Episode 6

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Three days has passed, Yoongi has unknowingly found a tick, not the kind that sucks blood but the kind you do to try and distract yourself. He is constantly twirling anything and everything that could be twirled, pen, pencil, ruler, coins or cards.
Hoseok was the first to notice, in the beginning he didn't say anything as he thought it was just something that spontaneously happened but now three days has passed and he notices that Yoongis tick only comes out when he is deep in thought or fighting the urge to kill.

It's been exactly three days since they found out that there's a hit on Yoongis head, that is one of the reasons, the other reason could be that Jimin hasn't answered their calls or texts either.
Yoongi is on his couch, the tv is on but he's not even paying attention to it as his hand was busy twiling a straw. Hoseok was in the kitchen, ramyeon is on the menu and Yoongi needed to eat. His mind has been out of sorts, it's like his system is shutting down from not getting the chance to kill.

Sex has stopped to, Hoseok doesn't mind but the fact that his boyfriend is turning into a zombie doesn't sit well with him,

"You need a kill?"
He asked but it didn't reach the intended,

"Babe!" he shouted, pulling Yoongi out of his thoughts,

"You need a kill, I can't watch you like this"

"I know, but whoever pinkpanther is, wants me dead. I didn't know that woman had a hit already and now my ass is on deathrow!"

"I have a black jacket you could use and it's leather, easy to clean"

"But it's not hooded"

"It's to cover your hoodie, wear your hoodie then the jacket. Obviously you can't go shopping for hoodies they will put two and two together, so use my jacket"

"I haven't even looked at any potential kills"


Jimin on the other hand is presently at the Kims,

"How many?"


"Their names"

"Yoongi and Hoseok"

"Age and social security number"

"No, you're not going to hunt them down! They're mine"

"Have you been in contact with them"

"Was on a job"

"Have you been in contact, with them"

"They called and message, but I didn't reply"

"Would they-"

"Enough of the questions. Dad! Tell mom to stop asking me so much questions, I'm an adult!"
Jimin has been answering questions the moment he stepped inside the apartment and Namjoon left him in his demise, not wanting to part of their friendship squabble,

" I put out a hit"

"You what!"

"Three days ago, I put out a hit for the guy who stole my target"

"Panther you're not serious... Are-are you that petty?"

"I don't want to kill the person... Yet. I just want to know why he stole my target"

"Yea and I own a brown unicorn. Jin, it's just a target, you didn't drop from your position on the list because of it!"

"I still need to know why"

"Petty 101"

"I'm not petty"

"Sure, why not!"

It's amazing really, Jimin had known Jin almost ten years now and this is the first time he showed signs of pettiness. He even witnessed Jin protect Namjoon when he canceled the hit and someone else took it, that was how Jin got the number two spot and laid claim to Namjoon.
That day was etched in his brain, a gorey memory for some, a blood bath for others and a joke to a few. The dark web was in uproar when the claim was placed and the way he did it, Jin is all smiles until shit hits the fan. Those dark eyes, that get darker the longer he stares, the evil grin that shows how bad he's mentally tearing you apart, those who didn't take him seriously, laid at deaths door. That day was called 'Gundams Rift'.

Jimin was snapped out if his thoughts when he heard his phone ring, it's Hoseok and now he is thinking if he should even answer,


"Finally you answered, was beginning to think you didn't like us"

"Sorry, been busy"

"Yeah I know, with your work, when can we see you again?"

"Maybe weekend, why?"

"Kitty is not happy and he's getting a bit scratchy...and hissy"

Jimin chuckled at the statement,

"Tell him I'll be there weekend"

"Ok, see you then"

"Yeah see you"

Jimin hung up the phone, he was about to talk to Jin again but Namjoon called him.
Stepping into the study, Namjoon watched over the laptop he was furiously typing on,

"Close the door"

Jimin did as was told and stood by the door wondering what was so important that Jin is not to hear,

"I know Jin has told you about the hit he put out?"

Jimin nodded his head, wondering why Namjoon was slightly whispering,

"That hit is on someone I know, I think. The hoodie, in the image... I gave it to someone dear to me, that hoodie was mine"

This type of information nearly made Jimin choke on his spit and nearly forgot how to swallow,

"Also I believe the person I know is also the person you just met. But I need for you to confirm it for me Jimin. I haven't seen him in years since we left the country and I'm hoping it really isn't him"

Jimin face paled, it couldn't be. It cannot be!

"Please... He's like a brother to me"

The room became silent, they are feet apart but it feels like the room is closing them in. Jimin is still trying to come to reason that the possibility of the person who Jin is looking for, could be one of the two who just gave him the best sex ever in years!
He finally let out his breath,

"What's his name?"

"I only know him by his hacker name, BlackNeo"

"Does he still-"

"Been searching for him quietly and nothing"

"Ok... Ok. I'll, umm yeah. I'll confirm that for you ok"

It's only Thursday and Jimin already wants friday to approach, he's in his apartment after Namjoon dropped a supposed bomb on him yesterday. This is so messed up!
One if the two boys could be who Jin is looking for and also be the one that Namjoon is desperate to find, great, marvelous, Jimin thinks he's going to feel sick because he doesn't want another 'Gundam Rift' to happen again.
He's looking at the picture, trying to get as much information from it as he can. He remembers how their body felt and his conclusions are leading his suspicions to Yoongi, his gut is telling him Yoongi but he doesn't want to believe it. To convince Jin of anything, hell has to freeze over first!

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