Chapter 19

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Herrmann Family Residence, Chicago Illinois

Nikki smiled at how happy her family was to be back home and not be stuck in small generic house Witness protection set them up in for what could've been months while they tracked this bomber down. Luckily they caught her within 2 days which felt odd to Nikki, almost like it was all too easy. 

However, she didn't wanna ruin the happy moment in front of her. Being home with her family before she had to leave any minute to fly back to work with the team. Nikki smile watching as her sibling all took off to go do the things they missed the most while they were away leaving Nikki and her parents. "It's nice to be home, are you sure you gotta go back to work so soon?" her mom asked trying to hide the sadness but couldn't. "Yea, we caught the bad guy, you guys are safe and everything can get back to normal again. Plus you think I'd miss Max's first Hockey game?" Nikki said with a smile. "It's gonna be awesome, I got the kids starting warmups next week," her dad said with a massive smile excited to be allowed to coach the team again. 

Nikki's smile fell as she phone buzzed notifying her of a message from Garcia. 

'Team's meeting at the Jet in 20' - Garcia 

"I gotta get going, we're flying back soon. I love you both," Nikki said pulling them into a hug before she wandered around the house locating all her siblings in their own rooms, and said goodbye to them before she took a cab to the airport with her go bag of stuff. 

BAU Privet Jet

Nikki was the last to board the flight, taking a seat at the empty 2 person table. The brunette stayed silent staring out the window as the aircraft took off from the runway. Nikki knew she was in hot water for disobeying Hotch's direct order and wasn't sure what would happen to her or her career with the BAU going forward. What would she do if the bureau let her go? That's a stupid question she told herself already knowing she'd most likely rejoin the Rangers and ship out the first chance she got. 

Things were hell over there but through the chaos was structure, and simplicity. The objective day in and day out was staying alive to complete whatever mission you were on. You never look further ahead than that. It's not that she missed the war by any means what she missed was when she was serving over there with the Rangers she knew exactly which side she was fighting for, and where she stood. It felt like there was just too much noise going on here, too many distractions. 

"Hey, do you have a minute to talk about what happened earlier?" Hotch asked standing by the empty seat across from her. Nikki nodded staying quiet wondering how this conversation was gonna go. The agent scanned the jet noticing that the rest of the team was sleeping except her and their unit chief agent Hotchner. "I need to know that you understand that what you did was dangerous and reckless and shows very poor judgment on your part from where I'm sitting, You can understand that. Now I need to know that it will not happen again Agent Herrmann or you will no longer be a member of the bureau. Is that understood agent?" He asked her. "yes i understand, loud and clearly sir," Nikki replied as Hotch nodded and stood up to return to his original seat but paused,

"That was an incredible shot though," He told her earning a light smirk. "Thank you, sir" Nikki replied as he went and sat back down and Nikki continued staring out the window for the rest of the flight lost in thought wondering how many people she crossed during her time with the Ranger had the anger, time, and resources to track her down after she left the Rangers. Nikki wanted to know how Sofia managed to track her back to Chicago and to the Marathon. Nikki wanted to know where she got that information from. 

Quantico Virginia Airport 

The jet landed in Virginia and the team woke up right as the jet was hitting the Tarmac. Nikki followed the team off the jet trailing behind the group. "Ready to head home?" Spencer asked slowing his pace until Nikki was walking beside him. "Yea, I doubt I'll sleep" the brunette replied as her mind went over the explosion at the hospital which reminded her of the Humvee ambush she, Mouse, and Halstead were in on their last Op together over there. 

Spencer opened the passenger door to his car for Nikki letting her climb in, "thanks," the brunette said softly as he smiled and shut the door behind her. The drive back to their street was quiet other than the radio playing softly in the background. "Are you still up for that movie night? I can put some tea on and we can watch the princess bride if you want," he suggested with a smile that made her heart skip a beat. Nikki smiled back at him nodding her head yes, "That honestly sounds amazing, I just wanna shower and change first. Your place or mine?" Nikki asked. 

"My place, considering I actually have a couch. No offense," Spencer said with a smirk as he pulled his car into her driveway. "Morgan and I are still working on the details on making a road trip to Chicago soon, I'll be maybe 20 minutes tops," Nikki replied as she stepped out of the car and Spencer only just noticed she wasn't wearing a seatbelt the entire drive there but it was fastened behind her and buckled. 

"Oh and thanks for the drive home... again," she added with a smile. "No problem, I'll see you soon," Spencer replied sending her a small wave as Nikki walked up to her front door and walked inside before he backed out of her driveway and went 2 houses down to his place. 

Nikki instantly put her badge and gun in the locked safe before she went to shower and change returning to the empty space. She looked around with a sigh realizing Spencer was right and her place was kinda depressing especially after she was just home surrounded by her entire life and childhood in 1 space. 

Nikki put a pair of shoes on grabbing her phone and keys before she stepped outside and took out her pack of smokes and brought a cigarette to her lips before lighting it. She took a long drag of the chemicals exhaling slowly as she started making her way over to Spencer's house and sat on his front step finishing her smoke before she rang the doorbell. 

After a moment the door swung open and Spencer stood there in a pair of blue plaid pajama pants and an Einstein tee shirt. "Perfect Timing, the movie is all set up and I took the liberty of making tacos to snack on, oh and I can start the kettle for tea too if you want?" Spencer asked with his signature smile greeting her at the door. How could this man get any more perfect? she asked herself with a smile she leaned forwards and pressed her lips to his softly and passionately. 

"That was because you are honestly amazing," Nikki said as she went to walk through the door only to have Spencer cup her face in his hands and pull her into another kiss and he shut the front door behind her. "What was that for?" she asked him with a massive grin on her face, "Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you," he replied with a grin before they both went to make their own tacos and cuddled up on the couch afterward to watch the movie together where they both fell asleep before the ending as Spencer held Nikki in his embrace that felt like heaven. 

S.S.A Herrmann (Criminal Minds / One Chicago Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now