Episode 23

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Massacre Day 2

Jin and his brother found themselves in a B&B, after calling Namjoon and letting them know his situation, they are currently waiting for their ride to come.

Unexpectedly, their ride came as a firetruck, driven by Taehyung, with sirens active and not to far behind was Hoseok and Jungkook in police vehicles, wearing what looked like police uniforms.
They made a scene in front of the B&B, making it look like a real emergency. A few minutes after you could hear the ambulance arrive and by now there's a crowd trying to figure out what the hell is going on. With the blinding lights flashing, they were escorted on two stretchers in body bags, these boys really over did it this time but props to them for a successful retrieval!

With all four vehicles racing to get to the highway and to a location that they could dump the vehicles, Hoseok was the first to notice that they have a tail, five to be exact. Pulling the radio,

"Guys we have tails"

"It's ok the truck is full with fire retardant, everyone get in front Taehyung race on ahead we'll meet you in a bit"

Jungkook cut the connection and watched the ambulance and the other police vehicle race off and he drove in front of Taehyung as they gradually picked up speed, there's a  turn coming up and they would use it to their advantage. By now they are both at Taehyung's max speed and the curve is coming, the cars that are following them is really close and trying their hardest to take over but Taehyung is not letting them.

Then, Taehyung pressed a button for the tank to empty its white foamy contents just before the curve starts, the car closest to the firetruck was decorated white and swerved into a lamp post. The others tried their best to avoid the slippery contents only for two to crash in a truck runaway lane, the remaining two are still hot on their tail. If they can't get them all now, they wouldn't be able to meet the others, so Taehyung stepped on the brakes hard causing one of the cars to rear end it causing it to be stuck under the tires, he has  one more to get rid of and that very same car swerved just in time to avoid collision and coming up to the side of the truck with windows down and guns out.

They started to fire, the trucks door became more holy than swiss cheese. Taehyung on the other hand, exited through the passenger door and took cover from one of the trucks tyres hiding himself and arming his gun. Taehyung is a waste not want not kind of guy when it comes to weaponry and he prefers one shot one kill, so, running to the back of the truck he squinted and got all their positions,

'Bang, bang, bang... Bang'

"That last bastard ducked... Bitch"

Jungkook was long gone and by the time he came back on the other side of the highway, Taehyung was patiently waiting, probably to rip his man head off by leaving him to deal with those bastards. Running across the now traffic jammed highway to meet his lover, he was met with a gun pointed to him,

"Baby, I'm sorry. When I saw you hit the brekes, I thought you started driving again"

"Boy, if you don't kiss me right now, I will shoot"

"You got it babe, but we can't stay long we have to go"

Receiving his kiss, they ran across the highway and sped off, making the turn to head to their original direction.

In the mean time, the others have already abandoned their vehicles and are half way to their mansion of a fortress. Only to find it under attack. Jonny has sent his minions to take it down, but since they were una le to get through the front or back, they decided to shoot, grenade and rocket launch wherever they can.
Half the mansion is in shambles and Jin is beyond furious. The house he asked Namjoon ro build for them to live in, that very same one that he was waiting patiently to enter and call it home, is now almost half standing.

He is beyond pissed, while the others were beyond shocked to even notice that he took two guns and stepped out the car and began to shoot,

"You mother fuckers think this is funny!"

Bodies drop like flies, some of the men were slow to respond to the hail of bullets that was brought upon them by Jin,

"I've waited so fucking long to see my house and now its in shambles"

One gun is now empty, by then the others came out to assist. Jin didn't care if he got hit by a bullet or two, he was filled with rage knowing his father died by his youngest hand and now the youngest is trying to kill him because he sees him as a threat. Jin never had interest in ruling after his father but now, now that his baby brother thought he was coming for the throne makes him livid. Jonny has touched a really bad nerve and he must pay for that,

"Leave one alive, I have a message for my brother"

Doing so, they held down the one man who was left alive saw the rage that Jin was carrying, enough to make anyone piss themselves in fear,

"I have a message for your master, where is your device?"

The man showed him the earpiece and microphone, Jin unhooked it from his ear and pressed to speak,

"Jonnnnnnnnyyyyy, you're trying to kill mmmmeeeeeee and I'm not hhhhaaaaaaaappppppppy..."
His voice sang at first but then,

"I'm coming for you boy, I'm tired of these games. You think you're better than me? You fucking think I wanted your throne? You fucking touched my dream house, put it to rubble and now I'm going to do the same to your brain you fuck. Let him hear that I killed his men. 'Bang' "

With that Jin killed the connection of the earpiece, everyone around him was to shocked to believe what they just witnessed, even Namjoon.
When the dust had settled, the others arrived and the remaining boys who were home came out from the saftey basement, all watching Jin as he thinked with rage,


"Gather anything and everything that is viable, whatever that cam be used as weapons, take these bastards own as well, I have a dumb fuck to kill"

Jin said as he walked off, direction, his broken home and the others silently folled like his puppies.

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