Episode 17

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Yoongi saw when the boys flew past him in a stolen vehicle, shaking his head he hopes the only people that are harmed by their driving are those who are out to get them.

He's at a bus stop, ironically, as he waits for it to arrive. His back pack full of knives as well as his waist and under his jacket, he knows this bus ride would be a bloody one,

"Don't get horny, dont get horny, don't get horny"

He repeatedly whispered to himself as he saw the bus arrive. Getting on and using exact change to pay, he made his way to the back of the bus while observing everyone. The bus was fairly full and there were some eyes that followed him, most of them were male around late thirties and some were females in late twenties. Sitting at the back of the bus by the window, he casually looked outside, admiring the buildings,

"You're not from here aren't you?"

a man who was standing holding a safety strap asked,

"No I came from the US"

"It's a shame"

"Why's that?"

"You wouldn't get to enjoy our city"

A click could be heard, then multiple clicks after. The bus hasn't made it halfway to its first drop off and he's already in a battle for life. He took his bag that was on the floor and rest it on his lap, he observed the map of the route he has to take to get to his check point and he noticed that the bus took a different turn,

"Don't try anything stupid"

The man said as he observed Yoongi closely,
Yoongi sighed then asked,

"I checked twenty... Is that correct?"

"Twenty-five, including the driver"

"So basically if he dies first we all die?"

" Like I said, don't try anything stupid"

By now the hidden guns are all on display in front of him, trigger fingers ready to pull,

"Hands behind your head, slowly"

Unknowingly that was the biggest mistake for the man to do, the bus is going at around fifty if they crash, all standing passengers would be killed or severely wounded, the seated passengers would suffer damages but not as much as those standing. From Yoongis sight, he has direct aim to the driver an easy kill, but he might get grazed from someones gun and a risk he's willing to take.

The bus turned onto another street as Yoongi placed his hand fully behind his head, gripping two kunai both red tipped and double sharp edged, with a swift moment he threw one and in a blink of an eye the driver slumped on the wheel, the man who was threatening him received the second one right in his left eye, Yoongi wasn't aiming for that area but at least the man is focused on the blade that is now lodged in his eye.

The bus swerved as the speed picked up, and those in the front are trying to control but it is now to late. CRASH!

The bus hit a concrete traffic light post, causing the first half to crumple around it. Some of those who were standing were left with one limb detached from their bodies, some crumpled beyond recognition and some were hit hard on the head. Yoongi suffered a bruise on his left ribs from the impact of the lower seat in front of him, the man he threw the knife at was thrown to the front of the bus, now impaled by a piece of steel.
Everyone who had slight injuries could be heard moanong in pain, Yoongi, although in pain himself, took the opportunity to bail out of the mangled mayhem, any weapon he saw he took and bagged them, it seems the knives he has would not be enough.

He's almost out of the wreckage when a click was heard, it was a woman, she's holding her side with one hand while aiming her gun with the other. Yoongi watched her in disbelief,

"You're bleeding to death and yet you still want to kill me? How would you spend the money if you're dead"

He spoke as he watched her try her utmost best to breathe,

"It, doesn't matter. Once they know. Who did it -"

"Once they know who did it doesn't matter, you must be alive to claim... The dead claims nothing"

Yoongi spoke some sense into the dieing womans head and she realized that what he saus is true, if she isn't alive to claim it herself, someone else will.

Yoongi watched as she gave up and he left the wreckage as people began to gather, more people means more life threatening instances, he doesn't need that right now, what he needs is to be bandaged up and medication for the pain.

On the other side, Jin has been shooting nonstop since he was cornered seven blocks away from their loft. He has been followed by non other than Pdnims minions. His two guns will soon overheat and jam, as he skillfully emptied and loaded every magazine. Each magazine, holding seventeen rounds he has used up three already! A glint caught his eye and he quickly looked up as he placed a hole in one of their heads, he sees a sniper and someone else nearby, it's one of his brothers. Jin grunts at his situation, would he ever get a break?

Jin shot the last guy chasing him while he's avoiding the snipers view, now isn't the time to think of which brother is trying to end his life, it's the time to get to his designated check point which unfortunately is one mile in the opposite direction he got chased in.. Yippy
Jins mouth spat out explicits that even I can't decipher as he use his area to his advantage and hopefully get out of tbis brothers sight. Toronto isn't like the US, so finding an open window by a fire escape is slim to none, he has to try emergency exits, that's the only way now to avoid getting shot. After several attempts, he managed to get one open and just in time too because he was almost in the snipers line of sight. The exit that was open, lead to a restaurant and bar, a drink is something he definitely needs right now.

Sitting on a bar stool he ordered, he can't drink to much, but just enough to take the edge off. It's a waiting game and he literally has no time to spare!

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