Episode 25

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Jin did not shed a tear when he watch three coffins go into the furness, he stood there and watched, hands in his pants pockets while the six boys stood not to far behind him, Namjoon closest to his side.
All of the men who were loyal to their head are now standing behind the six boys as they too watched the furness do it's work, waiting for instructions from their new head, Jin.

As the furness burned, Jin sighed, he never wanted things to be this way and now he's the only one left standing. Fair enough, greed had a play in it.
As he turned to watch the crowd, he felt Namjoons arm around his waist, a form of comfort as they now looked at everyone,

"As you're aware, I am now head. I don't know how things were done with your previous, but I'm letting you know now that things will change. Be at hanger 5 at 6am sharp tomorrow.... Have your head documents ready. Now leave"

Jin spoke with authority but his eyes showed that he couldn't care less of the men he was in charge of now, he just wanted things to be as they were before.
The men exited the funeral home to make their preparations for tomorrow morning while the seven sat on the last row of chairs,

"What's the plan"[Namjoon]

"Split them up, give them new heads"

"And then?" [Jimin]

"Do my original job, get the number 1 spot"

"Is that all?" [Jungkook]

"Look my life was great, is great. Even if I have to be looking over my shoulder ever so often, it is stull good. I don't want to make it shatter"

"So who are the heads?" [Yoongi]

"You. The six, of you"

"You just had to open your motherfucking mouth huh. Damn" [Hoseok]

"I was just asking" [Yoongi]

"Couldn't you ask when we're not around, now I have to be a head" [Jimin]

"You are a head, a dick head"

"Shut up, Whatever" [Jimin]

They laughed as the conversation continued and decisions were made and they have decided, they would be living under one roof but doing their activities separately, whoever has bounties still active would be classified as dead and receive new names and personal information. Now they're back in Korea they would stay here and work accordingly.

It's 6am next day and the seven are standing in hanger 5, Yoongi yawning to his hearts content as they watched the large group of men,


Jin commanded and several men walked up and handed over all documentation that their boss had and went bavk to their group while jin placed them in boxed to review,

"I need six lines, doesn't matter who is in front, when you're formed give a head count"

The boys watched as the men chose their lines and did a count, some lines were even and others were odd,

"May I ask what this is about sir?"

One of the men in the sea of black suits asked,

"You're being assigned a new head, six lanes means six heads. As his body. You are to protect, honor and respect. You would not always be separate as those heads are under me. If I find insubordination from any of you, well, keep in mind you will not be blessed even a dog's death. Understood? "

"Sir!" they sang in unison

"Good. Boys chose your lane"

After their early morning meet and greet. The seven are now in another mansion, a temporary one until their home is repaired. They're busy checking the dark web for any bounty and also to change information, soon they would start to do their own jobs again and they want to start sooner than later. Even though all of tbem have millions in offshore accounts, they love what they do and would want to keep it going.

The bounty for Jungkook and Taehyung was still active, so they were placed as deceased during the sibling brawl out. New names were given as well as social status, birth documents and current wealth. Jungkook and Taehyung decided to go a business route, Taehyung's love for cars and anything named machinery gave them the idea for auto parts and repair, building from scratch.

It has been a long day for all of them and Yoongi is quite pissed at the moment as he laid on the bed. Profits all of his profits that he could have made are blown in the wind, he lost multiple opportunities and it was all because of his one mistake. While he was contemplating about his old and soon to be new decisions, his bedroom door opened to reveal a half naked Jimin,

"You've been quite for a while"

He spoke as he made his way to Yoongi after lightly closing the door,

"I lost alot of profits during our little cat and mouse chase and now I have 70 men at my disposal, on top of that with all the blood that was shed, I have pent up fustrations"

Jimin listened to him talk as he sat on the bed with his legs folded, Yoongi haven't turned to watch him since he had entered and that got him a little annoyed,

"Where's Hoseok?"

"Probably hacking someones system, he hasn't gotten a chance to do what he loves best, so I'm sure he's making up for lost time"

"Look at me Yoongi"

When Yoongi turn his head, his eyes slowly roamed Jimins body, thoughts of what he wanted to do to the boy started to flood his mind as he looked directly in Jimins eyes,

"I've been waiting for you to have me"

"I won't be holding back"

"I never asked you to"

Jimin moved his hand to get something from his pockets and Yoongis eyes followed his every movement, watching as Jimin pulled out a pocket knife,

"Been a minute since you've tasted me"

"How serious are you right now?"

Yoongis mind is now officially running wild with his thoughts,

"Kiss me and find out"

Jimin spoke and nicked his thumb, deep enough that blood instantly began to run. Yoongi immediately attached his lips on Jimins, it's been so long that he has forgotten how it felt and how blood tastes when he's pounding into either one of them.
Jimin hummed in delight as their tongues battleed for supremacy, raising his thumb, he placed it close enough to their mouths that they both tatsed the iron filled liquid.

Yoongi missed this tasted, although he killed alot of men recently he didn't have to option to enjoy his kills as he would like, but now, getting the taste he missed so much, only aroused him more. His actions are more rough as more blood seeped into his mouth, causing him to release Jimins lips and suckle on the bloodied thumb, his length getting painfully hard as he hears Jimins comforting words of pleasure.
He would go all out today, Jimin was asking for it.!

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