Episode 19

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"A truck, they took a fucking truck!"

"They couldn't have gone far, call the crew and tell them to get on the highway just in case, we will corner them and end their lives"

"But they wanted shadow alive"

"In a minute they would want everyone dead if we don't get them!"

The men were at each others throats as they followed instructions and got into their vehicles. They had the boys right under their noses and in a blink of an eye they're gone, for sure their boss wouldn't like to hear this one bit.

While they were racing to get to their intended targets, the three were just about to hit the highway, picking up speed.

The sun is about to set and in the distance they could see, what looks like a blockade,

"Already?" Jimin said,

"They're like little pests"

"They're not much, we could plough through"

"No, something's off"

The closer they got, the clearer they saw that the men who blocked the road had an array of weapons pointed in their direction, cars that were in front of them began to slow down,

"We cannot stop!"


"I count six cars ahead of us, blow your horn for them to clear out, we will use the container to clear a path"

" You guys are insane, no wonder you're nicknamed Bunny and Clyde"

Taehyung smiled at Jimins words then stretched over to give Jungkook a kiss before opening the door to unhitch the trailer. The two knew exactly what to do without saying anything to each other.
Taehyung was basically hanging on as he slowly made his way to the trailer while Jungkook picked up speed, honking his horn for cars to clear a path. Taehyung is now on between the truck and trailer holding onto a service handle, taking off the connectors one by one, knowing that the last two would make its tires lock and detach causing the trailer to swerve.

He's waiting, timing and trusting the person he loves who is driving like a menace to society, then he removed the last two cables and held onto the truck for dear life. The trailer dropped at its front and started to dig the road causing it to turn then flip itself multiple times. The people who were in the blockade ran for their lives, not for the truck that is about to plough through center, but the high speed rolling trailer that is behind it.

The truck crashed through two vehicles, sending them to either side of the highway and a few seconds after the trailer did what it was supposed to do, crashing and crushing the other vehicles that were in the blockade. The moment the truck rammed i to the vehicles, it felt as if they hit a deep hole in the road,

"Oh! The road is bumpy today!" Jungkook said, making Jimin laugh as he stuck his head out to watch the mayhem they have caused, Taehyung too was admiring the damage they have cause and also noticed that the two vehicles that were following them previously is now blocked by his beautiful piece of art.

There's a tunnel up ahead, Jungkook would take the opportunity to slow down for Taehyung to come back into the cab.
It's been a while, but somehow they made it to the small airport on the outskirts of a small city. The plane was already checked and pilots ready for departure when they arrived with an almost broken down and overheated truck.

They were helped with their stuff and entered the plane for their 20hr flight, as the plane took off and the seat belt sign dimmed they organized themselves for much needed rest, they had a long and very eventful day and would be having more when they arrive in Seoul.

On the other hand, while Namjoon and Hoseok was waiting for their flight, an announcement came over and told the passengers that there is a delay and the flight would be scheduled to leave in two hours. Of course the two are now on high alert because of their particular situation. Namjoon was sitting not to far from the gate that is flight is assigned to and he felt someone sit behind him, it could be a stranger, it could be someone who wants to kill him or it could be Hoseok. The thing is that he couldn't just turn around, he had to play it as if he wasnt disturbed the slightest,

"There were three men that followed you"

It was Yoongi, Yoongi was the one who sat behind Namjoon whispering, but loud enough for him to hear while facing the other direction with earphones on his ears. The earphone is not doing anything but making it look as if he is talking to someone and or listening to music,

"I got rid of them one by one. Let's hope that they don't get noticed until we leave"

Namjoon felt a form of relief, not only Hoseok is here, Yoongi made it as well but by the sound of Yoongis whispers, it seems like he's in pain.
Two hours, when you're nervous, two hours takes forever and a day to pass. They couldn't even use anything electronic as they could be tracked easily,so they would have to pass the time, in boredom.
Seoul, the only place they know to the back if their hands. Seven boys who left for different circumstances are now heading back for the same circumstance, Pdnim. They would be at their advantage when they reach in Seoul and when it's all over it may be possible that they might stay there... Or not.

'Good evening passengers, flight 4822 destined for Itaewon, Seoul is now boarding at Gate 9. We ask passengers with seat numbers 1 through 80 to kindly begin boarding at this time. This is a gentle reminder to switch all electronic devices off or on airplane mode while on the flight. Thank you for your cooperation'

"Finally, I thought I would be stuck here forever",

Namjoon said as he got up and did a light stretch while making his way to the gate, he was followed by Yoongi and not to far behind Hoseok. Their long flight ahead would contain many risks, food, beverage and snacks could be tampered with, which means if they don't want to turn into rabid animals on the flight, they would have to ask for everything to be opened in front of them. At least they are close to each other, they saw that when they sat in their seats. It's going to be a long one, let's hope noting happens while they try to relax on the flight.

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