Episode 21

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The six boys have been sleeping for most of the day, their previous hours were nothing but nail biting incidents that their body needed to recover from especially Yoongi. The first to wake was Jungkook, then Namjoon. The two went to the gym for a little stress relief and to get their minds off from what is currently happening,

"After this, we should head to the kitchen. I'm feeling bibimbapish"

Jungkook said as he pulled on the bow flex,

"Sounds good! Mostly everything is microwaveable, just the egg we will have to fry"

Was Namjoons reply after he dropped the weights he was lifiting. The two worked a good sweat within the two hours they spent in the gym and made their way to the kitchen, taking out what they needed for their meal,

"I'm worried for Jin, he haven't sent anything, no text, no flash call, cryptic email... Nothing"

Namjoon was ranting about Jins silence since they left the loft then,

"I didn't send anything because I didn't need to"

Jin said, making the two boys jump in the kitchen, breaking a bowl that was half filled with rice in the process,

"Make sure and clean that up before you do anything"

Jin said as he turned and made his way upstairs,

"Jin! Wait!",

Namjoon shouted, running to catch up with him, leaving Jungkook in the kitchen to clean the mess.
Jin was exhausted, his body and face showed it. Namjoon felt bad that Jins family is out to get him and in turn the rest of them got sneared in the hunt too,

"I know you're tired, wash up, I'll put some light clothes on the bed for you and turn the ac on. I'll tell the boys you're here and to be quiet enough to let you sleep"

"Thanks so much, I thought I wouldn't have made it"

"Did you nearly miss your flight?"

"Yes and no!"

While the conversation was going on, Jin removed his clothes and started the shower while Namjoon took out a vest and boxers,

"I don't get it. Well you're here which means you didn't miss your flight right?"

"Oh I definitely missed my flight! I stole someone's jet"

"You what now?"

"Yeah and I have a mind of whose it is"

Jins words held laughter as he thought about a certain someone who is pissed off beyond compare that their plane is gone,

"I'm glad you're here baby"

Namjoon said as he watched Jin exit the bathroom with nothing on but a towel on his head drying as much water out as he could,

"So am I buff boy... Now leave me let me sleep!"

That conversation happened 8hrs ago and Jin is still sleeping, like a rock, enjoying not being disturbed. But outside of his bedroom door on the ground floor was mess and mayhem, the six were playing games and getting drunk, something a few of them haven't done in a while and really needed.
If it wasn't beer cans, there were beer bottles and if not that, there were empty, half empty and full bottles of whiskey and glasses around them as they played in the center of the living room floor,

"I can't drink anymore, I might pass out!" [Taehyung]

"You're such a light weight" [Jimin]

"Shut up Jimin, no one can consume alcohol like you." [Hoseok]

"I might actually feel sick if I continue!" [Namjoon]

"You guys really can't take on alcohol?"

"Shut it shorty, I literally saw you swallow and entire can in one go!" [Yoongi]

"If non of you don't shut it I will shut all you up myself! Don't make me come down there!" [Jin]

"Oooofff, I got chills again. He snuck up on us this morning. Never heard him enter the room. I nearly pissed myself" [Jungkook]

"Speaking of sneaking up. What's going to be the plan from here?" [Hoseok]

"Well according to Jin, from here on out we would be doing this together. The faster we take them down, the faster he gets to end his father. But when he wakes he would go into more details" [Namjoon]

" Quiet your drunk asses down! You're not whispering you know!" [Jin]

The six boys didn't want to get scolded by Jin again so they got up and went to the kitchen to make something to eat.
Namjoon made sure that the house was stocked with canned goods and before they arrived to have frozen foods delivered, so they decided to fry some chicken wings and cook some noodles and by some I mean almost half of the supply stock!

With bellies full and being in a drunken stooper, the boys couldn't make it to their room and instead made themselves comfortable on the living foom floor. The mess they made would be cleaned in the morning, hopefully before Jin wakes.

Luck was on their side when they woke and saw the condition they left the room in, while they were quickly cleaning up,

"You missed a few cans over there"

Jin spoke, causing the others to pause what they're doing and turn to his direction, which is on the steps center landing. Jin was leaning his weight on the guard rails as he watched the six boys below,

"I'm going to bathe, this place better be clean when I'm done"

Jin left and the others started to clean quickly.

The six got the job done and just in time when Jin started to walk down the stairs, looking around and making sure it is to his liking,

"We have work to do. I need all of you on level heads, which means bo excessive robberies, no awalling and no sexblood cravings or whatever the hell you have to cope with"

"Really, you have to put that there?"

"You're a freak, do your freaky shit when the job is done... That's all I'm saying"

"Whatever man, where do we have to start?"

Tension was thick between Jin and Yoongi, obviously Jin wasn't to keen on finding out that Yoongi has a blood kink and also that Hoseok and Jimin encourages it, but to each their own.

"Ok so first things first. My brothers, we get them and their minions will be with us. My father on the other hand never stays in the same place twice, he always moves and we would definitely need to crack some skulls to figure out his next five locations"


"Would you like to be easily found? No! So you think a step ahead but he does three so we would have to do five!"

Jin watched as they begin to calculate in their heads of moving five steps ahead. Which means for all of them, they would have to anticipate alot of errors and be quick witted to correct them.

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