said. "Hmm, well I'll go get dressed and go knock on his door and see if he's awake," Nikki replied keeping her eyes on Spencer's intoxicating hazel ones. "Alright I'll see you soon," Nikki added before she hung up. 

"Do you think he could tell?" she asked, "Your body language gave you away before your tone did if that's what your wondering, but we should get dressed and get going or they'll definitely start to suspect," Spencer replied with a smile as he walked over to her. "What do you mean my body language gave it away?" Nikki asked as Spencer grinned as he tucked a stray piece of her hair behind her ear and out of her face. "You have tells when your lying princess, which is perfect to know if we ever play poker," Spencer said before pressing a kiss on her lips. 

"Mmm well then it's a good thing I don't play poker isn't it?" Nikki said with a smile after breaking the kiss. "You don't play poker?" Spencer asked surprised as Nikki shook her head no. "Why not? if you don't mind me asking?" he asked. "I um I just never learned, and Poker, gambling casinos even lottery tickets. I just don't understand the point. If I wanted to give away money I'd never see again I'd donate it or give it to my siblings, look I really should go get dressed so we can head to work," Nikki replied as she pressed one last kiss on Spencer's lips. 

"You know I grew up in Las Vegas and I could easily teach you how," he replied as Nikki smirked at a dirty comment that popped into her mind causing her to blush and chew the inside of her cheeks and look away. "What is it, princess?" Spencer ask lifting her chin with his hand softly so she was looking into his hazel eyes. "Of all the things I want you to teach me, Spence, Poker wasn't exactly at the top of the list," Nikki replied with a grin before she walked over to the door and started putting her shoes off after taking her keys, smokes, lighter and phone off the coffee table in the living room. 

"You have a list? what's on it?" Spencer asked curiously with a smile, Nikki smirked. "Um, that sounds like a conversation to have with margaritas or Rum," she replied. "I'll be back in 10 minutes," Nikki said before she walked out the front door leaving Spencer wondering what was on that list she mentioned. 

Nikki took 10 minutes to change, get deodorant, switch her clothes in her go bag and brush her teeth mostly due to the fact she was multi tasking as she ran around. The brunette ran out the door only to pause heading towards her safe to grab her gun and badge before she walked out the front door locking it behind her. Spencer was already waiting in his car in her driveway by the time she got outside. 

Nikki walked over and climbed into the car sending Morgan a message letting him know she and Spence were on their way to the office. "I look forward to hearing this list over margaritas for the record," Spencer said smiling at her before focusing back on the road. Nikki chewed the inside of her cheek staying quiet thankful that even though Spencer was quite literally a genius he hadn't figured out how to read minds. The things she wanted him to do to her made her blush and feel slightly embarrassed? 

The brunette shifted her gaze out the window as they drove towards the office. They were almost back at the academy when Spencer took her hand in his still keeping his other on the road as he turned onto the street the office was on. Nikki smiled at his hand in his as Spencer pulled his car into his parking spot. 

BAU Office - FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia 

 Nikki and Spencer stepped on the elevator taking it up to the 6th floor where the office was. The two stepped out walking toward the double glass doors that lead into the large open office space. Nikki and Spencer wasted no time making their way across the room and up the small flight of steps into the round table room where the rest of the team was already waiting for them. "So where are we heading?" Spencer asked as he took a seat in an empty office chair next to Morgan and Rossi and Nikki sat down in the other empty chair next to JJ and Hotch. 

"Boulder City Nevada, home of the hoover dam, because police there found the body of a woman. Wrapped and weighed down in the water, he apparently likes to freeze," Garcia said pulling up the photos on the screen of their frozen victim. "ID yet?" Rossi asked her, "No, unfortunately," Garcia replied. "How long was she in the water?" Nikki asked looking over the file. "Unclear, her popsicle ness made it hard to determine an MO," Garcia replied. 

"Are you sure this is the unsub and not just exposure?" Morgan asked, "Well her blood was frozen in her veins, Temperatures in the area don't get cold enough for that," Hotch stated. "Hoover Dam is not that far from Vegas. Could this be a hitman?" Rossi asked. "No marks, like that not to mention a hitman would use a more... efficient way father than freeze their victims. Usually, hitmen want to inflict pain this doesn't say hit. And the Mob hitmen typically shoot their victims and leave them in barrel drums full of concrete before leaving them in the desert or the bottom of any body of water," Nikki replied lifting her gaze and noticing the looks she was getting. 

"It kinda scares and concerns me you know that," Garcia said clearly uncomfortable. "Scary but very accurate, the Vegas Police Department is starting to uncover a mass burial grave in Lake Mead caused by years of continuous droughts.  Most of the victims found were cartel hits some even tracing back to as early as the 60s, judging by the clothes the victims were found in," Spencer said. 

"What's that mark on her chest, breastbone above the heart?" JJ asked as Garcia zoomed in on the photo.  "That's not frostbite it's an electrical burn," Nikki said recognizing the marks she's seen one too many times when she got sent on Recovery Missions for the Rangers. She'd seen the horrific states their bodies were in before they got shipped back home. 

"Why introduce electroshock to the MO?" Morgan asked, "Well that's what we need to find out, wheels up in 30," Hotch told the team as he dismissed them. The agents stood up and made their way out of the briefing room out of the office to fly out to Nevada. 

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