Episode 9

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The game is on for Jin an Yoongi. Their target, a wanted criminal and his high octane loving boyfriend, a two for one!
The thing is, their faces were never seen, so only their height and build was the only thing they had to go with, how lovely.
To make matters worse, there's an expiry date on the job. Jin was on his computer getting all the little details of the couple and getting frustrated that there are no faces to pin point, not even in a reflection.

Yoongi however, figured the couple out and by accident. He was in a cafe for a quick break from his daytime job, when he saw a very lovey dovey couple enter. One had a tattoo sleeve that lead to his neck with a word saying 'clyde', just below the ear and also multiple piercings that he pulled it off handsomely. The other had curly brunette hair and was clinging to the other as if he's his life support, you can see he is somewhat of a grease monkey, with little oil and transmission stains on his pants, but his shirt, white and pristine. He had some tattoos as well, most were hidden by his clothing but one showed 'bunny' on his side arm.
Yoongi figured them out and he's fucked, why? Because the 'clyde' tattooed male is his cousin, Jeon Jungkook!


he said under breath as he watched the couple look for a seat after they have placed their order, Jungkook was so busy looking for one that he didn't recognize his cousin until he sat down and stared in his direction,

"Big Cat?", Jungkook yelled,

"For fuck sake I'm not a cat!", Yoongi said as he watched his cousin smile, a genuine reaction from since they were little,

"Could we sit with you?"

"Sure, we need to talk anyways"

Jungkook and his boyfriend changed their seats and sat with Yoongi,

"Yoongi hyung, this is the love of my life Taehyung Kim. Babe this is my cousin, Yoongi Min"

"Hi nice to meet you" Taehyung said softly as he gave a boxy smile,

"Same here.... And you're both in trouble"

"Trouble? I don't know what you're talking about"

"Don't play dumb, I figured you out while I was watching you place your orders. Bunny and Clyde, seriously?"

"Well I can't be Bonnie, now can I?"

"You guys have a bounty on your heads if you must know and I'm in a bet for it too. Seriously what the fuck were you two doing?"

"Well, steal cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATVs-"

"Train", Taehyung interjected,

"Oh yeah, train. Rob some banks, hack some systems-"

"Wait, you stole a train.. An actual train?"

"Yeah in Switzerland, it was just there and we took it!"

"You guys are nuts"

"Eh, it's what we do. You live once right, why not live it with who you love?"

"If I could slap my forehead to next week I would. But, I can't and your lovey dovey actions is kinda creeping me out"

Yoongi was about to say something again but the wait staff came with the couples order,

"Could I get a beer, thanks" was his only requested when the female was about to leave.

The couple was enjoying their meal while Yoongi began to ponder.
Who would want them six feet under, who the hell did they flip off and by the looks of it, that list is real fucking long.
Yoongi had just got back his close friend Namjoon, who is like a brother to him and now he may actually lose his real family. He has to make it look like they're dead, but the thing is, where would they go?

He was so deep in thought that he didn't realize the beer he ordered came,

"Yoongi, hey yoongs... Big cat!" Jungkook managed to get his attention,

"Your beer is getting warm"

"Huh? Oh, yeah thanks"

"What's gotten you in a daze man"

"You're family, don't want you dead... Not yet at least"

"If I had a heart I'd clutch it right now"

"You do have one though."

"It belongs to my Clyde, who's sitting right here!"

"I think I'm about to throw up!" Yoongi gave the notion of dry heaving from the excessive cuteness that came out from his cousins mouth, Taehyung found his actions funny while he chewed his meal. The three of them were unaware that they were being watched, from a rooftop five buildings away.

As it turns out Jin also figured out the couple and was quite livid that the person who has just entered his circle is also being buddy buddy with his targets. With a foot on the ledge of the building and the rifle in his arms taking aim, he observed through the scope, teeth gritting knowing that Yoongi got to them first and it's infuriating him knowing that he hasn't done anything yet.

Jin turned his lazer on and slowly moved it from the street to the window where the boys sat. Yoongi was laughing at something Taehyung said, his laughter was cut immediately when he saw the lazer move up Jungkooks chest and stationed in the middle of his forehead,


The glass shattered when the bullet passed and lodged itself in the wall behind them, the poor synthetic tree didn't even have a chance as it stood limp from the impact,

"What the fuck!"

"Give me your phone",

Taehyung took his phone and handed it to Yoongi,

"This is my apartment and code, take the back door, don't get noticed and meet me there, got it?" they were under the table and were getting ready to bail out,

"Cat... What about you?"

"I said I'll meet you there, NOW GO!"

Yoongi watched as the couple successfully exited through the back door while servers and customers shouted, screamed and ran for their lives.
Getting up and dusting the glass off himself, he calmly walked out the cafe and stood on the curb, even on the streets people were running for their safety. He's looking, looking for anything, something to tell him the direction of the bullet. Turning his head he got a glint of light that was almost blinding, following its direction he could barely see to the top of the building where the gleam is coming from. Someone is there and it's someone he knows.

He is now contemplating if he should go an figure out who it is? But the thing is, would they be there when he arrives. If what he saw in movies are true, snipers don't stay in their nest after they made a shot, so chances of the sniper being there still is looking rather slim. Whoever it is, wanted him to know that the targets will be theirs.

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