Episode 12

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The seven made it to Toronto, thankfully no one did anything suspicious on the flight over. All of them, still separate, got into their taxis and headed to their assigned apartments, which were a few blocks away from each other.

Obviously when things have a slight bump in the beginning, a roller-coaster usually ensues immediately after. Hoseok got to his apartment first and no surprise that there was someone already there,

"Holy shi-, DAD!"


"What the fuck dad, why are you here?"

"I heard you were coming to Canada and I decided to visit"

Hoseok knew that he didn't tell anyone anything and he made sure that their darkweb foot print were not seen, which only means,

"How did you -",*click*

Mr. Jung held a gun up, since his son entered the room, he never left his position on the low-set livingroom chair and now he's in that same position with a gun aimed at his son,

"Are you shiting me right now? Dad you're not serious?!"

"The bounty on your head could make me live in peace till I die, your mother sucked me dry and left without a word. Don't take it to hard"

Four buildings down, Namjoon just got into his apartment, he too was greeted by someone, a female, a lingerie only wearing female,

"I'm guessing this is the wrong apartment?"

"Kim Namjoon?"

"No actually"

"You're lieing"

"No I'm not, I know my own name" his sarcastic behavior evident,

"Oh! I'm, I'm so sorry mister-?"

"Oh, Choi, Han Choi. Sorry your attire got me lost a bit"

"Wouldn't you want to try me out?"

"Sorry I'm committed to someone"

"They wouldn't know", her voice seductive, trying to score, which made him get annoyed,

"Look lady-"


"Whatever, sorry your 'person' isn't here but I am, so get the fuck out!".

Namjoon dropped his belongings, quickly grabbed the clothes he saw neated folded on the dining table and started to push Amanda out, mumbling explicts under his breath while she was complaining about being pushed out while being indecent.
She was finally pushed out the doors threshold when,

"If you had the guts to be indecent in a strangers apartment, then it shouldn't be a problem in the hallway! Bye!"

Namjoon slammed the door on a confused looking Amanda and locked it. Leaning on it while wiping his face, baffled that she didn't scope her job properly to know that he was lieing from the beginning.

With Jungkook and Taehyung however, things were quiet as they entered their apartments and began unpacking, desperately missing each other. Since they met and fell in love they had never been separated like this and they really wanted to hold each other dearly.

Yoongi never made it to his assigned apartment, but instead went to the nearest bar. He's been on edge, he hasn't killed anyone for a while and this is the first time it has him feeling like an addict who is trying to get over their addiction.
The bar was full and all the seats were taken, using his suitcase as a seat, he sat by the end of the bar table and ordered a beer. He sat there with phone in hand, watching stock and typing furiously on occasion, one beer turned to three and then three turned to eight. He lost track of time as the device took 90% of his attention, the remaining 10% was his arms going automatically for his beer and ordering one when it's empty.

Yoongi is furious, the time he spent traveling made him lose money, his face and body language showed it clearly that he didn't want to be messed with right now. Unfortunately not everyone in the bar got the memo or was to wasted to care about it as a buffed male approached him,

"Hey, you're in my seat"

Yoongi heard him but thought he was talking to the guy sitting next to him in an actual seat,

"Hey, white hair, I said you're in my seat!"

Yoongi looked down, maybe he was too tired to realize that he actually did get a bar stool to sit on, but to his dismay, it was just  his large suitcase,

"I'm not on your seat"

"Yes you are! Now get off!"

Yoongi turned and watched the man throughly, he knew it would be a hard take but he could take him down none the less,

"I really don't want my name in the papers tomorrow, just leave me alone"

"Hey! Do you know who the fuck I am?"

"Don't know, don't care"

Yoongi was completely annoyed by this point and is currently fighting his demons to not shove a half full bottle through the mans chest as he turned around to face the wall of liquors. The man slammed his hand hard on the bar table which made everyone go silent,

"Move your fucking ass" the man growled but in return Yoongi gave a smirk,

"What is your problem?"

"You, you're my problem. You can't just walts in here. This is my bar and I dont like strangers"

"What are you? A dog? Protecting your territory, is that it? Do you have a bite with that bark... Mutt?"

Yoongi, though shorter by a few inches and alot smaller in size to the man he now stood in front of, was in complete don't care mode. Whatever happens, it was self defense!

On the other side, Jin and Jimin entered their apartments, their quiet apartments. Jin played some music, it's his as a way to cope with not being with his lover and started making ramen as he was to hungry to go back out. Jimin loaded his laptop to start finding the source of the hits made. Whoever it is have a ton of money to be able to put all seven of them on the hit list, the thing is, there are so many options to choose from as it could be a revenge or a jesture to move up in rank.

It is literally their first day on the run, one is possibly going to die before he could even see the sunrise, one is about to get into a fight, one to tired to function and still manage to eat, one deep in his computer gathering all information possible, two missing each other dearly and one is now paranoid because of the little engagement he had with a rookie assassin. It seems for their first day, nothing would seem right and now it seems like they would have to stop their original first plan and make a new one... In order to avoid being killed, they would have to kill. Which means they would have to stick together permanently until at least 80% of their attackers are snuffed out! That in itself might take forever!

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