Episode 20

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It's 9:15pm and they have arrived successfully. The plan so far has gone to their parameters and no one wants it to change. At least not yet, not until Jin arrives, which should be in about a days time.

Coming out of the airport, they could feel multiple eyes on them from different places and different angles. It felt creepy, disgusting and disturbing but as long as no one attempts to do anything, they should be fine.
It's been some years for Namjoon but plenty years for Yoongi and Hoseok since they left Seoul and plenty memories came flooding backwhile they were on their way to Namjoons place, the groups designated meeting place.

Upon arriving, they could see the place was built lilr a fortress, thick tall walls painted black with cameras on each corner and electric lines on top , a huge black metal gate that is also electrified. Entering the compound you can see the grey building that looks more commercial than residential with bulletproof glass and armored steel,

"We're you preparing for an apocalypse or something?"

Hoseok asked, which made Namjoon laugh and Yoongi silently waiting for an answer to the same question he had on his mind,

"No man... Like I said, what Jin wants... He gets! The land is mine, I inherited it along with some other stuff when my grandparents passed, it was just sitting here so he asked to build on it, after all we're going to get married soon"

"Cool, cool. Congrats on that wedding thing too"

"Yeah, let's hope we comr out alive in this first"

Entering the house, well I mean fortress, Namjoon explained everything to them and where they would be sleeping. Obviously some arrangements would have to be made for the Yoongi Jimin Hoseok situation. But that could come  tomorrow, they are all tired and would like to sleep as much as possible.

Like clock work, the next day the other three arrived at the mansions gate, all looking at it in awe as the gate open for them to enter and were even more astonished by the mansions interior,

"Now it's just to wait for Jin, have any of you heard from him?"

Namjoon asked, watching their faces which were all showing signs of no.
One more day is left before they start their plan in Seoul, let's hope that Jin makes it.

Well actually, Jin is in the airport at the moment, being chased by 'security' through a private area. He has literally been on the run since they left the loft, breathing out some explicits he intend to loose them before he gets on a plane, but it seem like that plan would have to be scrapped. He must leave Canada today whether they want him to or not.

Cutting through corners and endless hallways, Jin lead them in a circular chase. The airport is like a maze and Jin wants to get them cornered without him being cornered, he knows he would miss his actual flight which means he would have to fly himself and in a busy airport lile this one, it would be hard to go unnoticed.

One more corner, just one more corner and he can lose them temporarily, the hallway he lead them on has four doors and at the end you could go either way, to his luck there was a cleaning cart stationed at the end of the hallway, which means a janitor would be coming to collect soon, or not. Either way it would be a good spot to hide and breathe a bit. He broke all the doors locks to make it look like he tried to enter them then jumped into the cart and covered himself with empty cleaning products and remained still, silent, listening to the men looking through each room.
Feeling the cart move, he hopes its the janitor and not one of them,

"Check either side of this hall!"

Was what he heard in a distance as the cart he is in was pushed away, cool air turned to warm air as the janitor left the interior of the airpot and went outside to dump his trash findings, Jin shot out of the cart and thanked the very surprised and stiff female janitor. Givung her the remaining of his cash as a thank you, he took his belonginga and bolted down the tarmac looking for a jet.

He's passing multiple hangers, some of which were for service only and others to serve as barking for light planes and helicopters. One more hanger and he is in luck, there's a jet and to make it even better it's all black, checking to see if the door is unlocked, he laughs and shakes his head when he sees that it is, but the interior still feels cold and the door is warm which means the jet arrived moments ago,

"Sorry whoever owns this. But thanks for the plane"

Dropping his bag on one of the seats he came out and removed all tags and the wheel stops, tossing them where ever. Getting inside and locking the door he sat in the pilots seat, starting to bring the plane to life. Checking everything including fuel, he has just enough to make it to Seoul, he would have to leave without his radar and enter just the same.
With a light roar of the engines he taxied his way out the hanger, he can't use a runway, that's a definite death wishhe would have to use a taxi way to leave. He's even more insane than I thought.

Watching the taxiway he is on that is close to the hanger, it seems clear enough to use and use it he does as he turned the plane and pushed for full power, using only the taxi light he took off, watching another huge jet take of beside him. It's a risk but he has to take it.
Dropping his altitude a bit he waited to see which direction the plane is taking and then he took his own, increasing his altitude to the max the plane can take. Using his instruments he set his coordinates for auto pilot to take over, all he can do now is take quick naps and monitor the flight. He's hungry, thirsty and tired. But food and drink could wait, he need a rested brain to function when it's time to land.

The owner of the plane however wasn't to pleased that he just arrived from Seoul to find his uncle's gift to him gone, a group of guards came and were immediately yelled upon when they too saw the missing jet,

"Uncle Nim gave me that fucking jet, none of you stayed with it? How the fuck are we to get cousin Jin back home if there's no jet to take him? Bunch of fucking idots!"

Not knowing that the jet is currently doing the same thing he was supposed to do right now!

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