Episode 29

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While things were going up and down like a heart monitor in Belgium. In Korea things were getting intense, someone smelt the rat that Jin wasn't the one active on the web and is now trying to take his position.

Hoseok and Taehyung has been battling online for hours and it seems like things would only heat up sooner than later,

"Literally days after they left shit hits the fan"

"I know right, I kept that position for hyung for two years while my men sorted out mine and the shop"

"So are we going to tell?"

"Telling is for whimps and little boys who cry for their mama"


"We aren't whimps and we aren't little boys"

"Murder it is!"

The two went to the mansions ammunition room, selecting weapons of various sizes. Taehyung has his own special pair but he doesn't want to use it for the hunt. While browsing through he saw a gun that looked to cute to even be on the wall with an array of magnums,

"What the hell is this cutie?"

"Huh? Oh Namjoon asked me to order some pocket guns, there supposed to be 3 pistols, 4 rugers, 3 sigs and a few glocks I think"

"This is so cute, I'm taking one with me"

"Yeah... They pack a punch though so watch out"

Taehyung took heed to Hoseoks words as he clipped the holster inside his jean pocket, completely consealing the weapon.
As they loaded their guns and the van with a laptop and extra battery, they headed out. Today for sure the threat to Jins spot would be eradicated.

It didn't take them two long though to find the man behind the threats on the web and as luck would have it, he was on the hunt as well. Its ironic really, the hunter being hunted and completely unaware or just ignorant about it.

The two were watching, carefully observing to see who the male was tracking, while Taehyung watched, Hoseok fingers were like lightening on the keys as he cracked the code for internet and secured a connection to the darkweb,

"I'm in"

"And I'm seeing who he's after"

Taehyung's eyes squinted a bit while his right eyebrow twitched, he only does that when he's pondering,

"It's a twofer, male/female. Male blonde hair about 5'11" his eyes look blue, maybe contacts, strong build, tattoo on his neck looks like a skull, right side. Female long brown hair, about 5'8" huge chest small frame, definitely a bad boob job, no pinky finger on the left hand"

Hoseok was busy typing but he couldn't help but laugh at the comment of the boob job,

"Got it! Wow Taehyung, if he gets these two he would just have to kill you and get Jins spot"

"Well I guess we have some extra bodies to knock down don't we"

"You sound so morbid right now"

"I know, when bunny's not around I get a little more dangerous"

"A little?!"

"Oh hush"

Hoseok laughed as Taehyung started the van, they have a few hours to get it done and mark the job as stolen as well as eradicate the darkweb pest.

It is now 9:05pm. Their target is on a building three blocks down from a famous restaurant that the couple entered 45mins ago. Taehyung and Hoseok were on another building a little bit closer to the restaurant, using a billboard as their cover,

You think if we shoot the same time it would be easy peasy?"

"No way, one is a one shot and the other is two... Its better to take the sniper first them when those two come out take them same time."

"Ugh, I just wanna go home al-"

Taehyungs rant was cut short by his phone vibrating, looking at the ID he saw it was gis bunny,


"Uh no, I'm not home"

"No Hobi is with me"

"Yes I'm behaving... Could you stop bitching?"

"Uh huh, yea love you too"

Taehyung hung the call and sighed, Hoseok was watching waiting for some answers,

"Let's get this done and get something to eat, hubby made me more pissed off now"

Hoseok was still waiting for what just happened on the phone, but apparently he would not get any answers anytime soon. He watched as Taehyung got into position and aimed at the assassin on the other rooftop and he saw how precise he was with the kill, Hoseok knows is to never piss off Taehyung... Ever!

The waiting game for the couple wasn't long either and as soon as they walked out, they dropped like a kite without wind, bullet hole right between the eyes.
The boys organised themselves and begin making their way home, while Hoseok was updating the profile information on the site, Taehyung pulled in a Mc Donald's drive thru, to hungry to make it home,

"Mc Donald's, what you want?"

"Large fries, triple stack, milkshake and nuggets"

"There's no way in hell you're eating all of that"

"Hell yes"

Taking their order after he paid they made their way home, fries completely gone by the time they made it up the driveway.

To see the results of what they did tonight they would have to wait until tomorrow for the site update. It's been a hell of a day and Taehyung is a little mad that he couldn't get to use the mini gun.

The next morning, other than the job they did last night being published on the news. They were looking at the site for the update,


"If Jin hyung finds out... I'm screwed"

"You're screwed 100 ways to Sunday"

"Hobi hyung, you're supposed to put the kill under Jin, not me!"

"I just forgot and you distracted me to you know!"

"What! How?"

"With food"

Hoseoks error in the name of hunger had made Taehyung take the number one spot on the list for the kills of two high ranking targets and an assassin. Now Taehyung would be notified first of any kill request and he sighs with a groan, just when things was starting to be easy for him... Hoseok just made it more hectic than he ever wanted.
"Bitch if I'm going down, I'm taking you with me, got it"

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