Episode 22

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Massacre Day 1.

The streets of Seoul is busy, obviously as it is the work rush. The seven boys were in the mansions computer room watching all cameras that they hacked, taking notes of vantage points, new and old buildings and unfinished sites.
Seoul has changed alot since they left years ago, but it is still as they remembered, just with new buildings.

They would have to lure out Jins brothers one by one for all three would be considered a death wish. Jin advised that Jonathan, the second youngest, would be an easier target seeing that he admired Jin very much, his minions however are a different story.
Jake would be second on their list, although he has a name for himself in the assassins world, he was barely in it and Jin feels it's only for his father to know when, where and how Jin was doing. Yes, Jake is the daddy's boy in the family.
Lastly would be Jonny, the baby of the group and also the most insane. From young he had shown murderous tendencies and their father had molded him into a killing machine, Jonny is mostly around their father, acting as a boss before you get to the final boss in a game. With Jonny, if not careful, all of them could loose their lives without batting an eye.

To lure Jonathan out, Jin actually done something he never thought he would have to do in many years... Call.

Jonathan was actually happy to hear from his big brother and was willing to meet instantly,

"Noooo, no, no Nathan. We will meet in four hours from now, usual place"

Jin hung up and gave a heavy sigh, the conversation on the phone tells him that he has alot of questions to answer, he would have to be precise with how this meeting goes,

"Why do you call him Nathan?" [Namjoon]

"Because when I call his full name, it means he's in trouble"

Jin and Jonathan met at their favorite ramen place on time, just minutes apart. Obviously Jonathan had his security around while Jin came armed, by himself,

"Brother, I missed you!"

"I do miss you too"

"Pack of lies, if you missed me you would have called"

"You know if I called dad would have found me sooner"

"Oh please, dad found your sorry ass long ago"

"I know and now he's after my head"


"Yes didn't you know? Or ar you just playing dumb?"

"Hyung, dad died almost three years ago!"

"Say wh-, excuse me, could you repeat please?"

"Dad is dead"

"What the fuck?"

Now it was time for Jin to look shocked, their father held alot of weight in the darkness and if anything happens to him everyone would have known,

"How did he go?"

"Ask Jonny, he's the one who killed dad and took over"

Jin sat there in silence for a bit, then started to laugh, it was quiet at first but then he got really loud, even slapping his knee from the news he just heard,

"Ooooh boy, what a joke!"

Jin said as he wiped his tears, he hasn't laughed like that in years,

"So Jonny runs things now huh?"

"Yeah and it's different, everything is different"

"What about you...and Jake?"

"Jake went off grid when dad was killed and Jon took over. It was either fight for the throne or live in silence, we chose silence"

"Are you shitting me right now?"

"I'm not going to lie, but I'm sure I was followed and we're probably surrounded by now. Jonny never took a liking to you when you left. Hated how dad only saw you and not the rest of us"

"What about you?"

"I didn't really care, I got to do what I wanted because attention was on you. I got a sense of freedom because of you. That is why I looked up to you"

"That's not looking up. That's joyriding!"

"Well that too!"


"Love you to bro. Well, I'm hungry, let's eat. Can't kill our youngest on an empty stomach"

"I really thought it was dad"

"Jon saw you as a threat when Bunny and Clyde joined your whatever it is. Are you by chance creating something?"

"No, actually it's been a series of... Unfortunate events? If you want to call it that"

The two had their meal under the watchful eyes of Jonathans minions and also Jonny's, Jonny's group is different, more savage and more blood thirsty and it showed by a warning bullet shattering through the window hitting the metal chopsticks that are in Jins hands. It's already nightfall which means your death would be imminent if you don't have well trained eyes, Jonathans men surrounded the boys while they armed themselves as bullets fly in all direction, it was like thw US all over again.

Out of 50 of Jonathans men, 22 met their maker and 3 were seriously injured, they have to shut off the lights in the shop, the boys are practically sitting ducks just waiting to die,

"Someone turn the fucking lights off if you want to leave alive! Find that switch!"

Jin yelled and in a few seconds the lights were off.
The men watched outside, training their eyes to every dark allyway or broken streetlights, Jin spotted a few first and made the kill easy, each one shot, by chest or head. The battle of bullets continued, the restaurant is now in shambles with workers and customers on the floor screaming in fear. Jin had one magazine left and he knows he can't waste it here,he need it to get home safely, now he's wondering is 17 bullets would be enough to even do so in the first place,

"Are you standing by me or going back to your shadows?",

He yelled to his brother,

"Right now, being with you is the only way I might live to see a next day!"

"Ok, tell your men to back downand scatter. Let them meet in a safe house until instructions and you're coming with me"

Jonathans men, although reluctant at first, followed his instructions and the group split up. Now it's the getting home part, they can't go directly, which means Jin would have to make a temporary home until help arrives.

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