Chapter 22

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BAU Office Quantico Virginia

Nikki took the stairs up to the office after jogging into work. Ever since the bombshell her parents dropped last night at dinner she felt lost, shattered, broken, and guilty. After all the things she did not only as a soldier but the lives she took as an agent, oh, and the fact that she had been smoking for almost 5 years. Why did it end up being her mom that had a tumor? 

Nikki wanted to go back to Chicago with her parents but her mom and dad both insisted that there was nothing she could do until after the surgery except wait and it'd be better if she continued working and they'd let her know what the next steps were after the procedure. Nikki argued with them for almost an hour until Nikki agreed but only because she told them she was flying home for the surgery. 

Nikki walked through the set of double doors and over to her desk taking a seat and setting her bag down before she just stared at a random spot on her desk as her mom's words replayed in her mind. 'I have a tumor in my lung. yes, it's cancer. Hopefully, it's nothing' The brunette was pulled from her thoughts as a to go cup of coffee was set on her desk in front of her where she was staring. "You look like you could use this, how was dinner with your family?" Spencer asked standing next to her desk. 

"It was good, and thanks for the coffee Spence," Nikki said taking a sip. "Did your mom mention how her appointment went?" he asked. "She didn't say," Nikki lied as her mind shifted to a dark place. A world without her mom in it and it shattered her soul to think about it, Nikki saw a lot of death between Afghanistan and Iraq, and in her time with the BAU, she'd been to way too many funerals at only 25 but the one she couldn't stand the thought of was her moms. Nikki didn't know what she'd do if she lost her mom, she didn't wanna think about it but yet somehow she was. 

Spencer sat at his desk across from Nikki watching her stare at the same piece of paperwork for almost 20 minutes. "Morning, Boy Wonder, Nikki. How was the family dinner?" Morgan asked walking over with a cup of coffee in hand along with Garcia. Nikki didn't even react as if lost in her own world. Morgan and Garcia glanced at Nikki who was staring intently at the paper as if it had just offended her. 

"Everything alright Nikki?" Garcia asked still not getting an answer. "Kid, how long has she been like this?" Morgan asked Spencer who was watching them. "24 minutes and 32 seconds," Spencer replied. 

Nikki went to take a sip of her coffee noticing the cup was empty. The brunette pushed herself up from her seat noticing Morgan, Garcia, Spencer, and JJ watching her. Nikki furrowed her eyebrows confused as to how she missed the fact they walked past her and she didn't notice. "Good morning?" Nikki said confused but walked over to the coffee nook to make a coffee. When Nikki returned to her desk the team was quiet. "Are you okay Nikki?" Garcia asked her bluntly, "Yea, why wouldn't I be?" she replied. "Because you spent the last 30 minutes lost in that 1 piece of paper," Morgan pointed out, "You didn't notice anyone say good morning?" JJ asked as Nikki shook her head no. "You also ran to work this morning," Spencer added, " Did something happen at dinner?" Morgan asked. "Why would anything happen at dinner?" Nikki asked. 

"Why are you deflecting so much?" Spencer asked, "Hey guys, we got a case," Hotch said before making his way into the briefing room along with the other agents. Nikki was the first one up and into the round table room thankful to dodge the conversation. Not because she didn't wanna tell them but because it'd be too real to even say out loud. Nikki still couldn't fully comprehend the fact that her mom had a tumor. 

Nikki took a seat at the round table and JJ started handing out case files. "2 weeks ago Madison PD in Wisconsin found the body of Mary Healy, 3 nights ago. They discovered Donna Rayburn, and this morning, the body of Emma Zika was discovered by her friend. They were supposed to go on a jog together. All 3 women had had their wrists tied to the bed with scarves, and they were sexually assaulted before they were strangled," Garcia said informing the team as she pulled up the photos from each crime scene. 

"Patterns on the neck seem to be from a quarter inch rope," Spencer said as Nikki stared blankly at the crime scene photos silently. "Yeah, the abrasions aren't very textured. The core material could be something like nylon," JJ added. "Madison P.D found the DNA on all three victims, And it says here the unsubs not in CODIS," Morgan replied. "I doubt these were his first rapes, and I'm not surprised we struck out in Codis most sexual assaults aren't reported or aren't taken seriously," Nikki commented keeping her gaze on the file. 

"Middle class suburb, He's either a member of it or he blends in." Hotch said. "Burglary isn't a motive at Emma's he ignored $200 cash on the dresser and a box full of expensive jewelry," Spencer said. "Any signs of forced entry? Maybe he came through an open window?" Nikki suggested. "No to both, Maybe the unsub used a ruse to get in?" Morgan suggested. "That's possible, it could be part of his MO so he's less detectable," Nikki replied. 

"Maybe he knows when they go to sleep or lies in wait?" JJ suggested "If that's the case, it would take time. He's patient." Rossi stated. "cell phone activity shows that Emma was home for hours did he watch her the entire night?" Spencer asked. "whether he knows the victims or not, he's hit his stride and he's not gonna take time to cool off. Wheels up in 30," Hotch told the team as the agents stood up and started filing out of the room. 

Nikki took her time waiting until Hotch was the only one left, "Is everything alright agent?" the unit chief asked her from the doorway after JJ and Rossi left. "Would it be alright if I stayed here and helped the team instead?" She asked causing him to give her a confused look. "Um I could arrange to have you help Garcia on this case, may I ask why?" he asked still confused. 

Nikki went to say something and paused shaking her head, "My mom's going into the hospital for a procedure tomorrow and I wanna be close in case..." Nikki replied as Hotch nodded. "I'll let Garcia know that you'll be assisting her on the case, is everything okay with you mom? I can arrange time off for you if-" Nikki shook her head. "I don't know, can I get back to you after her surgery on whether or not I take some time off?" Nikki asked him. 

Hotch nodded, "Just send me a message or call if you have to go home. I'll let Anderson know you might need an SUV as well," he said before he walked out of the room and towards the team that was waiting for them. "You ready to go?" Spencer asked Nikki as she went back to her desk. "Um, I'm gonna be teaming up with Garcia on this case," Nikki replied causing a bunch of weird looks from the agents. 

"You're not coming with us?" Morgan asked surprised, "Why not?" Spencer asked. "Because I might have to head home to go deal with some family stuff in the next day or two- You do realize that our case is 147.3 miles from Chicago, so technically you would be closer to home," Spencer pointed out. 

That's when Nikki realized it was only a 2 hour drive from her parents. The brunette rubbed her templed feeling pretty dumb for her blonde moment. "Your right, and I clearly need more coffee," Nikki said earning more weird looks from the profilers. The brunette brushed it off and picked up her go bag before walking out of the office with the other BAU agents. 

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