Chapter 7

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O'Hare International Airport, Chicago Illinois

Nikki's plane landed in Chicago and after taking her carry on out of the storage compartment above her seat she made he way down the aisle and off the aircraft and into the massive building. As the brunette walked toward the arrival gate she pulled out her phone and called her mom to let her know she was on her way outside. 

Nikki stepped through the sliding doors of the airport and outside noticing the family van parked a bit down the pick up lane. The brunette smiled walking over to the vehicle as her mom stepped out of the van before they both embraced each other in a hug. "I'm so glad your home, we've missed you so much," her mom said letting go of the hug but still kissed Nikki on the forehead like she had when she was 6. 

"How was the flight?" her mom asked as they walked over to the van and Nikki sat in the passenger seat while her mom drove. "It wasn't bad," the brunette replied as her mom started driving them back to the Herrmann house. On the drive, Nikki pulled her phone out and messaged Spencer. 

Hey, my flight just landed, in Chicago. Thank you again Spence for everything! - Nikki

Herrmann Family Residence, Chicago Illinois

It didn't take long for the minivan to pull into the familiar driveway, "Want some coffee and something to eat? You look like you're withering away," Her mom asked as to took the keys out of the ignition. "Coffee sounds great, I'm not wasting away mom, I eat I just also work out a lot," Nikki replied as she climbed out of the front seat going to get her bag from the back when she heard the door open followed by tons of footsteps, and the familiar sound of her siblings running over to hug her. "NIKKI'S HOME! NIKKI's HOME!" Max yelled excitedly as he ran around. 

"Hey kiddos, how have you been?" she asked hugging her youngest brothers first. "Awesome! Dad's signed up to be my hockey coach this fall," Kenny said causing Nikki to chuckle a little at the memory of the last time her father coached little league hockey. "That's awesome! are you excited for this season?" Nikki asked Kenny who nodded excitedly before the brunette turned to look at  Annabelle and Lee Henry. 

"How have you two been?" Nikki asked as Lee Henry shrugged. "Fine, have you played the new season of Fortnite?" Lee Henry asked as she shook her head. "I haven't really had the time over the past couple of weeks, but we'll set it up tonight and we'll go win a few crown victories. How does that sound?" she asked him as he smiled and nodded. "Sounds awesome, here let me take that," Lee Henry said taking her duffle bag. "Thanks," Nikki replied handing her brother the bag. "So how long are you home this time?" Annabelle asked her bluntly. 

"Annabelle," their mom said in a stern tone. "What we all wanna know," the teenager replied annoyed. "I'm home until tomorrow night but you know the Chicago Marathon happening in a couple of weeks?" Nikki said more than asked earning a nod from Annabelle. "I'm participating so, I'll be home really soon," the brunette said as the family made their way into the house. 

"Is dad working?" Nikki asked as they walked into the kitchen, "Yeah it's his regular shift day but he'll be home before we have to go to church." their mom said causing Annabelle and Lee Henry to groan and complain. "Do we have to? I'd rather sleep in," they argued. "We've already been through this, your both going and that's final," their mom said sternly sending them the look she knew all too well growing up. 

It was the look to knock it off or she'd made you knock it off. "Are you going?" Annabelle asked looking at Nikki as their mom set a mug of coffee in front of her. "Thank you," Nikki said to their mom before she looked at her sister and nodded her head yes. "Every Herrmann in this family and house is going to church Annabelle including you," Their mom said again. 

"So how's the transition going?" her mom asked setting out cookies, cupcakes, muffins, and a few other snacks. "It's been good a bit different than what I'm used to but good," Nikki replied as she took a sip of her coffee. "Have you shot anyone before?" Annabelle asked causing Nikki to nearly choke on her coffee at the unexpected question. "ANNABELLE," their mom said in disbelief. "Mom it's okay it's only natural for her to be curious, um. I have, unfortunately, why are you asking me this?" Nikki asked as she tried to read her sister's body language. 

"Just wondering," her sister replied before she walked away going back to her room. Nikki looked at their mom without a word before taking a sip of her coffee. "Mom, do you think I'd be able to borrow the van and go, visit Dad?" Nikki asked as her mom smiled and nodded. "That's a great idea, he's going to be so excited to see you. Here, bring these and drive safe," her mom said handing her a plate of cookies and the van keys. "Thanks, mom, I will and I'll be back soon," Nikki said as she carried the plate outside setting it on the front seat before she climbed into the driver's seat and backed out of the driveway, and started the drive towards her dad's work. 

Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois

It took Nikki 10 minutes before she pulled the van up along the curb outside the familiar firehouse before she turned the ignition off taking the keys and cookies with her as she walked up the driveway towards the massive garage doors that were open showing off truck 81, squad 3, Engine 51 and ambo 61. 

The brunette walked through the garage doors looking around, "YO, WE GOT ANOTHER HERRMANN IN THE HOUSE" The voice yelled causing Nikki to look up noticing Lieutenant Severide, Capp, and Tony sitting at the squad table. "Hey, how have you been?" Kelly asked as she walked over meeting him near the doors to the inside of the station. "Good, how about you guys? Staying out of trouble?" she asked earning a smirk from him. "These guys staying out of trouble yea right," Gabby said walking onto the apparatus floor along with her father, Lieutenant Matt Casey, Boden, and many other familiar and unfamiliar faces.  

Her dad smiled and instantly pulled Nikki into a hug, "I'm so glad your home, I have missed you like crazy," her dad said letting her go only to pull her into another hug. "It's nice to see you back stateside again Nikki," Boden said with a smile. "Thanks, it's good to be back, also Mom wanted me to drop these off while I visited," Nikki said holding up the plate of cookies only to have Mouch take them. "Thank you very, much I'll just bring these inside," he said causing the brunette to laugh. 

"So your dad says you joined the FBI?" Gabby asked as they all walked inside the station and into the common room. "Yea, It's different than the Rangers but different good," Nikki replied. "So what do you do?" Cruz asked her. "I'm a profiler with the Behavioural Analysis Unit with the FBI so essentially we look into the behavior, thought pattern, and mindset of the people we're looking for to help us find them," Nikki replied as Gabby set a coffee in front of her. "Thank you," she said with a smile. 

"How does that work?" Gabby asked confused, "Well the team I work with we mostly hunt serial killers. So we look into victimology which is what the killer did to the victims before and after they die which tells us a lot of things especially how they view certain people and genders. We look into similar cases, we look into what type of victims our unsub might look for and compile it all in a profile to understand how they think and why they do what they do and that's what we use to catch them," Nikki replied. 

"So you just got home from fighting in two war zones probably more and your hunting down serial killers with the FBI?" Matt said more than asked. "When you say it like that it makes me sound like a badass," Nikki said with a laugh. "Or a bit I don't crazy," Cruz replied causing her to laugh. "I'm a Herrmann after all there's just a level of crazy we're born with," Nikki replied as she took another sip of her coffee. 

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