Episode 14

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It's officially three weeks since they entered Toronto and now Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi are in a huge loft waiting for the arrival of the love birds.
Yoongi was laying on the floor listening to the tv instead of watching it and Namjoon was questioning Jimin about his favorite rifle while it's being cleaned.

Jin was in the kitchen preparing lunch with the help of Hoseok when he heard the rattling of keys, he peeped his head around the corner to see Jungkook and Taehyung kissing, hard.
Jins face twisted in disgust at the view, but was quite impressed that Jungkook managed to close and lock the door without breaking the kiss.

The love birds didn't care about who was watching now, which is everyone, as they wanted to make up for the time they weren't together.
Jungkook had his lover pinned to the wall as they both searched each other with their hands, with moans and groans filling the small hallway.
Jin cleared his throat multiple times to get their attention but failed and decided to just let them know,

"Your room is down the hall on the right, last door"

Taehyung managed to give a breathy lust filled, "Thanks hyung" when Jungkook left his lips and began to attack his neck, pulling Taehyung even closer to him to get more friction.
Jungkook lightly squeezed Taehyungs ass and whispers in his ear,

"Jump baby, I've missed you so damn much that I'm going to fuck you to next sunday!"
And who was Taehyung to ignore as he did as told. Jungkook wasted no time in supporting his lovers weight and began marching his way to their assigned bedroom. When would they come out, no one knows.

It has officially been two months that they're together in the loft and no one has left. Anything they needed they ordered online and waited for delivery, food, clothes, guns but in pieces, ammo and knives alot of knives. They are like preparing for war. They knew they had to be extra cautious, their heads are wanted an many people might have surrounded them already waiting for someone to slip up!

Yoongi was by the dining table assessing the array of knives layed out, some he knew very well, some he dreamed about and some he never knew existed,

"Were these always on the market?"

He asked Jin without batting an eye to the others direction, Yoongi figured out everyone's walking pattern and could now tell them apart,

"No, some recently came out, others are for elites... How did you know it was me?"

Jin asked as he pulled a chair by the table and started to admire the blades before them,

"You have a distinct walking pattern, you are often heavy on your left"

Jin nodded his head in silent agreement as they continued to go through their knife collection. Things were sort of silent in the loft as they were monitoring their surroundings from their windows on occasion.

Tonight however there was panic within the trio, Hoseok was with Yoongi for the night as they agreed that Jimin will be with him after. Hoseok hastily made his way to Jimins room and with slight panic, knocked his door as if his life depends on it. Jimin groggily got to his door to see a nervous Hoseok,

"What happen?"

Jimin, still trying to gather himself as he tried his hardest to open his eyes properly,

"Yoongi was having nightmares and now he's not breathing, I -"

Hoseok words were cut when Jimin brushed pass him and bolted to Yoongis room, the door was left open by Hoseok and Jimin swiftly made it to Yoongis side with Hoseok not to far behind,

"How long has he been in a nightmare?"

Jimin asked but Hoseok was nervously biting his nails, unable to focus properly,


"T-twenty minutes, a-about twenty minutes"


Jimin checked Yoongis pulse on his neck and found it faint and slow, observing him, his lips started to turn blue and his skin is becoming more pale, Yoongis nightmare is killing him.
Jimin is now attempting to revive Yoongi, for him to snap out of his dream. What the hell is he dreaming that would make him stop breathe?

Jimin is trying his best, but his efforts will be in vain if he doesn't get Yoongi up! He tried tapping his face, slapping, shaking and using something cold to shock the body to life but nothing. Checking his pulse again it got slowwer than before, he knows he is loosing Yoongi,

"Go and get Namjoon, now!"

Jimin commanded and Hoseok immediately left to do so,

"Kitty, you have to fucking wake up! Dieing in your sleep is a bitchass move"

Jimin whispered as he held two fingers by Yoongis neck to make sure he's still alive. Namjoon came in the room with something that looked like a flashlight,


His voice was baritoned as he was in deep sleep holding Jin when he was awaken.
Namjoon held the flashlight object to Yoongis chest and then, 'tictictictictic' little flashes of light could be seen from it, causing Yoongi to suddenly open his eyes and gasp for air,

"Did you just fucking teaser him?"

"Yes. I jump started his heart, and sent the body into shock to function, just say thanks"

"What the hell man"

"You're welcome"

During their back and forth, Yoongi was having a coughing fit and was completely unaware of his surroundings, it was as if his nightmare came to life as he saw with blurry vision, two people talking and one trying to get to him,

"Whoever the fuck you are... Out! Get the fuck out!"

Yoongi spoke as he tried to gather himself properly to sit up. The conversation between Namjoon and Jimin came to a halt when they heard him,

"Yoongi, please. We can't leave you in this condition"


"NO! You nearly fucking died. I'm staying here"


By now Yoongi has came to his senses and can now recognize the people in the room,

"What do you mean die?"

He asked the question but he was still catching his breath, inhaling deeply as he looked at the three males in the room,

"You had a severe form of sleep apnea, your lungs refused to function for almost forty minutes", was Namjoons first set if words,

"Has this ever happened?" he continues,

"No. But I don't normally sleep on my back"

"You were blue to the lips Yoongs, you looked pale, even your heart rate dropped to almost nothing"

"You serious right now?"

Yoongis question left his room in silence and that was the confirmation that he needed, although he usually sleeps on one side or his stomach, it was very rare for him to be on his back and now that he had the nightmare whilst on his back made things even worse.

"What were you dreaming?"

Jimim asked as he leaned on the desk that was opposite the bed,

"It's a normal one, dad choking me and mom standing there doing nothing to help. Normally I would get up and fight, but I guess I couldn't this time"

"So while you were suffocating in your dream... You also did in real" Hoseok lightly breathed out as the earlier situation played back in his head,

"Now we know... You can't sleep alone"

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