Episode 16

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"I want to smell blood"

"No, when you smell blood you get horny"

"What so wrong with that?"

"We can't be fucking while we're trying to kill people"

"Who says we can't?"

"Have you ever tried?"


"Well I rest my case"

Hoseok and Yoongi were having their conversation whilst everyone was watching tv, it's two days before their life or death match with Pdnims minions and the rest of the world. They are trying to have their hopefully not final moments in peace.

They have been careful, like super careful with what they eat and order. A few times they were met with assassins who claimed to be delivery drivers and postal workers, a few are of whom Jin knew from growing up.
Yoongi, although never used a gun, was given a short course on the different ones and their ammunition. He loves knives and he believes that a gun would only be his last resort when he has no more blades to use.

Jungkook and Taehyung are able to use either or, however, Jungkook is favoring a metal baseball bat recently and the one he has is from Taehyung as an anniversary gift. Taehyung has two desert eagles, both with a gold trigger and barrel, one engraved bunny and the other clyde, they're his pride and joy.

Namjoon was never really into the weaponry but more into technology, so he also got a crash course again with Jin when he mistakenly dismantled a gun and was unable to assemble it again. Jin knew Namjoon would have to be in a place safe to do his evil electronic bidding but the problem is would it be safe enough to do so.
Hoseok would also be joining Namjoon on the technology side of this death mission, he can defend himself, fucking around with Yoongi thought him that, but as an extra security for Namjoon Hoseok would be on the computer and keeping guard.

It's like all of them were counting down the hours to leave the semi safe four walls they called home for the past few months to venture out into whatever is about to greet them. They knew once they leave the doors threshold everyone has to keep themselves alive for four days. Well they hope it would be over in four days, their list of people to take down is long and Jin reserved the rights to his brothers and father, he wants no one to lay a finger on him except for him.

It is now the night before and no one could sleep a wink Jin and Namjoon were on the couch, eyes open while snuggled in each other's arms in silence, Jin had his head on Namjoons chest while playing with his shirt and Namjoon was lightly brushing his fingers through Jins hair, neither wanted to say anything.

Yoongi was a sandwich between Jimin and Hoseok, all three were on their backs watching the ceiling, with Jimin on the left and Hoseok on the right, they too didn't want to speak anywords. Jimin propped his hand under his head and gave a deep sigh, that was the only sound that filled the empty room.

Taehyung and jungkook were in their room snuggled together as well, they were spooning with Jungkook laying behind the love of his life. This is the first time since the seven of them met and the loft was so quiet. Taehyung couldn't take the silence anymore and gently removed himself from his lovers hold, without looking back, he made his way to their shower, turning it on to drown the light sobs he let out.
It feels weird for him, he just found a family and from tomorrow he wouldn't know if he or they would make it.
Jungkook sat on the bed when he saw Taehyung got up and headed to the shower, he knows Taehyung had found peace with the six of them and he feels hurt that the peace they once had is crumbling in front of them.

Its the morning of and they would start their massacre from their windows. Those months didn't idly passed by, they knew evey apartment around their area that had people waiting to kill them. Jin called first shot and is now assembling his rifle, his choice for first shot is a couple who resides in an apartment two stories up from theirs across the street. Jimin has been eyeing the people around them through the blinds a month now and saw multiple patterns.
Jin, finalizing his assembly and loading his ammunition began to adjust his scope, while Jimin slightly opened the blinds so that the barrel can sneak through and their scopes has clear view,

"Wind, 10" Jimin spoke,

"Your clarity?"

"300 meters"

"Target, 100 meters west, 40° North. Apartment window with a blue ledge"



Jimin and Jin were like a well oiled machine, while Jin sat on the coffee table with his rifle propped on the windows ledge, he kept his eye and hand steady waiting for instruction. Jimin went and told Yoongi that it's time for him to leave, Yoongi would be the first to exit the building to make it to his check point, he would be their first distraction and bait. With a kiss from Hoseok and a good luck from Namjoon, he left the loft and within minutes he was outside, making his way to his first stop. Jimin went back to the window and watched carefully, licking his lower lip waiting for them to make a move.

As predicted the couple that had their eyes on them made their move,



"Wind 20 east, target 150 meters"




Two rounds exited their loft with so much power that it formed a small dust and smoke plume,


"Alright, everyone rack up let's kill"

The four boys hustled their stuff while Jimin helped with dismantling the gun. Within five minutes everyone was out of the loft, three exited through the back, two through the fire escape on the side and one through the front.
By the time they made it out, their loft was completely mangled by bullets. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung hijacked a car and sped off, there's a place they have to go and Jimin can't wait to get there. They've four days to meet in one location, South Korea, where they are all from but more specifically, Seoul.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook arrived at the location. From the car the place looks abandoned, even the gate looks rusted away but how wrong was that thought when Jimin revealed the truth of it all... It's a safe house, but only for his weapons which are located underground,

"These guns are sick!"

"Thanks, take what you can, bullets as well"

The boys did as instructed, Jungkook took something very special, a smile dressed his face as he caressed it,

"You could never know. We may need it!"

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