Chapter 15

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Nikki lay in the hospital bed waiting to be taken for the scans when Spencer walked in. "Hey Spence," she said. "Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked causing her heart to skip a beat which the heart monitor picked up and reported ratting her out instantly. "Good, I'm glad I wasn't smashed under a building," she replied awkwardly as Spencer walked over looking at the monitor after it started beeping faster for a moment when he walked in. 

"Yeah, I'm really glad you weren't squashed too. I was really worried about you," Spencer said softly. Just tell him, it's now or never Nikki. "The entire time I was down there, I could only manage to think about 1 thing and if I got out that I'd, I'd confront it head on," Nikki said nervously looking away from Spencer and down at her hands. "What was it? If you don't mind me asking?" he replied confused as Nikki locked eyes with Spencer's hazel eyes. "I wanted to do something that could end up," Nikki cringed thinking about what she was trying to say, and how to say it. "What was it?" Spencer asked her curiously as she looked at him taking a deep breath before she leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his lips without thinking. 

Nikki pulled back from the kiss nervous and worried she'd ruin everything by making that one stupid choice. Her gaze fell back to her hands waiting for Spencer to get mad at her for kissing him or for him to reject her but instead, he took his hand lifting her chin so she was looking back at his eyes. "I've been thinking about doing that for a while now," Spencer said with a smirk that make her heart skip a beat as he cupped her cheeks in his hands and placed a deep passionate kiss on her lips. 

"Sorry to interrupt, but Neurology is ready to run those tests," April said walking back into the room with a smile. "I'll see you after the tests okay?" Spencer said more than asked as he placed a kiss on the back of her hand after helping her up as she and April walked to Nurology since Nikki refused a wheelchair. 

The entire time she was taking the head scans she kept replaying Spencer's words and how he pulled her into a kiss. He was gentle, passionate, and yet somehow dominant at the same time, it turned her on and honestly left her craving his lips on hers more than she did before. Nikki also wondered what this meant, it didn't take long for April to return Nikki to her room and she instantly noticed Spencer was in the room reading a Stephen King book while he waited. "Where'd you find that?" Nikki asked him noticing he was reading 'Under The Dome' a book she started but never managed to finish years ago. 

"I packed some light reading for the trip, I was gonna read it while we waited for you and Morgan at the mile marker," Spencer replied as Nikki nodded laying back on the bed. "So, um. How do you feel about a movie night? Hang out, eat popcorn and chips, order some take out and watch the sound of music or if we wanna be more modern we could watch the princess bride, if you wanted I mean," Nikki asked him awkwardly as Spencer smiled at her. 

"I'd really like that, I didn't know you were a fan of the classics," Spencer said almost in awe. "There's a lot to me you don't know," Nikki replied with a smirk. "Well I look forward to learning more," Spencer said with a smile that caused her to smile uncontrollably. "Hey, how are you feeling kid?" Rossi asked as he and the rest of the team walked into the room. "Really good considering a building fell on me and I walked away without even a scratch," She said still surprised by the luck. "There's gotta be someone up there looking out for you kid," Morgan said. "Do we know who planted the bomb? and did anyone claim credit for the attack?" Nikki asked looking at Hotch. 

"We're coordinating with the local police and fire department still," Hotch told her as Dr. Halstead entered the room. "So I got your scans back and honestly you're extremely lucky. No signs of any internal injuries, no signs of a concussion, scans were all clear, and same with all your tests. Your free to go Nikki just take it easy you had a building land on you, not many people can say that and walk away after." the ginger said clearly surprised. "Thanks, Doc," Nikki said as she stood up from the bed thankful nobody asked her to change into a hospital gown. 

"NIKKI OH THANK GOD!" The voice caused her to turn towards her mom who enveloped her in a massive hug. "I was worried half to death when I saw what happened on the news and then your phone went to voi- I'm okay Mom. Not even a scratch" Nikki said hugging her mom back as she let go of the hug looking at Nikki's face. "Don't you ever scare me like that again, you hear me?" the voice was from her father as he walked into the room pulling Nikki and her mom into a hug. 

"My bad? I guess" Nikki replied as she hugged her dad, "You had me worried," her dad said kissing her forehead. "I'm okay, just got the all clear from the doctor and I'm good to go," Nikki replied. "Why don't you take the day and- Respectfully Hotch I'd rather help find the person that did this," Nikki said cutting him off. "And you will but I'd rather you take the day to rest, and start tomorrow with fresh eyes," Hotch replied. "Kid go home, have some champagne relax and take a minute to be happy you're still alive. You almost got flattened by a 6 story building kid," Rossi said. 

"Nicole Ashley Herrmann, You should listen to your boss," her mom said using her full name. Nikki had to physically resist rolling her eyes. "Alright, fine. But don't be surprised if I am at work before you tomorrow," she replied to her team before she walked out of the room over to the nurse's station signing what she had to do before the hospital would release her. 

"We'll stop by to check on you later, try to take it easy," Morgan told her as he patted her shoulder before the team made their way out of the ED. Nikki and Spencer made eye contact for a moment and she sent him a small smile as he smiled back before following the team out of sight. "Ready to get going, sweetheart?" Her mom asked looking at her the way she did after she got home from the Rangers. The look that said I didn't know if I'd see you again, it was a look she saw too many times. 

Herrmann Family Residence, Chicago Illinois 

To say Nikki was irritated and bored would be an understatement. She wasn't injured during the collapse she was cleared by the paramedics and the doctor in the Emergency Department why did Hotch have to bench her? Not to mention if her mom hadn't been there and dropped her full name she probably would've argued about going back to work with her unit chief more. 

The brunette sighed laying on her bed, she already had dinner with the family and had retreated back to her apartment above the garage. Nikki didn't know what to do she was told to relax but she couldn't not after her brush with death. How was she supposed to sip on coolers and relax knowing they still had to catch this psycho bomber? 

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