Episode 13

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Hoseok was still in his position when he entered his assigned apartment, standing with a duffel bag on his shoulder and a suitcase by his side. He has been watching down the barrel of the gun his father is currently holding up in front of him.

Hoseok has been through alot in the past 17 years, although his is now 27, nothing had felt right for him since the age of 10. After his parents split, his father took to work in order to keep himself busy and his mother was nowhere to be found.
His father, with late nights and early mornings, gave little to no attention to the boy which lead to Hoseok finding ways to deal with school and home.

Hoseok always had a nack with computers and with some encouragement from his classmates he got even better with it. Once you enter the dark web, its impossible to get out as it constantly draws you in deeper and deeper because of its endless possibilities.
By the age of 14, he had mastered the art of hiding his foot print, at 16 he had his own account that he took small change from every bank, resulting in him having his first million. While he was making bank, his father was going deeper down the rabbit hole of despair, his mother cleaned out the account and left with nothing to his name and the house they he live in.

By the age of 17, Hoseok was a multi millionaire and at first didn't know what to do with the money, he saw one day when his father came home from work early that he was trying to figure out where ends meet but couldn't make it happen as his job started to cut back on hours which lead to cut back in pay. Hoseok decided that at least one million will go to his father in pieces with his salary.

Communication between the both of them ceased, if they so happen to see each other it maybe just a 'hi' or 'hey' and that was it. Hoseok didn't really like his father nor mother as they never sat and spoke to him about why they did what they did.

By the age of 20, Hoseok packed his stuff and went to his fathers office, letting him know that he would be going to the states for a while for 'studies' and would be keeping in contact with him ever so often. His father, obviously shocked by his announcement, denied the decision that was made by Hoseok, but the boy was determined to leave.

Hoseok regretted nothing when he left, but now there is a gun pointed to his head by the same person he left some years ago.
Money, everything revolves around money. It makes a strong man weak and a weak man insane with power, but which is it for Hoseoks father? Since he left home, he had been putting money into his account, enough that could sustain him every month. Hoseok knew his father lost his job and continued sending money into his account, but apparently that was never enough, so the conclusion is... Money made this weak man insane.

That must be it, a parent will kill for their children to protect them, not pull a gun on them. Hoseok would have felt bad, if he had any feelings left for his birthgivers, but right now, as he stood in front the barrel of a magnum, there was no feeling at all. Well maybe one, hate!

"So for money, you're going to murder your son, for money?"
Hoseoks tone was flat, dead and uninterested,

"I've been sending you money every month since I left and increased the amount when I found out you lost your job... Now you want to kill me?"

"Money talks"

"And bullshit walks, get the fuck out"


"You want money right, enough to make you happy, is that it? I'm your only son, your old, sick and getting weaker by the month, but you want to kill me to get 4 billion? You cant even spend it all and what will happen to the rest of the money you don't spend when  you die, huh? It sure as not coming to fucking me, cause you killed me to fucking get it! GET THE FUCK OUT!"

Malice, venom, spitfire, bad press, slating, whatever you want to call it, Hoseoks words and body language were far worse than what some may say as severely bitter. The two are in the room, silent, both wanting something. One, money and the other, his death!

Wishes do come true for some and Hoseoks wish was gifted to him, a red target beam has been lit on his fathers forehead, right in the center, an old school killshot. His father completely unaware that he has been targeted, still held his position on the low-set couch,

"It was nice with the silence I had with you dad, tell the demons who are clawing at us that I'll be there when I'm ready", those were the last words he spoke to his father, which left him confused as to what he meant until he saw his son drop to the floor.
His eyes widened when he saw a sniper aiming at him, he wanted to move but knew it was to late when he saw the bullet locked an loaded for the shot, then *bang*.

Hoseok watched his fathers head rock back from the bullets impact, gun sliding out his now cold hands, turning around on the floor, he slowly looked up to who may either be his killer or savior to find Jimin, holding his precious gun in one hand while the other is on his hip as he sassily looked back at him,

"You just stood there with a gun to your face?"

"It doesn't matter"

"It would matter to me and kitty"

"I just watched my dad die, let's leave here before anyone catches us"

"He's your father! Holy shit Hobi, baby I'm -"

"Whatever it is your going to say, put it on tape, when I come back I'll listen to it. Just send me your address, take my stuff, I'll come by later"

Hoseok just wanted to leave and probably be alone, which is the most dangerous thing to do right now. He kissed Jimin and then started to head out the door, somewhat aimlessly. He needs a clear head so when shit hits the fan hard, he'll have his 'A' game and not be no pity party.

Jimin felt bad for his lover who had just left the apartment like a mime, when Jimin entered the apartment, he heard some of what Hoseok said, but when he saw the gun pointed at him he silently went into action assembling his rifle. Now Hoseoks father is slumped backwards, dead, in Hoseoks apartment and he killed him.

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