Episode 34

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"What do you mean they're taken care of?"

Jin was questioning his sister as he followed her through the mansion. She returned two days after she left a note saying she had work to do, something apparently they have in common. Yoongi was sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen watching Jungkook cook pork pieces for lunch, while Taehyung and Jimin were cutting vegetables for the side dishes,

"Oppa, I meant what I said by taken care of okay. The site no longer has the story up and they have publicly apologized about their post... So back up!"

"My god, you're a menace! You, little sis, you are impossible"

"I think you mean improbable but okay"

Jin held his right fist up so tightly that it started to tremble, then pointing his index finger at her,

"You're going to be the death of me"

"Nope, I don't think so"

Their conversation ended when the arrived in the kitchen and was greeted by everyone,

"Where's Namjoon?"

"Taking a bath, he was in the gym earlier"

And just like that, their bantering has ended and lunch was served just in time as Namjoon came down stairs. While eating Yoongi was, at times, scratching a scar on his right wrist. The scar isn't noticeable at first glance as it would look like a light lipstick smear, but up close you could still see where the stitches were,

"Is there something wrong?" [Jimin]

"It just itches alot"

"Let me see?" [Jin]

"Yoongs this is really red, how long have you been scratching?"

"It started today"

"Any idea why?"


Hoseok was in his own world until he heard of Yoongis itching scar, his fork dropped out of his hand causing everyone to look at him.
He's starting to go into a slight panic, he hasn't seen Yoongi scratch that scar in years since the left Korea the first time, Hoseoks eyes darted about as his mind ran through many thoughts, he can't believe it, he doesn't want to believe it,

"Hobi? What's wrong?" [Jimin]

"She knows, that bitch knows where he is, or shall I say, alive."

Namjoon eyes widen, he knows who's the  female Hoseok is talking about,

"That post... It was that post wasn't it?"

He asked as the others looked between them completely confused,

"Who is this she?" [Jimin]

"His mother. It's like his body knows when she's around or planning something, it's completely freaky, I know, but it has been like that since we're young"

"So she knows where he is?"

Taehyung slumped a bit on his chair, tossing the napkin on the table while he asked the question. Meanwhile, Yoongi was fighting the urge not to scratch the scar that she gave him.

"This is ridiculous, I mean how many times do we have to act like western gunslingers. Can't we just enjoy what we built?" [Jungkook]

Everyone felt bad in some way but Yoongi was feeling it the most. The quietness that he has been getting for rest had him mentally going back in time, regretting what he did in one instance and not regretting at all in another. He's sitting by the dining table, wondering if he should face his past once and for all or just run like he did years ago,

"Yoongi... Whatever is your decision is on this, we'll back you up... We know this is something you would have to do on your own, but we will be there in the shadows." [Jin]

"Don't make us sound creepy hyung" [Taehyung]

"Thanks guys and yes, that does sound creepy"

They all laughed, the mood lightening a bit as they finished their meals.

Meanwhile in Korea, Jins cousin is patiently waiting for him. He wants his plane back and doesn't care how he gets it. Yoongis mother on the other hand has been filing paperwork for her son in the asylum, claiming that he could no longer be fit to take care of himself, having conversations with inanimate objects and having fits of rage on a daily basis. She's doing this and paying a doctor under the table to have the documents stamped and signed so when Yoongi does come back to the country he would be held immediately.

Two weeks has passed and they are at the airport, by the private gate, saying their goodbyes while the plane fuels up. Janette has given them her plane, temporarily of course, to ensure that they make it back safely. The boys prepare to board, but Janette held Yoongi back, she was facing him but more to his side and softly spoke something to him, Jin was curious as he saw Yoongis smile drop from whatever she had just told him. He watched it all as she lightly patted his shoulder and left without turning around, Yoongi made his way up the stairs and passed the very worried yet curious Jin,

"What did she tell you? Did she threaten you to join?"

"She found out something...disturbing. But then again, I shouldn't expect less"


Their conversation continued while they buckled up and the safety briefing played, it's going to be a hefty seven hour flight. As it turns out, the same night she heard about Yoongis mother, she investigated it the next day and found out what she had done. Janette knew it wasn't her place to do something but when she told Yoongi about what she found out, she didn't hesitate to tell him that her entire crew is at his disposal if he wanted.
The hours spent im the air wasn't wasted as they got everything in order, all they have to do is print their digitally signed paperwork. Anything is possible and they are not taking any chances.

After some sleep and some dirty conversations, they are now in South Koreans airspace making their final turn before their descent, the closer they get the the airport the more angry Yoongi got. He couldn't believe it, his new family, who is in the same aircraft as him, cared for him more than his own parents who is his own blood. Now he knows that whoever said 'blood is thicker than water', was talking a pile of BS.

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