Episode 27

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It's been two years since Jin made his disappearing act, leaving a note for the boys to read when they got home. Jungkook and Taehyung were most affected by the sudden act and was even more puzzled as to why Jin didn't want them to find him.

Namjoon is currently in their master bedroom, staring out the bulletproof window as his computer made multiple notification noises. Two years, he has been feeling empty for two years, but still manage to laugh at the message that was left by his one and only Jin,

'I was cooking when I got a call and now I have some stuff to do. I don't know when I'll be back, so monitor each other, eat well, work right. Yoongi, don't go on a stabbing spree and for fuck sakes keep my kitchen clean! Love you... Especially Joonie!
PS: don't search for me'

Namjoon sighed hard, remembering the note as if it was written just yesterday. The birds are chirping and people are passing by but he feels lost, looking up he watched as the sky which was full of sunshine turning half grey as winter is approaching. Taking his mind off it, he returned to his computer to see what has ticked it off so much. Jin said not to look for him but Namjoon couldn't help it, the note had him thinking that there's more to it and only when Jin needs his help he would say,

"Somethings up!"

Yoongi flung himself into the what supposed to be a quiet room,

"Could you at least knock?"

Yoongi made a straight face as he knocked on the wooden desk that Namjoon is standing behind, making the said male shake his head in disbelief,

"What is it?"


"You said somethings up. What the hell is it!"

"I found Jin, he's not looking to good"

"What? Where?"

"Belgium... And by the looks of it, he may not come home if we don't get him"


"So what's the plan"

Yoongi patiently waited for a respo6from Namjoon as he saw him stare baxk at his computer eyes and lips twisting at whatever he is looking at,

"I know why he's there"

"What? How?"

"He has a sister, half. I found out when I was digging information on him and his family in the earlier part of our relationship. His father had a fling and she is the result, she has her own mafia, ruthless and crazy. The thing is, she doesn't know that he is her brother either"

"Holy shit"

"We have to get him... That beard he has is to overgrown for my liking"

"Wheels up?"

"Wheels up, tell Jungkook and Jimin, we would need them"

Yoongi step out of the room with the same speed he stepped in with earlier, they are on a mission now and the less the outside world and darkweb knows, the better. To date, Taehyung was the one keeping Jins number one spot on the list and Namjoon is quite proud of him for that, but right now it's to get the same person who has that spot back home.

They decided that they would go to Belgium the rich way, smooth transition in and out once they have their cargo. Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi had to claim one gun each with a full magazine clip when they were leaving to avoid any hold backs for when they arrive.

The flight is ten hours, but for Namjoon it felt like every hour passed, two were added on. Yoongi was asleep throughout the flight while Jimin and Jungkook played games with either themselves or with each other.
Yoongi woke up when he felt the plane started it's decent and strapped himself in while yawning, wishing that the flight could have been a little bit longer.

Exiting the airport and checking into a hotel, the boys set up their computers and immediately got to work. Using all the cameras they could hack, even from ATMs to get a sense of which direction Jin was heading to. They spotted him briskly walking down a street whilst looking over his shoulder on occasion, they saw him turn a corner and disappeared, literally in plain sight.

"No wonder he has number 1 spot. He's good, to damn good for his own"

Jimin sighed as he watched the video, playing and replaying to see where Jin went and possibly how he did it. That's when he noticed that before Jin vanished, he looked at all cameras in a matter of seconds. Jin knows they are here.

Three days grace, that's what Yoongi called it before they went on the hunt. Its been three days of endless footage and live feed watching to get an average location of Jin.
They have been hunting for him, completely unaware that they are being hunted as well.

They stood at the last motel that their images showed him to be, but to no avail. Coming out of the motel lobby they hopped into their SUV, sighing in defeat,

"I told you not to look for me"

His voice low and tired but still managed to give them a micro heart palpitations,

"Shit Jin" [Yoongi]

The four turned and looked for Jin who slowly showed himself from the very last seat of the SUV,

"I told you not to look for me and yet you did"

"We were worried-"

"You brought yourself into a trap, she knows that you're here"

"She's your sister Jin" [Namjoon]


Rustling noises could be heard as he painfully wormed his way from the last seat to the center where Jimin and Jungkook sat,

"She's your sister and she doesn't know, you didn't know"

"That's impossible, I have brothers"

"She is from an affair your father had 20years ago" [Namjoon]

"Holy shit! You serious?"

"Same thing I said" [Yoongi]

Jungkook and Jimin were wide eyed with the information they just heard, when would the sibling killing end and if she was from an affair, who else is out there?

Jin sighed and slumped his shoulders, evidence of him being tired, tired of being on the run and shooting up the place like a western movie. There were cuts and bruises all over his body, some old and some fresh which were loosely bandaged.

"Let's get you fixed up. You look like shit" [Jimin]

"Yeah, feel like it too!"

"Glad to have you back hyung" [Jungkook]

"Glad to be back... technically"

Jimin scoffed at what Jin said but he to was glad that Jin was alive and not clinging onto life with his half sister hunting him down. A plan has to be in order, now that the four has found Jin. His new found information about his half sister has made things go complete 180.

"So who did you think was trying to kill you?" [Jungkook]

The boys are currently on their way tothe hotel, knowing that when they arrive they would have to pack up and move to another location,

"To be honest it could be anyone who was with my father or brothers. I mean, I knew something was up when dad goes on a trip around the same time each year, before I left. The locations he said were different but it was always around the same time. But my brothers were like fuck rabbits, I thought it could also be one of their women. Quite frankly, I'm surprised I'm not an uncle yet! Wait!... I'm not an uncle right?"

The question was aimed and Namjoon who chuckled,

"No, you're not an uncle"

"Oh thank god"

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